The Origin Of Yua Ichika: Part 9

Warning: This Chapter contains sexual content, violence, and other themes that may not be suitable for some readers.

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//December 24, 2032//Friday//

I tried sleeping, but I really couldn't. I am remembering what the two of us did earlier in this same bed, and it kept on bothering me a lot.

"Yua-chaan~, are you still awake?"

I pretended that I was sleeping already. I don't want to have sex with this man again. I am really tired, I just wanted to rest even though I couldn't sleep at all. I closed my eyes hoping that I can trick him into that I am asleep.

"Hmm… I guess you are already asleep."

The fat man laid down beside me, and luckily I was facing in the opposite direction. He gave a huge sigh, and I felt him creeping beside me.

"That's right Yua-chan, I forgot to say something to you."

I felt his face close to me, and I could hear his breathing. I was really terrified, but I kept hoping that he wouldn't notice that I was pretending to be asleep. His mouth was close to my ear, and he whispered something to me.

"Merry Christmas."

How could I forget? When the two of us are having sex, it was already Christmas.

//December, 25, 2032//Saturday//

Morning came, and the two of us got up on the bed. Finally, the man wanted me to let go, and I was about to get out of this place.

"Are you sure you don't want to have another round, Yua-chan?" The fat man asked happily.

"I'm good. Thanks."

I have my money, I am excited to get out of this place, and I am happy that I have money that I can use to live. But there is one thing that I kept on asking myself. How can I earn more money from now on?

"Thank you again, Yua-chan~. By the way, you can have this."

The fat man suddenly gave me a phone, and I was wondering why he is giving this to me.

"What is this for?

"You need money for your everyday life, am I right, Yua-chan~?"

"I do need the money…" I answered.

"I put down my contact number there, and whenever you need money you can contact me. Of course, it comes with a price, Yua-chan~. You need to have sex with me first then I am going to pay you for it. I also have an app there where you can find people who love to fuck young girls. You might want to check it out, and get money from those people."

Ah, so this is what it is all about. This fat man is telling me that I can earn more money if I will have sex with different people who like young girls.

I don't have a choice, do I? I can't even have a job at my age, and I am in need of money right now. Ah, I guess I need to use my body again for more money.


"Just give me a call if you need more money, Yua-chan~."

I left the room and went outside of the hotel. I looked up at the sky, and it was really bright. It was already morning, and people were everywhere. I took a deep breath of the fresh air that I rarely had.

"I don't have a choice, do I?"

//January 8, 2033//Saturday//

It has been a few days, and I must say that I am handling my life pretty well. With the money that I got from the fat man I met, I bought luggage that I can carry for my clothes and the other necessities that I need.

At night, I am always spending my money at an internet cafe to sleep. My Passion for making dresses, and watching different films didn't go away. I bought a lot of sketchpads and art materials for the clothes that I am sketching.

During my time at the internet cafes at night, I also watch different movies to get ideas for the clothes that I will sketch, and I also love watching all of Ryo Asahi's movies. After all, his movie was the first one I fell in love with.

I also bought a lot of educational books so that I can learn a lot of things, not just about the things I love, but about the things I need to use in my life. If you are going to ask why shouldn't I just go to school to learn? My reason is that I can't do my prostitution work while going to school. I will be studying things at my own pace.


But I can't keep slacking around. I haven't made any money since what happened last Christmas. I was too afraid to have sex with a stranger again, but once in a while I look at the up the fat man suggested me to use when earning money, and in just a few days, I understood how to use it.

It seems like I just need to post a picture of myself and send the location where they can meet me. I can also tell the price they will be paying me depending on what they want to do with me. Basically, what the fat man wants me to do is prostitution.

I really don't want to do that again. But if it is for the sake of living on. I guess I really need to do it even though it was disgusting.


I took a picture of myself and posted it on the app. I also put the price that they will be paying me when I meet them and do some… Horrible Stuff…


After a few minutes, I received a lot of messages from different people. Some messaged me that they can do it right now, and some even said that they are willing to meet me even if they are far from where I am.

All I receive are compliments. How beautiful I am, I look sexy, They are willing to fuck me, and many more. That was the third time I received a lot of praise from others. But, It didn't make me happy at all, actually, it made me scared.

"Sigh… But I still need to do this."

I looked at every profile that messaged me, and I sent a message to the person who looks neat. It doesn't mean that they are good people because they still want to fuck young girls, but at least they are good-looking.


"I will be meeting you in an hour, Yua-chan~."

My client replied to my text, and we will meet in an hour. It was already 11:45 pm, and it was a good time for me since I can leave my stuff here inside the room at the internet cafe that I am staying in. Maybe I should extend another day for my room just in case something happens.

I left the internet cafe to go to our meetup place. I looked around to find my client, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he?"

"Y-You're Y-Yua-chan, right?"

I looked at the man who talked to me, and I don't even have a clue who he was.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm the one that told you to meet me here hehe."

He was completely different from the picture in his account. It was a scam, he was ugly and smelly. Sigh…

But a deal is a deal.




After all, it was business. I need to have sex with my clients for the money.

"That was great Yua-chan. Here is your payment."

The man paid me ¥75,000 for having sex with me. I received the payment and went straight back to my room at the internet cafe to rest.

This was the start of my life as a child prostitute.

//February 5, 2033//Saturday//

I kept on having sex with strangers.


"Aaaaaaah!!! Yua-chan, you are the best!!!"

//February 13, 2033//Wednesday//

For the money.


"I'm cumming, Yua-chan. I'M CUMMING!!!"


//March 16, 2033//Saturday//

I was earning a lot of money, and my life was getting better. People say that sex should feel good but…

"Let's meet again, Yua-chan~. Your pussy is great!"

Every time I meet these strangers, it was a painful experience for me. It feels like I am torturing myself as time passes by.

It was not fun at all.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********