The One Who Did It

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 22, 2040//Friday//

"Asahi did this to you?!"

I was at a loss of words when I heard from Megumin's mouth that Asahi was the culprit. Why did Asahi do this to Megumin? Is it because of the money that will be given to the last person standing just like what Ichi told us?

That can't be right. Why would Asahi, a famous film director, do something like this just for the money?

"Do you have the same thoughts as I have, Kiyoko?"

"What do you mean, Machida?" Megumin asked.

"It really does not make sense at all. If this is because of the reward that Ichi told us about, why did Asahi, a famous film director who earns a lot of money, do this to you?"

"I also do not know… But I am telling the truth. Asahi is really the one who helped me cook our lunch earlier."

Is Asahi really the one who did this to Megumin? I looked at Kei, and he was also at a loss for words. We can't just accuse Asahi that he is the culprit behind this incident.

Even if Megumin was a witness, we have no concrete evidence that he is really the one who did it. It is easy for him to deny that he is the one who did it if we don't have evidence to show it.

"Kiyoko, can we talk outside?"

"Sure, but give me a second. I want to stay longer with Megumin here."

"Suit yourself. I'll wait for you outside. Megumin, thank you for the information."

Kei left the room leaving the two of us in the clinic. I was really surprised that someone like Kei suddenly thanked Megumin for the information she gave. Is he trying to get along with everyone else or is he thankful because that information benefited him?

But whatever his reason is, the way he thanked Megumin was genuine, and I am glad that he did that kind of thing.

"Hey Sasaki, are you angry at Asahi for doing this to me?"

When I looked at Megumin, I could see how concerned he was for Asahi even if she knew that he was the one who poisoned her. But there is something that keeps on bothering me.

Is Asahi really the one who did it?

"I don't know what to feel, Megumin. I am still considering the possibility that Asahi is not the one who did this to you. Do you know what kind of poison you consumed earlier?"

"I have no idea…" Megumin said.

"You consumed something that is contained with Arsenic that can be lethal to you, and it takes effect after 30 minutes. Asahi might be the most likely culprit since he is the one who helped you with the cooking, but I am still considering that someone else did this to you, Megumin."

"You have a point…"

"Well then, I will be leaving now. Kei might be waiting for me outside since he wanted to talk to me. I'll message Kanade later to check on you."

"Sasaki, can I trust Kanade? If you said that anyone can be the culprit and not just Asahi, can I trust her?"

"Don't worry, Megumin. Kanade is not the culprit. Trust her."

"Sasaki… Are you saying that because the two of you are close to each other? Sasaki, I'm scared. What if Kanade is not who you thought it would be?"

Megumin has a point. We have been living together for a month, and it is not enough to know each other very well. But…

"If that's the case Megumin, you can just trust me on what I am telling you."

"If you say so, Sasaki. I can trust you then."

I messaged Kanade to watch for Megumin until she recovered, and then I left the clinic leaving Megumin resting there alone inside. Kei was waiting for me in front of the door, and I stood beside him.

"I heard your conversation earlier." Kei said.

"Is that so?"

I knew that Kei would eavesdrop on our conversation while waiting for me. After all, what happened right now is considered a case for him, he will do everything to get information from anyone even if it means eavesdropping on others.

"How can you be so sure that Kanade is not the culprit, Kiyoko?"

"Kanade knows a lot about chemicals, since that is one of the things she excels at. If she is the one who attempted to kill Megumin, why would she use Arsenic instead of something that can kill someone instantly?"

"You have a point, Kiyoko."

"Besides, what Megumin told us earlier really bothers me. If Asahi helped Megumin cook for our lunch then he is the most likely to be the one who did it."

"But do you really think that Asahi is the one who did it, and not anyone else?"

That is what I am still thinking about. If the culprit really is Asahi, why would he do something that is obvious?

Doesn't he know that we have Kanade, a professional in medicine? No, that is impossible. He should be aware that there is a possibility that Megumin would survive.

"Well then, Kiyoko, I'm heading to the cafeteria to eat. This incident interrupted my lunch."

"You should first dispose of what Megumin cooked for our lunch."

"Yeah alright. Just message me Kiyoko if you need something else."

"Now we know why the culprit tried to poison, Megumin. No, that is not what the culprit even intended to do."

"Oh, Kiyoko. Great minds do really think alike."

If I simulate what happened to Megumin, and Asahi earlier in the kitchen inside my head. Asahi, or the real culprit, mixed the Arsenic in the food when they were done cooking, and he did not expect that Megumin would taste what they cooked again.

Then that means…

"The culprit wants to poison all of us when we eat our lunch together."

"You really are smart, Kiyoko. Oh by the way, before I leave you here, I have a word of advice for you."

"What is it, Kei?" I asked.

"Your emotions are not needed in this case. If your emotions get the best of you, we might not find who the culprit really is."

Kei left me and went inside the elevator. Kei was right, I may be smart, but when it comes to people, especially those who I have been with, it is really hard to suspect one of them.

Maybe I still can't believe that someone is really trying to kill all of us?

Why are you even asking that question to yourself, Kiyoko Sasaki? Ichi told us that a way to get out of here is to kill everybody. You should always consider this possibility. No, I always consider that possibility.

It's just that my emotions really get the best of me that I started to think irrationally.


******** TO BE CONTINUED ********