The Origin Of Yua Ichika: Part 8

Warning: This Chapter contains sexual content and other themes that may not be suitable for some readers.

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//December 24, 2032//Friday//

My smile slowly faded when the fat man asked me for that kind of thing.

"W-What are you saying?" I asked.

"Yua-chan~, didn't I make myself clear? I said strip."

He smiled at me and took off his clothes. I was really terrified, and couldn't move at all. I tried looking for ways how I can escape, but it was no use. I am trapped here inside with this fat man.

"W-Why would I?" I asked.

"You need money right? I can pay you after you have sex with me, Yua-chan~."


"Did you think I would give you money for free? In this world, everything you want has a price, Yua-chan~."

The fat man approached me slowly and touched my body. I was frightened, and couldn't move at all. I knew that if I struggled, I would get beaten up because that is what my father always did to me. I wasn't wearing anything besides my dress. I wasn't even wearing panties. Then before I realized it, he already removed my clothes, and the two of us were naked.

"Now then Yua-chan~, suck my dick."

The fat man showed his dick in front of my face. It was really smelly, and I couldn't stand looking at it at all. I began tearing up, and I can see that the fat man was a bit suspicious of my reaction.

In this situation where I am in felt like my energy was being taken away from me, it feels like I am done with my life. But, there is a part of me that I wanted to live on. He is offering me money anyway, but how much would it be? I guess I don't have any choice.


I closed my eyes and started sucking the fat man's dick, and I felt his whole body tingling. His dick tasted salty because of the sweat, and my tongue was wrapping around it.

"Aaaah fuck, Yua-chan don't use your teeth when sucking my dick."

I did just what the fat man instructed me to do so, and I felt that he was even more pleased than ever. He held my head and rammed his dick inside my mouth.


The fat man's dick was reaching my throat. My tears were falling on my face, and my mind was losing it. He continued to ram his dick inside me quickly, and it felt like I couldn't breathe at all.

"I'm cumming, Yua-chan. Take it, Take it!!!"


The fat man was cumming inside my mouth, and his white stuff was really thick.


His cum wasn't easy to swallow, and I threw it all up. I wiped the tears, and the cum on my face, and looked at the man.

"Huh, why did you waste my precious cum, Yua-chan~? Well anyway, that was a lovely blowjob you gave me. I can tell that it was your first time doing it." The fat man said.

"I-I'm sorry… Can we please stop this now?"

"What are you talking about? I haven't even started fucking you. I'm going to spread your legs wide, Yua-chan."


The fat man held both of my feet and spread them wildly. He then positioned his whole body in front of me which prevented me from closing my legs, and I was scared to do anything else.

"What's this? Why is your pussy really sticky, Yua-chan? Did someone put his dick inside you? Well, not that it matters to me anyway."

"Please… Stop this…"

I cried while pleading for mercy from the fat man. I don't want him to place his dick inside me. I was scared... I want to get out of this place.

"I don't want any drama, Yua-chan. If you want the money Yua-chan then you need to let me fuck you."

The fat man showed me the money that he will be giving. He is offering me a stack of ¥10,000. It was a lot of money, and it didn't compare to what I stole from others for my whole life.

I realized, why am I even resisting?

The fat man doesn't even punish me for defying him, and he is even offering me a lot of money. Not like what my father used to do with me.

Aaaaah... I'm tired of thinking...

"P-Put your dick inside me…"




I immediately screamed when the fat man put his dick inside me. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts. His hips won't stop, and he continued thrusting me from my insides.

"You're a virgin, Yua-chan? Aaaaah!!! You really are the best!!! No woman can ever compare to your pussy!!! You are the best!!!"

"Aaaaah!!! Aaaaah!!! It hurts!!!"

My vagina was bleeding because of the fat man's dick, and it was really painful. I looked at the man who was enjoying himself with my body.

He was smiling just like how my father used to do with my mother. I started to remember a lot of terrifying memories of the slums where I lived, and I started crying.


The man noticed me crying and removed his dick from my vagina. He looked confused as to why I was crying all of a sudden.

"You know Yua-chan, if you don't show me that you are enjoying yourself, then I am not going to give you the money."

That's right… What this fat man needs now is pleasure. The fat man was right… He doesn't want drama… What he wants is sex… I am going to swallow my pride. No, I need to think of myself not as a human, but as this man's pleasure thing.

Just so that I can have that money.

"P-Put it inside me."

I wiped my tears off my sticky face, posed a V-hand sign in front of him, and stuck my tongue out. I forced myself to change my character in this situation. I turned myself into a slutty child who is craving sex for money.

"Give it to me! Your tasty dick! plunge it inside me!"




The fat man plunged his hard dick inside me again, and I acted like I really wanted it inside me. It was painful, and it hurts, but I need to show this disgusting creature that I liked what he was doing to me.

I hate this.

"AAAAH!!! FUCK ME MORE!!! YES!!! KEEP ON GOING!!!" I screamed.



I kept on repeating what my mother is always saying when she is having sex with my father. I realized that it looks like I am turning like her. A repulsive, slutty creature.



The fat man suddenly kissed me, and his tongue was wrapping around my mouth. Even though it was disgusting, I did just like what he was doing, and he is plunging his dick inside me faster.

"I'M CUMMING YUA-CHAN!!! I CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!!!" The fat man screamed.




The fat man's cum was being released inside me, and my body can't stop shaking. It was really sticky, it was disgusting, it was gross, it was repulsive, I hate it, I truly despise it, I don't want to do this anymore, I don't want to, I don't want to, I DON'T WANT TO, PLEASE!!! JUST LET THIS END!!!

"Time for another round, Yua-chan~."


But I can't refuse him. I need the money.




Finally, we don't have the energy anymore to have sex. The fat man was lying his body above me, and I could hear him breathing in my ear.


He was really heavy, but I am not in the right mind to complain about a lot of things. I was really tired, and I felt disgusted at what we did.

"Yua-Chan, you can take a bath first. I will go outside the terrace, and have a smoke."

The fat man stood up and went outside of the terrace. As for myself, I slowly walked towards the bathroom and went inside.


I started crying inside the bathroom while I was taking a bath. Even though I was cleaning myself, it felt like the revolting thing we did is not going out of my body.

"I hate this!!! I hate this!!!"

I kept on splashing the water while I was crying. Even though there is a part inside me that did this for the money, it will not change the fact that I truly regret what I did.

I left the bathroom, and there are clothes that are left for me outside. I wore them, and they fit perfectly. But why did he have children's clothes inside his apartment? How stupid can I be? Of course, there is one reason why.

The fat man was a lolicon, he loves to fuck children just like me.

I noticed that the bed we had sex in earlier was really clean. Did the fat man clean it while I was taking a bath?

I looked outside the terrace, and I could see him smoking. He noticed that I was done taking a bath, and extinguished the fire of the cigarette in the ashtray then the fat man went inside.

"Oh Yua-chan, how were the clothes I gave you?"

"It was good…"

It was not, it was creepy.

"I'm glad you liked it. By the way, here is the money that I am paying for that wonderful sex earlier."

The fat man handed me a stack of ¥10,000. When I counted how many it is, the fat man paid me a total of ¥100,000. It was a lot of money. I didn't even know that I can make this huge amount of money by having sex with people who liked fucking young children.

"You really are beautiful, Yua-chan~. Well then, I'll be taking a bath. You can rest for the night on the bed."

The fat man went inside cheerfully in the bathroom. I took a blanket and sat on the bed to rest. I couldn't sleep at all. What I had experienced tonight was terrifying, but at the same time, I realized that I have a way to earn more money, but it was really disgusting.

It felt like my humanity will be slowly taken away from me if I do this kind of thing again. But should I really think about that? I need money to survive, and I should do this kind of thing. I hate myself.

Why am I not given a choice to have a happy life like the others? Why am I unlucky? Why am I born in this kind of world?

I covered my whole body with the blanket and started shaking. I wanted to forget what we did, but it was drilled in my head, and I couldn't get over the sensation that I experienced. I really hate it. I hate it...

I, Yua Ichika, an 11 years old, have this kind of life. I wanted to have a normal life just like the other kids.

The normal life of going to school every day to study, and when going home, they have a happy family that will greet them. I want to also have that kind of life. But no, I have this horrible life.

A life where my parents forced me to steal. A father who beats me up every day, and even tried raping me. And now, I had sex with a disgusting fat man. My life was really terrible.

"Fuck my life…"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********