The Origin Of Yua Ichika: Part 10

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//September 18, 2036//Thursday//

It has been more than 3 years since I first started earning money from sex, and I am already 15 years old.

I became stronger mentally as time passed by, and what I am doing as a prostitute felt like it was normal in my life.

Two years ago, my father was arrested for murdering a person in the streets. He was caught by a detective and is now in jail for the crime he did. Whoever that detective was, I am thankful for him to put a scum of a father where he really belongs.

I moved to a different place and rented my own apartment here in Tokyo. I am proud to say that my life here was actually stable. But there is something that I want to remove from my life. That is for me to stop doing prostitution, and find a better job.


"Yua-chan~, I can't wait. Let's have fun tonight...(ΦωΦ)"

"Tch, this stupid pig."

How impatient can idiots be? I told this client of mine that I will be meeting him later at night and keeps on messaging me that he cannot wait. This stupid swine only had money but doesn't have any brains at all.


"I can't wait to see you too. Let me make your night wonderful later. ^^ "

But even if I keep having sex with these people, I still need their money to survive. It's disgusting, and never do I even say that what I am doing is great for me in my entire life. I truly despise this job.

*Scribble* *Scribble*

Every day when I have the free time to do other things, I usually go to a nearby cafe at my apartment to sketch different clothes that I want to make.

My passion for making clothes is still inside me, and it keeps on growing. You might be thinking, why can't I just make different kinds of clothes as a source of money rather than doing prostitution? Well, the thing is, it is harder than you can imagine.

Finding a job as a Fashion Designer which is what I wanted is impossible for me since I don't have an educational background, and selling clothes to different people is hard since I am not someone famous in this field. Besides, I hate to admit it, but having sex with different people earns more money rather than selling clothes from the start for me.

*Scribble* *Scribble*


I was shocked at the sound of my alarm from my phone. When I looked at the time, I knew already that I was too late, and my client is probably waiting for me right now.


I stood up from where I was sitting, and left the cafe. I need to be quick and satisfy all my client's needs to earn more money. If I am late at the schedule that we decided to meet, I will be in big trouble.

While I was running to the location where we were supposed to meet, I was checking my bag if I didn't forget anything. Unfortunately, I forgot the most important thing to me.

"Fuck! I forgot my sketchpad!"

Forget about that disgusting pig! I can find a new client anyway. Those sketches are more important than anything else, and that is where I put all of the things I had in my head.

My sketches are precious to me.


I was exhausted but luckily, I made it to the cafe again quickly. I opened the door and headed straight to where I was sitting earlier.

A man was already at the table where I sat, and he was looking at the drawings I made on my sketchpad. I was annoyed at him for looking at the things he doesn't even own and went straight to him.

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing with my belongings?" I frustratingly asked.

The man looked at me. He wore glasses, and maybe he was 4 years older than me. He was neat looking, and the way he is dressed up gave the impression that he is an organized person.

"Hmmm… At your age, young lady, you have a foul mouth." The man said.

"Hmph! I don't care what you think of me, but you really need to stay away from the things that are not yours."

"Oh, this sketchpad is yours?"

While the man was talking to me, he kept on looking at the drawings that I made one by one, and that made me more pissed.

"Didn't I tell you not to look at other people's stuff-."

"My name is Enji Tachibana. What's yours, young lady?"

The man introduced himself to me, and that made me clueless why he did that. Does this man want something from me? A client who wants to have sex perhaps?

"Why do you need my name?" I asked.

"I am really amazed at the sketches that you made. In fact, these drawings are even better than what the professionals are making on this day. How old are you even?"

"I-I'm 15 years old…"

"You're 15, and you can draw these gorgeous things?!"

Tachibana was surprised that someone like me can draw clothes like this. The old man who I met when I was nine years old also said the same thing. But, I can't trust this man easily. Who knows what kind of creepy motives he had in his mind.

"Why do you care that I made that?"

"How about I give you a job, young lady? Tachibana said.

"A job?"

"I am working as a costume designer in different famous film studios, and you might be a great help in making clothes for the actors.

"A costume designer?"

"Yeah, how about it? With that great talent of yours, you can create different kinds of clothes."

"But I don't even have an educational background."

"Who cares about those kinds of things? In this world, if you have the talent you can do anything."

Tachibana looked excited while he was talking to me. He stood up catching the attention of all the people in the cafe and pointed his finger at my sketchpad.

"This! This is proof that you can be a great costume designer. No, not just a costume designer, but a fashion designer who can make a wide variety of clothes. So how about it, young lady? Will you accept my offer?

Tachibana gave me all of his business cards that showed proof that he is working as a great costume designer in different famous film studios. I was really surprised, and at the same time, I was overwhelmed.

My dream was to create different clothes from my imagination, and someone is offering me the job I wanted right now. But, I was a little bit skeptical, would this really work? What if he is just tricking me? No, I need to take this risk.

My life was a disaster from the start. This risk can't be that bad from what I experienced in the past.

"Hmph, fine then."

"A wise choice, young lady. You will surely not regret the decision that you made."

"Yua Ichika."


"Yua Ichika, that is my name."

Tachibana was surprised when I told him my name. Looking at his face, he was really delighted.

It feels like he has found someone with great potential, and I am hoping what I am thinking about him who sees me as someone with great potential is true. I reached my hand to Tachibana, and he shook my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Yua Ichika."

It was a big gamble in my life. Will it change my life for the better? Or for the worse? Only time will tell, and what I can do for now is trust the process.

And that decision that I made is something that I am glad for.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********