
*Yua Ichika's POV*

//June 19, 2040//Thursday//

Morning came. I got up from my bed and looked in the mirror. The plan I came up with yesterday was something that only I can do.

As a fashion designer, the job I chose was making splendid costumes for the actors that are taking part in a film. People always say that those actors are really amazing in acting the roles that are given to them.

Their acting is one thing that makes the character, but what amazes them the most is the costumes they wore that I made.

They said that the costumes they wore felt like it was not the actors who are in the movie, it felt like it was the real thing. Those are the things that the people always say about the costumes of the actors that I made. That's right, fashion designing lets you give someone the opportunity to change their looks, their personality, and their character.

That is right, it is a disguise that you are showing to the public. And the plan that I thought of is…

"I just need to disguise myself as one of them."

It may be impossible to impersonate someone, and act like the person you are disguising. But this kind of thing is effortless for me. It is my talent after all.

"But who should I disguise as?"

There are seven people who I can pick from, but I should choose the most convincing one that I can impersonate. It should be someone that when they notice me, it looks like they are seeing another person, and not Yua Ichika.

Hyakuzawa, Machida, and Raku are not someone I can disguise because their builds are entirely different from mine.

I also can't disguise myself as Megumin, and Kanade. The two of them are shorter than me. Besides, my bust size is bigger than both of them.

I could disguise myself as Sasaki, but she is someone that is approached by everyone the most. It is hard to impersonate someone like Sasaki who has great charisma. There is only one person who is the best I can impersonate as.

And that is Asahi.

"It should be him…"

Asahi almost has the same body build as me, and we don't have much of a gap when it comes to our height. The only problem will be my chest, but that can easily be solved.

Asahi is always wearing baggy clothes. In addition to that, he is always slouching, so I can make my chest not noticeable. He is the best one I can disguise as. I can even impersonate his personality since I am always with him. But…


I am kind of feeling guilty about it. If I am going to kill someone while impersonating Asahi. It can damage his reputation, and everyone might doubt Asahi without him knowing why they are treating him that way.

Besides, the two of us have created a bond with each other for a while. I feel that the relationship that we have created will be destroyed instantly because of what I am about to do.

And also, Asahi is someone I…

No… This thing will happen anyway. This is inevitable. If I am not the one who is going to do this now, he might be the one who will betray me sooner or later.

"Now then, how should I kill them?"

There are a lot of ways I can kill them one by one, but I should stick to a plan that I am good at.

Should I kill them one by one when I am behind their back? No, that is impossible for me. Even if I am going to disguise myself as Asahi, there is no way I can beat them in a fight. So how can I kill them?


That is right. There is still the option that I can poison them one by one.

No, I can poison all of them together.

The best way I can do that is to make them consume some kind of food that they can eat together. That is right, I will just help Megumin cook for our lunch, and I can put poison on the food that we are going to be eating together.

This plan might work. Not only can I kill them together, but if something goes wrong with my plan like Kanade who can treat everyone when they ingest the poison that I put in the food, Megumin can tell them that Asahi is the one who helped her prepare the food that we ate.

"Now I just need to get what I need to execute this plan."

Disguising as Asahi will be easy. I just need to make a wig for the hair, and it is all up to my acting to make a perfect impersonation of him.

The problem will be the poison that I am going to use. I don't have any knowledge about the poison that can kill someone, and I only have a short time to get one from the laboratory since Kanade is always there inside doing her experiments.

"I will do this quickly."

I went down to the second floor where the laboratory is located and went inside. No one is around, but I saw some equipment that was used.

Kanade might be here earlier, and this is my only chance to get something that can kill them without getting caught. I quickly walked to where the chemicals are located.

"What the hell should I get?"

I do not have any idea what all of these chemicals are. Are all of them poisonous? I don't have any time to think about this.

I just grabbed something that is labeled Arsenic since I remembered that this chemical can contaminate water from a book that I read once. I do not know if this is poisonous but there is a 50/50 chance that it might be.

I quickly put the bottle of Arsenic in my pocket and rushed outside. When I opened the door, Kanade was in front of me.

"Oh, Ichika."

Shit! Did I just get caught? If Kanade knows that I got something from the laboratory, I am done for.

"Umm… Do you need something here inside?" Kanade asked.

Kanade was tilting her head wondering why I was inside the laboratory. What should I tell her?

Wait, this is easy for me. Telling lies, deceiving everyone, and faking myself, this is what I am good at.

"Sorry, Kanade. I am just investigating inside."

"Investigating what?"

Tch, Kanade is asking too many questions. Is she the kind of person to be curious about what the others are doing? Just one more push and I can convince her.

"S-Sorry, Ichika! I shouldn't have asked what you are investigating. There are probably some clues on how we can get out of here, right?"

Fortunately, because of Kanade's timidness, it prevented me from explaining too much of what I said about investigating inside.

Hmm… Just to be sure I'll make it look like what I am doing is more convincing for her to remove all suspicions.

"That's right. Besides, we do not know if someone might attempt to murder us, and this laboratory has a lot of dangerous things that can kill everyone. I checked to make sure that nothing lethal is missing."

"Oh, I haven't even thought of something like that… S-Sorry, Ichika…"

From what I said, that will surely prevent Kanade from checking where the chemicals are located since I gave her an assurance that nothing is missing.

"Not a problem, Kanade. Hmph! you shouldn't apologize too much. Just do it with your actions."

"You are probably right, Ichika. S-Sorry… No, Sorry!... I apologized again, Aaaahh..."

"Hahahaha, you're so silly, Kanade. Well then, I'm off…"

"See you later, Ichika!"

I left the room and went upstairs to the fifth floor with the Arsenic that I got from the laboratory.

I went inside my room and took a rest. Luckily, I convinced Kanade easily that I was just investigating the laboratory, and nothing else.

"Kanade, you can be easily tricked because of your timidness and stupidity."

In this world with that kind of attitude like Kanade's, you will get easily fooled by a lot of people.

I have been there, and it was a horrible experience. Only the strong ones will survive in this world. You might be a great person Kanade, but I prioritize myself over anything else. Now that I have the chemical that can possibly kill everyone, all I need is to execute my plan, and I will get that ¥Two Billion reward.

No matter what it takes. I will do everything just to get a normal life.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********