Greatest Hacker

*Mayu Shinohara's POV*

//July 16, 2040//Monday//

I started typing rapidly on my keyboard, took over the security system of the whole bank, then started executing the plan.

"Commander, are you all ready?"

"Ready when you are, Shinohara. Just give us the signal."

"As soon as we initiate the plan. I want you to order your troops to go as quickly as they can to the four locations I just sent. There will be less risk if you can shorten the distance between your troops, and the four criminals that have hidden then point your guns at them at point-blank range as much as possible."

"Roger that."

Now let the first phase of the plan commence.


I immediately shut all of the doors, and windows quickly to prevent the sunlight from entering the bank.

"Now for the next step"


I turned off all sources of light that the bank has, and this started to cause a commotion to the criminals as I watch them on my computer screen that has a night vision program installed to see what is happening inside.

"What the fuck happened?" Akira-san asked.

"Boss, I don't know! All of the exits have been shut, and the lights were suddenly turned off."

"Fuck! Lights! We need lights! Turn on your phones immediately."

Without your vision, you started to panic. If you didn't startle at what happened right now, you can easily suspect us as the ones who tampered with the lights. But just like what the hostages are experiencing who are blindfolded, all of you stopped thinking straight. And because you can move your body freely not like the hostages, you started finding a way to have light in your surroundings to get vision.

But I won't let you do as you please.


I turned on the fire sprinklers of the bank and made a few modifications to them.

"Boss! My phone suddenly died!"

"Mine as well!"

"Damn it! How can the sprinklers in this bank be this strong?"

I set the fire sprinkles to the maximum pressure so that water can pour rapidly inside the bank to cause their phones to die as soon as they were drenched in water.

"The phones of the hostages! Take one of their phones, and provide us some fucking light!"

"Boss it's impossible! I can't see a thing!"

That's right. Without vision, and how much the hostages are struggling right now, it will be hard for you to get their belongings. As time passes by slowly, all of you will be drenched with water that will make you people anxious, and impatient.


"But boss, we can't see a single thing!"


Because of the panic, and how helpless they are in the situation they were in. Akira-san is now desperate to have the advantage again and calls the four who were hidden to shoot randomly hoping that they could hurt one of the hostages they have.

"It's useless ordering the four who were hiding anymore, Akira-san."

The four criminals that were hidden are probably carrying the same type of gun with similar attachments equipped on it. If the four of them have a scope, I can assume that they are located far from where the hostages are waiting for orders as soon as something goes wrong.

But there is one flaw that I found out about their position.

Akira-san probably knew about the range of sight that each of the security cameras that are installed in this bank. The only way I can think of where the four hidden criminals are is that they are within the security camera's blind spot.

All the Security Cameras are installed to get as much vision as they can so that means that these things are placed far from each other, and that also implies the same logic as to where the four criminals are.

Then if that's the case.


"What is that?!" Akira-san asked.

I sent a high voltage of electricity to the four security cameras that I think are near to the four hidden criminals and caused a discharge resulting in an explosion since the water pressure of the sprinklers is set to the max. This caused an electrocution around the area where the security cameras exploded, and this affected the four criminals who were hidden as well. Because they were drenched in water the electrocution became more effective since both water, and the human body is great examples of conductors for electricity.


The four criminals screamed in agony as they were electrocuted. Akira-san heard their screams and started overreacting.

"Fuck! Now I have no choice!"



Akira-san started swinging his gun around and made the hostages panic.

This is Akira-san's last resort. If his plan is falling apart then he will start to do irrational things that will cause harm to the people involved inside.

But I won't let that happen.

"Now it's time for Phase 2"



I opened the lights at the brightest they can reach in order to blind the criminals. Even if they needed light to see, their eyes have adapted to the darkness, and a sudden flash of light will surely blind them. Moreover, I let the fire sprinklers do their thing just to be a nuisance to the criminals since it will keep on pouring all over their faces, and can end up in their eyes preventing them from seeing clearly.

I can assume that we only have seven seconds to act as soon as they regain their vision clearly, and start threatening the hostages again.


I acted fast and started opening the windows, and doors that I shut down earlier to prevent the sunlight from getting in.

Seven seconds. That is the time we only have to capture these criminals. But if it's them, seven seconds is enough for the Special Assault Team to arrest these criminals.

"Now, commander!"

"Roger that!"

The Special Assault Team rushed as quickly as they could inside the bank, and some of the troops went to the location where I just told them that the four hidden criminals could be found. The commander and some of his troops have quickly secured the hostages' safety and pointed their guns at the criminals that can be seen in the remaining security cameras that I am using to watch what is happening right now.

"Akira Hasegawa! You are under arrest!"

With the commander's intimidating aura, even Akira-san didn't dare move, and the criminals that are with him had no choice but to surrender.

A few minutes have passed since that heist. We have successfully arrested the criminals and secured the safety of all the hostages inside the bank. I gave a long sigh and stretched my whole body.

"Shinohara, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, commander?" I asked.

"How can you come up with that kind of plan."

"I don't usually do things that have a lot of risks, but I have no choice but to do it anyway."

"I see."

"But you know what, commander? I just realized that those risks that I have thought of mean nothing to me at all."

"What do you mean?" the commander asked.

"If you are holding an area in the palm of your hands in the first place, why would you worry at all? Just like in video games, if you have full control over the area, you have the most advantage out of everyone that is on the playing field."

"Sigh… I don't understand these games you are talking about, Shinohara."

"I am just using that as an example since that is the easiest analogy that I can think of."

"I know, I know. Once again, we thank you for your support, Mayu Shinohara."

"Well then, commander, I need to go. See you next time."


The persuasion of the criminals has been successful, but I still have one thing to attend to.

I stood up from my chair and left my laboratory. As I looked at the time on my watch, I still have time to go to that place. I headed there immediately without delay and entered the room.

"Please excuse my intrusion."

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********