
*Mayu Shinohara's POV*

//July 16, 2040//Monday//

"Oh, Shinohara. Good Afternoon."

"Good Afternoon, Prime Minister Kamiyama." I replied back while bowing my head down.

I entered the conference hall where a meeting organized by the Prime Minister is being held that is starting right now. A lot of big shots around Japan, and people with power around the world are here inside right now and are sitting with a menacing facing as soon as I entered the room.

"Tch, so the last person to arrive is a brat?" One of the people inside asked.

"Nice to meet you, everyone. I am Mayu Shinohara."

I walked straight to where Prime Minister Kamiya is sitting and sat beside him. The Prime Minister glimpsed at me for a second and switched his focus to the people who are in here right now.

"Thank you for coming, everyone. Now, we will start our meeting about the sudden disappearance of Saitei University here in Japan."

Just like what the Prime Minister said, we need to discuss the sudden disappearance of Saitei University. The University where Machida is investigating two months from now.

"Miss Yuriko, can you please report to the people here inside about the information that we have gathered that is related to this incident?" Prime Minister Kamiyama asked.

Yuriko-san the secretary of the Prime Minister stood up from her seat and started reading the files that she is holding on to.

"On Friday, April 13, 2040. A new school year has begun for 3000 talented Japanese students who enrolled at Saitei University in Tokyo. As soon as these students arrived at the university, at exactly 12:30 pm in the afternoon, Saitei University suddenly vanished into thin air in Tokyo without a clue about the university and the students' whereabouts."

"Suddenly vanished into thin air? Are you kidding me? Supernatural events like that can't happen in real life. It is impossible for a university to suddenly vanish in a big place like Tokyo." One of the foreigners inside said.

"It is really impossible for a well-known school to disappear instantly, but what we are telling is the truth, and this is a picture of the place where Saitei University should be located."

As soon as Yuriko-san stopped speaking, she pushed the button on the device she was holding and showed a picture on the projector that we were looking at.

"H-How is this possible?"

A large crater as big as the University is shown in the picture with police cars surrounding it.

"As you can see in the picture below, this is where Saitei University should have been. Our detectives and the police are already investigating the place but we still don't have a single clue why this happened, and where are the students at."

"Tsk, but if you think about it. This kind of thing is impossible."

I agree with what the foreigner said. But this really happened, and we do not have a choice but to uncover the mystery behind the disappearance of the university.

"In addition to what I just said, thanks to Mayu Shinohara here who is with us who excels in hacking, she found something that made us suspicious of the actions of Saitei University this school year."

"This brat is a hacker, and has infiltrated the information of a well-known school?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on me, and I nodded slightly at the question of the foreigner who couldn't believe that someone like me can do such a feat.

Yuriko-san told everyone what I found out about the schedules of some students compared to the majority of the students who enrolled at the university. She also added that one of the greatest detectives in Japan started investigating the place two months ago, but he has also disappeared along with the students who are inside Saitei University.

"So even one of your greatest detectives can't find something about this university that disappeared?"

"For your information, that detective that we are talking about has solved a lot of cases and arrested an insanely huge number of criminals in the past. Do not underestimate his capabilities." I irritatingly replied to what the foreigner said.

"If what you said is true, then how come we are here talking about this case? Shouldn't this detective you are proud of should have solved the mystery already?"

I glared at the foreigner as a response to what he just said about Machida.

This foreigner has been talking to me a lot in this meeting since he learned that someone like me is with them.

"Don't look at me with those eyes, young lady."

His body is thrice the size of mine, and he has this annoying taunting aura around him. He kept on insulting me, and Machida as well. I clenched my fist really hard like I was about to punch the guy, but the Prime Minister held me on the shoulder, and I started calming down.

"We cannot deny the fact that we still haven't solved this case yet, and that is why we need to ask for your assistance because even the country can't find anything about this." The Prime Minister said.

The foreigner smirked at me, and shrugged his shoulders. The Prime Minister gave a long sigh of relief since he knew very well that if he didn't stop me, the commotion between the two of us could go worse, and affect the meeting.

"Just like what Miss Yuriko has explained earlier, this is all the information that we have about Saitei University, and we ask the assistance of the different countries around the world to help us find a lead to the location of the missing university where the students are trapped inside. But in the meantime, there is one question that I would want to ask to all of you."

The Prime Minister locked his fingers together and looked at everyone with a serious expression on his face.

"Who do you think is the one behind the disappearance of Saitei University?"

Everyone went silent. Nobody has an answer to the Prime Minister's question.

No, it's not that they don't have a clue. My guess is that they are terrified to answer the question in the first place.

In an incident this surreal, only one person can do this, and I will be the one who will say it to these people.

"The person behind the Ruination of Kanagawa"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********