Staying Strong

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//July 16, 2040//Monday//

He couldn't look me in the eyes, and he kept on gritting his teeth. I held both of his hands that were clenching.

"If Japan's Greatest Detective said that the person behind the Ruination of Kanagawa is still alive then I believe you."

After Kei heard what I said, he looked me in the eyes, with a sorrowful look on his face. I stopped hugging him, leaned back at the wall and looked in the direction in front of me then continued speaking.

"My parents died in the Ruination of Kanagawa in a car crash. That is what someone told me. She showed me the view after that incident ended, and I couldn't do anything but collapse, and cry on the floor. Just like you, I wanted to do something to help, but I couldn't. I was impotent. I was left alone without someone who I can rely on. I have lived by myself, and helped professionals with their projects for money"

"Kiyoko, I'm sorry-."


I looked at Kei and gave him a huge smile on my face.

"I must stay strong. Life must go on, and even if I am alone in this world, I must be optimistic all the time."

Kei gazed at me and wiped the tears from his eyes. He looked at the ceiling of the elevator and smiled.

"You idiot… You're a tough one, Kiyoko."

"Hey, stop that! That is not like you at all! Besides, what you said about not relying on someone else, and doing things only by yourself was a lie."

I gave a grin to Kei, and he got irritated at what I said and gave a huge sigh.

"So the game was still going?" Kei asked.

"Well, you said last month that when you say something I can tell you if you are lying or not. Besides, when you are telling me all of those things about not needing the help of others was obviously a lie. It was written all over your face, and you can't lie to me."

Kei looked at me from the side while I was smiling at him. He then faced me and patted me on the head.

"If you are asking me if it is wrong that you are born like that, then that question was bullshit."

"Huh..?" I asked nervously.

"People get jealous of what you are capable of. Sometimes they even try to degrade you for being gifted. But, you can't avoid those people, am I right?"

"You have a point…"

"But because of what you can do, you can help others, and a lot of people are thankful for that. There are a lot of genuine people who appreciate what you can do for them, and sometimes only you can help some people because you are the only one who is capable of it."

Kei stopped patting me, and leaned back once again on the wall of the elevator, then looked down.

"Nothing is wrong with being born gifted. Don't mind the people who keep on belittling you for no reason. Acknowledge your own talents, and cherish the people who are grateful for what you did."

Tears suddenly formed around my eyes as I smiled at what Kei said. Maybe I should stop recognizing my knowledge as a curse.

"Coming those words out of your mouth makes it more admirable."

Kei Machida, is a person who treats people as his tools. I can tell that what he said to me came from the bottom of his heart based on what he also experienced.

"It's the truth. Besides, you are my partner, and it is my duty to help you with your problems."

Kei scratched his cheek and was avoiding eye contact with me. I appreciated all of the things he said to me. A heart-to-heart talk with him was not so bad at all, and the two of us had helped each other with what was inside our minds.

"Thanks, Kei." I said happily.

My eyes still feel sleepy, and Kei noticed it when he glanced at me and then gave a long sigh while his eyes were closed.

"You can continue your sleep."

"Eh?! How about you? You haven't got any sleep yet."

"It's fine, I am used to staying out all night."

I was embarrassed that Kei will be staying up all night so that I can sleep. I was really sleepy, and I just couldn't ignore his offer.

I leaned back comfortably on the wall, and before I went to sleep, I gazed at him with a delighted look on my face.

"Kei, if we get out of this place, I hope that you can catch the person behind the Ruination of Kanagawa. You are Japan's Greatest Detective after all."


"But for the meantime, I'm going to do my best to help you so we can get out of this place. Rely on me more, okay?"

I smiled at Kei before I went to sleep. I stretched my whole body and closed my eyes.


After I closed my eyes, I heard Kei's voice thanking me for earlier. I gave him a faint smile while trying to sleep.

"You're welcome…"

After that, I had a good rest for the night.

//July 17, 2040//Tuesday//


I woke up from the sound of the elevator, and when I tried to move my legs, something felt heavy on my lap. When I looked at what was on my lap I was surprised at who it was.


He was sleeping on my lap. I thought he could pull out an all-nighter? What is he doing on my lap, and why didn't he just sleep in a corner? Why my lap of all places?

But that is not the worst part.


The elevator suddenly opened, and Raku, Kanade, and Megumin were outside looking at the two of us. My face turned red, and I am getting worked up because I do not know what to do.


Kei woke up from his sleep while rubbing his eyes as soon as he got up. He stared at Raku, Kanade, and Megumin who were outside of the elevator, shocked at what they were witnessing. I was at a loss for words, and my mouth was wide open just like the three of them.

"Good morning Everyone..." Kei said.

The three of them looked at each other, and then finally, Raku said something that he would say based on what he witnessed.


******** TO BE CONTINUED ********