The Origin Of Yua Ichika: Part 14

Warning: This Chapter contains sexual content, violence, and other themes that may not be suitable for some readers.

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//January 10, 2040// Tuesday//

I am now 19 years old. Just like what Enji promised before, he saved my career. He kept denying that I was a prostitute, and people believed him. But there is a cost for it.


"Aaaah… That felt great again, Yua."

He kept using my body every day for his own pleasure. I just gave him what he wants, and let him have sex with me. But I wasn't really interested in it at all.

I just remained still and didn't show that I love what we are doing. I just wanted to get over it every day just to maintain my career.

"Enji, I have something to talk about."

But I was really sick of it, and I wanted to escape from him. We are always on the same roof for the whole day, and he never stops molesting me if he has free time.

I need to get out of this place even if it is just for the day, and I have something in mind that can help me with that.

"What is it?" Enji asked.

"I wanted to go to a college university?"

"College? HAHAHAHA!!!"

He kept on mocking me when I told him that I wanted to study at a university.

"Why did you need to go to a place like that? You are already working as a successful Fashion Designer."

"I want to study at Saitei University."

I found Saitei University on a website. The school was known for having an excellent education in a variety of fields. A lot of students had also graduated from the school and became successful.

They are also offering a Fashion Design course for those who want to take that kind of field. What's better is that the university is located here in Tokyo where we are currently living.

"Hooooo? At Saitei University? That place where talented people study to broaden their skills? You don't need to study there, Yua."

"Please... "

When I told him that I wanted to study at Saitei University. He looked confused. He might be thinking why would I want to go to that school. It's pointless. It may be pointless, but I just want to get out of this place even if it is just for a short time every day.

"I just realized, Yua. You stopped being a sassy person. You haven't been stingy to me when I first had sex with you."

Enji suddenly grabbed my neck tightly, and I started choking. He then stared at me with those cold eyes of his.

"Could it be that you want to run away from me?"

Enji was staring at me menacingly while he was grabbing my neck. As time passed by when he first started to rape me, I began to know his true nature. He was dominant, he was possessive, and he would violate someone if he thinks that person was being fishy.

"I-I just wanted to learn more…"

He released his grip on my neck, and I started coughing. He stood up from the bed we had sex on and wore his clothes.

"Fine then. I don't need your talent anymore anyway."

While I was working with him, his reputation became better, and I knew that at some point that he would not need my help at all. He will see me as someone useless, and this is that time.

"Just a reminder, Yua. You are still my fuck toy. I will still taste that body of yours every night after you come home from that university."

I just nodded silently, and he left my room.

"At last…"

I was kind of happy that he agreed with it. I quickly applied to Saitei University and chose Fashion Design as my course at that school.

Maybe one reason that I also wanted to go to school is that I want to broaden my knowledge in Fashion Design, but there was another reason. Perhaps if I go to school, I can live a normal life not as a successful Fashion Designer, but just as a college student at a university

I was really excited. I can't wait to go to school and take a break from working in the film industry. My time at Saitei University will definitely be different from my present life.

And my time at Saitei University was different for all the wrong reasons.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********