The Origin Of Yua Ichika: Part 15

*Yua Ichika's POV*

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

A child named Ichi appeared right in front of us and proclaimed that he was a God in this school. I could not believe it at first, but it was probably true.

After my professor announced the results of our Diagnostic Test, all of them suddenly died at his hands. It was really terrifying, it felt surreal, and he even told us that there is no way that we can't escape from this place. The only way we can get out is to kill everybody.

But… I was kind of happy.

If he told us that we can't get out of this place, then that means I will not see Enji for a very long time. This made me somewhat happy, but I'm thinking I was also crazy because there is a chance that I might get killed by one of these people.

But someone whose name was Kiyoko Sasaki stood up to Ichi. She told him that she had faith in all of us and that we are not people who he should underestimate. I was skeptical, and I think what she did was stupid.

Do you really think that everyone will follow what you want, Kiyoko Sasaki? But maybe that can happen.

After a few hours, I went inside a cafeteria with a boy. He had green hair, and he looked the same age as me. The two of us ate our snacks apart from each other, but then suddenly, this nice girl came in.

When she entered the cafeteria for the first time, she looked depressed and went inside the kitchen. But, when she came back she was really cheerful, and even offered us some food that she made. Me and the boy were skeptical at first, but her intentions were pure.

"I'm Hagumi Megumin! Nice to meet you!"

The girl who cooked us the delicious food that we had is Hagumi Megumin, and because of her, I became more comfortable in the situation that we are in some way.

But that is not all. The main reason that I became happy in this place is that I met the person I've been looking for for a very long time.

"I'm Ryo Asahi. Nice to meet you, I guess."


We met Kiyoko Sasaki and Raku Nakamura who just entered the cafeteria. All of us introduced ourselves, and everyone was surprised that the boy that I have been with inside the cafeteria was none other than Ryo Asahi, the person who inspired me to become a Fashion Designer.

I was really happy that I met him. The famous director who made famous blockbuster films, and the grandson of the old man I met when I was a child, is facing in front of me right now.

I was truly delighted. It was weird for me to think that the situation we are in was fine. But, that soon changed when a lot of horrible things happened here at Saitei University.

//June 22, 2040//Friday//

A lot of things occurred during our stay here at Saitei University. We learned that we are nowhere to be found in the outside world, and that made me lose hope in starting a new life when we get out of this place.

But, can we really get out of this place if we are facing someone supernatural who can erase our whereabouts in the outside world? It's insane, and I began to feel that Kiyoko Sasaki was blinded by a hope that will never come true.

Nothing makes sense now. Ichi also told us a week ago that a reward of ¥Two Billion will be given to the student who can successfully kill everyone here. I was blinded by it, a huge amount of money will change my life.

I will not worry about prostitution, I can live peacefully away from people when I stop being a Fashion Designer, and I can ditch that scummy Enji Tachibana who violated me for many months, and the one who took away all my hope in this world that I am living in.

That is where I thought I should kill everyone while they think that we can get out of this place if everyone is together.

//July 8, 2040//Sunday//

I was desperate, and I really wanted to get out of this place to start a new life with the ¥Two Billion reward if I can successfully kill all the students at Saitei University.

But, that is where I also realized that there is someone who truly cares about me even though I kept on driving him away.

"Then if I kill myself you will believe all of the things that I said, am I right?"

I tried to kill Asahi, the one who I admired, and the person who taught me a lot about the things that I loved when I was still a kid.

They found out that I am the culprit who poisoned Megumin. But, even if I was the one who tried to murder someone, Asahi lend me a hand, but I was traumatized because this thing had happened to me before.

A person, a man who lends me a helping hand, and when time passes by, they will betray me in the end, and their true intentions will come out.

When Asahi asked me what he should do so I could believe him, I told him to kill himself, and I was surprised that he drank the fruit juice with cyanide mixed in it without hesitation.

I was surprised, why would he do this for me. Why would he put in danger his life who he just met for a few months?

Why would you do this, Ryo Asahi?


I was frozen in my place, and I started to think about a lot of things. But, there is one thing that I realized in the situation I am in right now.

Because Sasaki, Machida, and Asahi discovered that I am the culprit behind all of this, I am fucked.

"Oi! Where are you going Ichika?!" Machida asked.


I ran away quickly and left the cafeteria. I climbed up the stairs to go to my room. Sasaki called Kanade for help, and they will probably use the Elevator since this is an urgent matter.

Asahi is dying because of me. Why are you stupid? Why did you kill yourself for my sake?


I went into my room and hid on my bed by covering myself with a blanket. Even though I know that there is no way that they can get inside, I was terrified. Everyone will know that I was the culprit, and I can't tell what they will do to me.

But, one thing is for sure, these people will see me as a threat, and there is a possibility that someone will blackmail me because of what I did to Asahi just like what Enji did to me when he found out that I was a prostitute.

I really fucked up this time. I am scared, and I felt stupid that I haven't thought this through. I hate myself. I was greedy, and that made me do horrible things to these people who trusted me.

I wanted to blame all of this on myself, but there is a part of me that I am like this because of all the people I encountered in the past. I wished that I had overcome this trauma before I met these people.

I realized that everyone here was really nice, especially Asahi. He taught me a lot of things. Even if he knew that I was a pain in the ass, he endured it and got to know me well. He was the first one who I told that I wanted to have a normal life, and now, he told me to live with him when we get out of this place since he learned about my past.

But, I was terrified, and it was my fault that he tried to kill himself.

What if Kanade didn't make it in time to treat him? What if Asahi died because I told him to kill himself? I kept on crying in my room.

I just wanted a normal life in the first place, I didn't even ask for a tragic life, so why am I experiencing these things? Why did the world give me a shitty family, why did I live in the slums when I was a child?

How come that the first person who helped me was a lolicon who introduced me to prostitution since he knew that I was helpless, and convinced me that this was the only choice that I have to live on?

Why did the person who I thought was my savior in my tragic life turn out to be a disgusting person that gave me a helping hand just for my talent? Did I even ask that I get to be raped by those disgusting people when I do not have the choice, but to do it? Did I ask for all of this?

Why am I unlucky in life? Why can't I have a normal life just like what most people have?

"Why am I even born in the first place..?"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********