The Origin Of Yua Ichika: Part 7

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//December 24, 2032//Friday//

I don't care who will lend me a helping hand, but I don't want to die. The fat man looked nice and offered me a heat pack for my hands. I placed both of my hands on the heat pack the fat man gave me, and it was really warm.

"You looked pretty beat up. What happened to you?


I didn't give him a response at all because I am still terrified of what my father did to me earlier. The fat man seemed curious about it, but I still kept quiet even if he was a nice person.

"Do you want to stay in my apartment for the night?" The fat man asked.

"Yes please…"

Without hesitation, I took his offer without thinking of the consequences. I saw him smirking, but I really didn't give a thought about it. I am desperate.

The man started to walk, and I followed him.

"May I ask, where are your parents, little girl?"

"I don't have any." I answered.

"Oh, is that so?"

I want to erase my family from my life. Besides, they didn't even treat me like a daughter. Only two people have ever lent me a hand in my life. It was the old man two years ago, and this fat man who is willing to let me stay in his place. But this is not enough, I need to help myself. I need to do everything to live.

"Mister, I need money…"

"You need money? Hmm, if that is the case, I can give you some."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, little girl. I can give you lots of money."

I was delighted that this fat man is willing to give me money even if he just barely knows me at all. I am glad that there are still good people in the world that are willing to help those in need.

"What is your name, little girl?" The fat man asked.

"Yua Ichika, and I am 11 years old."

"I see. It's a pleasure to meet you, Yua-chan~."

I saw the man smirking again, but I disregarded it. I was delighted, I feel like I was blessed. I am all beaten up, I am smelly, but there is still someone who is willing to help me.

We went inside a hotel, and it was really pretty. There were sparkling lights everywhere in the lobby, and the people were really good-looking. I felt embarrassed about myself since I was dirty, and beaten up. We went inside an elevator and walked straight towards the fat man's room.

"Here we are, Yua-chan~."

When the fat man opened the door to his room, I was amazed at what I saw. The room was really organized, clean, warm, and fragrant. It was the opposite of what our house looked like. This fat man's room was gorgeous.

"You can rest on the bed, Yua-chan~. It's a tough day for you after all."

I swiftly ran into the bed and jumped on it. It was really fluffy, and it doesn't even compare to where I am sleeping at our house. It was really comfortable, it felt like I was in heaven.

"Now then…"

The lights suddenly turned dim because of the fat man's doing and he played some relaxing music. The music was really soothing to the ears, and the atmosphere was really great. The fat man approached me, and I smiled back at him.

I was really grateful to him for giving me this kind of treatment.

"Now strip."

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********