
*Ryo Asahi's POV*

//July 8, 2040//Sunday//

*Beep!* *BEEP*


"Fuck me, that was loud."

It's been Two weeks since someone poisoned Megumin, and we still haven't found out who is the one behind it.

Sasaki told us to eat what Ichi is providing us in our rooms for the meantime until we find out who is the culprit, and it kind of sucks to eat the same snacks every day.

Sigh… But what can we do? Sasaki also told us that the culprit might be targeting everyone, not just Megumin. If Megumin tried to cook for us again, who knows when someone will attempt to poison us again.

"Chips for breakfast again."

I have been eating junk food for the past two weeks, and it's not like I really care about eating unhealthy foods every day.

It's been a habit of mine even before I went here to Saitei University to consume my daily dose of chips. The crunchiness of every bite of the chip was addicting, and it feels like a drug, I can't really live without it. No seriously, it really is addicting. Call me weird if you want. But my body is starting to feel sick after only eating this kind of food for 2 weeks, and I am too lazy to make my own food.


But still, I feel bad for Megumin for not being able to cook for us. As a chef, it might hurt her so much not to make food for everyone. Aaaaah… I miss Megumin's cooking so much.

When will this suffering end?


I opened my phone to look at who messaged me at this hour.

"Hey, message me after you have eaten your breakfast. You are still going to teach me about Filmmaking."

Aaaaaaaah… Such a pain in the ass… I told Ichika yesterday that I will be taking a break this day from teaching her stuff about what I know about Cinematography and Filmmaking. I have been teaching Ichika for a while, and I must say, she really is interested in these kinds of things.

She asks me a lot of things that she is curious about. Sometimes, it is tiring to answer it one by one, but every time I look at her with that interest of hers in Cinematography, and Filmmaking, it really soothes my heart to see someone as passionate as her.

"But please Ichika, give me a break today."

I ignored Ichika's message and decided what movies I will watch for the whole day. I need my alone time once in a while, and it is really exhausting to interact with people every day.

You might be asking, why do I have a personality like this even if I am a famous film director, aren't film directors supposed to be sociable, and proactive? Well, I'm not like those people.

First of all, No one knows what I really look like except for the people here inside. Showing what you look like, and what your personality is to people is a pain in the ass, and that is why I decided to not show my face to the public.

Who would like to follow someone like me, am I right? I'm only a college student, and I have a lazy personality. If the people knew what I look like, The director they know as Ryo Asahi might get looked down on.


I picked the movies that I will be watching for today and sat on the floor in front of the television. Ichi might be someone that I really hate, but I thank him for providing me with a huge variety of movies that I can watch when I have the time.

I really love movies, like a lot. But this passion of mine is only in watching movies, and not my job of directing the movies that I made. Those two are completely different things.

My passion for movies is what drove me to become a director, but I never expected that becoming one is one huge mistake that I made in my life. My reason why being a director is a big mistake?

Well, the thing is…


It was probably Ichika who was knocking at the door. She is the only one who would want to see me at this hour. It might be because I ignored her message earlier, and now she is in front of the door to see me in person. Ichika might even be pissed at me since I did not reply to her message at all.


Fuck. She won't stop knocking at my door, and it keeps on getting louder every time.

I got annoyed and stood up from my seat to open the door. I saw Ichika who was really pissed at me.

"Oi, why did you not reply to my message earlier?" Ichika asked

"I told you yesterday. I wanted to take a break today."

"Come on Asahi, you can relax, and teach me at the same time in the library."

I ignored Ichika, and I was about to close the door. Suddenly, Ichika stopped it with his hand, and I looked back at her with an irritated face.

"What the hell? I told you that I want to take a break. I can teach you tomorrow. Sorry, but business hours are closed today."

"No, it should be now. You can teach me, and take a break at the same time."

This girl… I don't have any choice, do I? Even if I ignore her, Ichika will still keep on insisting on what she wants. Then you can't even call this a break when there is a nuisance bothering you.

"Sigh… Fine then."
