What I Want

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//June 18, 2040//Wednesday//

"I need that reward… I need that Two Billion yen reward…"

When Ichi announced that he will be giving a reward to the last person standing in Saitei University, one thing came to my mind, and that is I must get that money no matter what.

I want to have a normal life, I want to get out of my fucking terrible life. Thinking about it, since we are nowhere to be found in the outside world, isn't it possible that no one will find out if I kill these people here inside?

"Ichi wants us to kill each other in the first place, right? Maybe he will guarantee my safety when I do what he wants."

I really don't want to kill anyone at first. It was pointless. Killing all of them will just affect me in many ways without anything in return.

But now, it is different, when there is a ¥Two Billion on the line, who wouldn't want to have that huge amount of money?

They are fucking pathetic if they don't care about that huge sum of money as a reward.

I have proved to myself to everyone that I don't have any interest in the reward, and even I am the one who encouraged them not to fall for Ichi's offer three days ago.

Human life is not even comparable to money? How stupid can they be? In the first place, I do not believe that money can't buy happiness. Whoever thought of that should just kill themselves. I need money for my happiness.

I need that huge amount of money.

"But how should I kill them?"

I lie down on my bed to think of a way to kill everyone. This is really a difficult task especially since these people are the most gifted students in Japan.

There is no way I can kill one of the boys. All of them are stronger than me, and I will probably get caught immediately for trying to kill one of them.

Should I seduce one of the boys? No, probably that won't work. It might work on Raku, but I doubt that since even if he looks dumb on the outside, he is quite fast to catch on to things.

Sasaki and Machida are the ones who I should be wary of because they are really sharp. Those two are really sensitive when you act suspiciously in front of them.

There is no way I can kill Hyakuzawa, he is also one of the students that I should watch out for.

Kanade and Megumin might be the only ones who are easy to kill, but their talents are what bother me the most.


I threw my pillow on the floor out of frustration. How can I kill these people who are amazing at something? I'm just a fashion designer.



I left my room out of frustration. It was already 11:00 pm, and all of the lights were turned off. This is the first time I saw this university without lights, and I can't see anything at all. It was pitch black, that is all I can see with my eyes. I need to find him, I need his help.

"Where are you Ichi?!"

I used my flashlight on my phone to see through this darkness. It is no good if I were to shout here on the fifth floor to call for Ichi's help. I can't believe I am doing this, I can't believe I need that child's help so I can kill these people.

I went down to the third floor and went inside the Arts room. The Arts room is somewhere that is rarely checked, and I am sure no one can hear me from here when I shout.


No response from him at all. What the hell, I thought that we can rely on him when we need his help?


Still no response. What is Ichi doing? This just made me look stupid.


I kicked one of the mannequins that were standing up in the Arts room and left the room. This is a waste of my time. Where could Ichi possibly be?

I remembered that he heard our conversation when we talked about exploring the whole school when we first came here. So why isn't he answering me? I went straight back inside my room and looked in the mirror.

I was a mess. My hair was not combed, and I looked tired. I kneeled down on the floor and covered my face with my hands.

"Fuck… What should I do?"

People can go ahead, and call me desperate for money, but I really need it. What can a fashion designer like me do? How can I use my talent in order to kill everyone here? All I can do is deceive people.

"Deceive people… That's right… I can do that kind of thing..."

Suddenly, I thought of a plan in my mind. But because of how late it is, I went straight to my bed and took a rest for the night.

That's right… This is the only plan that I can do…

It's what I can do because of the talent that I have.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********