The Origin Of Yua Ichika: Part 6

Warning: This Chapter contains sexual content, violence, and other themes that may not be suitable for some readers.

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//December 24, 2032//Friday//

I am now 11 years old, but nothing has changed in my life. In fact, it got worse.

My mother just died last week because of hunger. As you know already, I steal a lot from other people, and as time passes by, everyone in the slums is now wary so that no one can steal from them.

It was difficult for me to steal money from them, and as a result, we can't buy any food since we don't have anything we can pay for. Even if I stole food from them, it was pointless. Everyone knows that someone is stealing in the slums. My father beat the shit out of me all the time for not bringing anything for them, not even alcohol.

My father gave me a condition. He told me that I should bring him one bottle of alcohol every day, and that is enough. He didn't even think about food for my mother, all he wants is that I bring him alcohol only for him. He didn't care about me, or even my mother, and that is why she died from hunger.

Since my father is a lazy man who lost hope in his life, he left my mother's corpse on the floor where it started rotting, and made our house stinky. My father probably decided not to do anything with my mother's body since that might cause him problems when the corpse is found by someone.

"Come back here you brat!"

Now, I am still the same person who has been stealing from others even if they are aware of it. Unfortunately, someone saw me steal alcohol, and is chasing me right now.

"Do you think you can get away from the adults?!"

The man is catching up to me, and I know that if this goes on, I will get caught.

I took a turn from the left, and saw a large garbage bin in the alley. Without hesitation, I went inside and held my breath.


I heard the man's voice, and I heard his footsteps running away from the trash bin where I was. I took a peek outside, and it looks like the man was nowhere to be seen.


I left the trash bin where I was hiding. It is already nighttime, and I should probably go back to our house since I have stolen the alcohol that my father wants.

"I'm home…"

When I entered our house, I saw something terrifying that no one can even do.

"Father… What are you doing?"

I saw my father fucking my dead mother's corpse on the floor. My mother is stripped naked, and my father kept on plunging his dick into her vagina. What I witnessed is something horrible. Who would do such a thing to his own dead wife?

"Ah, Yua, you're home. Give me that alcohol you are holding right there."

My father reached his hand like he is saying that I should approach him, and give him the alcohol that I was holding. I am scared to give it to him, but I do not have any choice.

While I was walking toward my father slowly, I could smell the stench of my mother's corpse. Flies were flying around me, and my body started shaking. I am nervous, but I gave the alcohol to my father without any trouble at all.

"I will be resting…" I said.

I quickly walked straight to the other side of the room and covered myself with the blanket that I got one year ago from the dumpsters. I am shocked at what I saw, and I couldn't forget it at all. It was like the thing I saw earlier is engraved right into my mind.

I closed my eyes hoping that I could sleep even if I can hear the moans of my father fucking my mother's corpse. Luckily, I managed to fall asleep.

Suddenly, I felt someone touching my body, and when I opened my eyes, I made a loud scream.


It is my father who was touching my body all over the place. He is drunk, he stinks, and he is naked.




My father punched me in the face, and kept on molesting me. I was desperately struggling, but it was no use since my father was stronger than me.

"Yua… Do you know? It's no fun having sex with a dead woman. Your slutty mother is not moaning, and she is not moving at all. She can't give me the pleasure that I wanted. Yua… You are becoming more like your mother. Look at your breasts, they are growing pretty well even though I am beating you up all the time."

My father is fondling my breasts while licking my nipples. I started to tear up from what he is doing to me.

"Yua… Let me rape you every night… Give me the pleasure that your mother gave me when she was still alive. I promise that you will get used to it."

He went straight to my vagina, and put two of his fingers inside it while violating me.


I kept on struggling, and started kicking all around the place.



My father punched me once again in the face when I cried for help. He then continued fondling my breasts and removed my panties while licking me all over my body.

"Yua… I'm going to put my dick inside of you now."

My father used his right hand to hold me in place by pushing my body on the floor and used his left to hold his dick. He placed his dick in my clitoris and that made me panic a lot.

I can feel the tip of his dick rubbing my clitoris. It is sticky because of the cum that he didn't clean off while he was fucking my mother.



My father was laughing like a madman when he said that to me. While I am struggling, I saw a bottle near me and got it quickly.


I smashed the bottle that I got into my father's head. He immediately let go of me, and I quickly stood up. When I tried to run away, my father held my leg.

"Yuaa... Where are you going??? Come, and pleasure your lovely fatheeeer...."

When I looked at my father, he is looking at me with a disgusting smile on his face while his head was bleeding all over.

He started rubbing his hand up, and down like he is imagining jerking off his dick on my leg he was holding onto. That made me frightened of him. He was not looking at me as her daughter, but he was looking at me as someone who can pleasure her next.

I quickly stabbed his hand, with the broken bottle that I was holding. My father screamed because of the pain, and he let go of my leg. I grabbed the opportunity, and rushed outside.


While I was running away from our home, I could still hear my father screaming. I kept on running not knowing where to go. I just wanted to get out of that place. I don't want to live there anymore. I decided that I am going to live on my own.

"But how can someone like me do that?"

I was walking around aimlessly and went in front of the cinema that I used to go to two years ago. When I looked at the clock it was already 1:00 am. It was dark and cold. My whole body was freezing.


I was breathing heavily and tried to warm up my hands by rubbing them together. There is no going back into this situation where I am in. If I tried to go back to the slums, I would probably be dead, since someone had found out earlier that I was the thief who was stealing all over the place, and there is no good reason for me to go back to my father's place. But, there is no one here around. I don't have any money, I am freezing to death, and I am all alone.

I was helpless.

"What are you doing over there, little girl?"

I looked up to check who called me. He was a man maybe in his 40s, and he was really fat. Despite his appearance, I still asked him to save me.

"Help me…"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********