A Lie

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//July 16, 2040//Monday//

"My family died in the Ruination of Kanagawa, and I was the only survivor in our family. I was saved, but they didn't. It was unfair, and I hated myself for being so useless at that time. I told myself, that if I was stronger, maybe things could change. Maybe, I can save one of them."

Hearing the Ruination of Kanagawa takes me back to many memories. But, before saying anything to Kei, I continued to listen to him.

"Kiyoko, I have killed a lot of people in my job as a Detective. If killing someone will make my job easier to catch a culprit in an investigation, I will not hesitate to do it. That gave me pleasure in killing people who I think are worthless and stupid. I am frustrated at those people who want to destroy society or someone's life. I hate those people. ALL OF THEM MUST BE KILLED!"

I continued to gaze at the ceiling of the elevator and gave a huge sigh. Kei noticed that I had been quiet while he was talking about his life, and glanced at me.

"You don't seem to be surprised at all." Kei said.

"Being in this situation we are in is already crazy. You killing people doesn't surprise me anymore."

"Are you not scared that a person who kills people is sitting beside you?"

"When I met you for the second time, how you act, and how you talk to us, I already thought that you are the kind of guy who already killed someone."

"I see…"

Not only that but when we first saw Megumin on the floor who had been poisoned by Ichika. I saw Kei's impression that it looked like he was having fun in the situation that we were in at that time.

I also think that he thought that my way of thinking and the moment I gave them hope was stupid since Ichika tried to kill Megumin.

That moment confirms my theory that Kei actually killed someone in the past.

"Kiyoko, do you know anything about the person behind the Ruination of Kanagawa?" Kei asked.

"A little. That person is still a mystery. But from what I learned in Aya Nakano's journal, the one behind all of this was a tyrant, and a clever person. A lot of people who were under that person's command were all loyal."

"Do you know anything else about their leader?"

"Well, I learned from the news that the person behind the Ruination of Kanagawa is already dead-."

"You're wrong!"

I was astonished at how Kei reacted to what I said. When I looked at him, I could see anger written on Kei's face, and he was clenching his fist.



Kei slammed the wall of the elevator really hard, and I can see him gritting his teeth. He was really angry, and I went silent because of his reaction.

"Those damn government officials are fucking stupid."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I was surprised when they announced to Japan that the Ruination of Kanagawa ended, and the one behind it was dead. My father had a position in the government, and I told those people that the leader was not dead. I was desperate to convince them that the one behind all of it was still alive. But, they ignored me."


Kei slammed the wall of the elevator once again and left a dent in it. I can see his body shaking, and tears are building up around his eyes.

"They completely disregarded me. It's now over, we don't need to focus on that incident. That is what they are all saying. They told me to move on, and it was an unfortunate event that my family died. I was fucking pissed! I'm still young at that time, and I can't do anything!"


"I decided at a young age to find the person behind the Ruination of Kanagawa. No one believes me, but I started to ignore what people think of me. I started capturing a large number of criminals in hope of finding a clue where the leader of that incident was. I didn't find anything, but I kept on capturing criminals, I kept on arresting them, and I kept on killing those who stood in my way. Then, the government found me, and I became Japan's Greatest Detective."

I was just looking at Kei while he kept on venting all the things he wanted to get out of him. I just kept on listening to him, but at the same time, my heart aches from what he is going through.

"Even after The government recognized me, they can't accept that the one behind the Ruination of Kanagawa is still alive. I got irritated, and I told myself that I will use these pieces of shit for my own benefit. If no one is going to believe me, then I am going to use them. I'm going to use this fucker so I can capture that person. I will use all of the people I meet in my life, and use them as tools. I don't need the help of people. I can do this by myself-."

"That is a lie."

Without thinking about it, I immediately hugged Kei. His body was shaking, but he started to calm down as soon as I embraced him.

"What are you doing?"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********