A Family

*Ryo Asahi's POV*

//July 8, 2040//Sunday//

Ichika cheered happily when I agreed to teach her today. Sigh… Well, I think it's not that bad at all to be with her. But I still really want my alone time. I fixed my room first before leaving, and Ichika even helped me clean my room even if there was just a little trash to clean.

"Well then, let's go." Ichika said.

We went upstairs and entered the library. The two of us went to where the books about filmmaking are and picked some that I can teach to Ichika. We then headed to a corner of the study area and sat down.

"Hey, Asahi, I have a question."

We haven't even started yet, and Ichika is now asking me something. How many questions will she be asking me today?

Ten times? A hundred? Or maybe a thousand? Well, if it's about filmmaking then it will be fine.

"What's your question, Ichika?"

"What do you think are film directors?" Ichika asked.

"Huh? Isn't that obvious? A film director is the one who handles the artistic aspects of a film and is the one who visualizes the screenplay. Basically, a film director is a key role in every aspect of filmmaking."

"Dumbass, of course, I know those things. What I am asking you is, what do you think are film directors in your own opinion?"

A question that should be answered subjectively? Well I guess, there is no harm in telling Ichika what I think about film directors.

I gave a short sigh and gazed at the ceiling while thinking about it.

"I think of being a film director as being a part of a family."

"A family?" Ichika asked.

I looked back at Ichika who had her head tilted wondering about my answer to her question.

"Well just like in a normal family, everyone has their own roles that they need to do. In filmmaking, it is also the same. We have actors, scriptwriters, designers, producers, and the film director. All of them are essential in creating a film, and I believe that when all of us understand each other, we can create a masterpiece that the audience will truly enjoy."

"Oh… So that is how you are able to make amazing films. It's because you understand one another." Ichika said.

"Yeah… Kind of…"

"A family, huh…"

I looked at Ichika, and she have this gloominess on her face. Did I say something that might have offended her? Well, It's not like I care anyway. That is what I think of being a film director. It is up to her how she interprets my answer.

"Ichika, I have a question for you." I said.

"What is it?"

"Are you asking me to teach you these things every day since I know a lot about them?"

Ichika is the first one who approached me to teach her about what I know in Cinematography, and Filmmaking. Sometimes, I wonder if she was just using me since I know a lot about it. It even makes sense because she even forced me to teach her even if I wanted to take a break today.

"Huh? What are you talking about? You're weird, Asahi. Of course, I am asking you to teach me these things since you know a lot about them."

Figures… What answer did I even expect from someone like Ichika?

"But… At first, that was my only reason. But as time goes by, sometimes I just want to hang out with you."

I never expected that kind of answer from her. Now I feel bad for acting irritated at her earlier when she kept on insisting that I should teach her things today. Hmm…

Could it be?

"Hey, do you have feelings for me?" I asked.

"Drop dead, and fuck you."

Yep, I am thinking about it too much.

"Sorry… Now let's get back to studying, Ichika."

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********