Don't Make Me Repeat Myself

*Raku Nakamura's POV*

//July 17, 2040//Tuesday//

Damn it… I knew it… Just like what I said to Asahi earlier, we don't stand a chance against this guy.




Hyakuzawa punched me in the stomach and made me vomit a lot of blood. He kept on beating the two of us, and we still haven't landed a single strike against him.

Asahi is beside me who couldn't stand up because of the beatings he received from Hyakuzawa.

"D-Damn it…"


"Oh no you don't!"

I grabbed a mannequin that was within arm's reach and struck it at Hyakuzawa's head.


But that didn't do anything…

"That tickles!"

Hyakuzawa received the attack, and he didn't even budge, and the mannequin was the one who was smashed into pieces like it was struck by a concrete wall. Asahi, and I kept on struggling to buy some time for Sasaki, and the rest, but damn, even if I have been working out after I realized I was weak after Hyakuzawa beat the shit out of me back then…

I am still nowhere near his level.

"I have noticed that you have been working out. Your body build is much larger, and I can see some of your muscles forming. But did you think that you could stop someone like me if you tried to exert some effort? Are you fucking serious?" Hyakuzawa mockingly said to me.

"Shut up you bastard!"

"Asahi don't!"

Asahi rushed towards Hyakuzawa while he was holding onto a piece of wood that he will use to strike him. Hyakuzawa noticed Asahi running towards him, and focused his attention on Asahi.

"What the fuck?"



Hyakuzawa gave Asahi an uppercut right on the chin. But he didn't stop there.


After Hyakuzawa struck, he lifted his feet high up in the air and swung his leg downward with so much force in Asahi's head after Asahi had recovered.


Asahi collapsed on the floor after receiving a strike above his head. After I witnessed what Hyakuzawa did to him, I felt the fear of death once again. The fear of some monster who was about to take my life, and that monster is now approaching me with a smile on his face.

"Tell me…"

Hyakuzawa grabbed my collar forcefully with his hand which was soaked in blood that he got from beating us up.

"Why do you need to get stronger just so you can beat me? You do not have a chance in the first place."

Aahh… Is that his question? Damn it, he isn't wrong though. I tried getting stronger, but it is all for naught. I am still beaten up by this guy, maybe even worse than what he did to me before. But still, with a smile on my face, I replied to his question.

"It is better to do something than do nothing at all."

I looked at him, and he was obviously frustrated with my reply. Hyakuzawa lifted his hand and was about to strike. Chills sent shivers down my spine because I knew that his next strike was going to kill me. He will put all of his strength into his next attack for sure.

"Then die…"

Damn it… Guess my life ends here huh?

But that is what I thought…


I didn't notice because I was getting beaten up, and my ears were ringing, but as soon as I heard the door open, I could hear someone's footsteps that were quickly approaching us.

Hyakuzawa noticed it first as he looked at the person approaching behind me, he pushed my body to the floor releasing his grip from my collar. When I looked at who that person was, my eyes widened.


Hyakuzawa's right arm was about to strike her, and she also did the same as she swung his left arm towards him. The two of them were about to hit each other in the face, but what happened next made me surprised at what she did.

She shifted her stance by doing a quick turn and went for a swift kick on Hyakuzawa's neck using her right leg.


Hyakuzawa flinched and was unable to move after that kick. The girl then turned around once again and kicked him in the stomach with all of her strength.


She made a direct hit on Hyakuzawa that made him fly away from us. Hyakuzawa crashed into a pile of mannequins, and the next thing I saw was the girl in front of us who landed those two strikes that none of us can do.

"Sasaki, how did you?.."

"Get out right now…"

"But it's dangerous here, let us do this-."

"Don't make me repeat myself…"

Sasaki glared at me from behind, and her sudden change in aura made me intimidated by her. The tone of her voice is deeper and colder than it usually is. The atmosphere around her is just the same as when Ichi got mad at us on the day that he was about to kill Kanade. I do not know how she did that to Hyakuzawa, but one thing is for sure.

If I don't obey Sasaki, then I will just get in her way.

*Joichiro Hyakuzawa's POV*

//July 17, 2040//Tuesday//

Damn it! This Bitch! THIS FUCKING BITCH!!!

When the two of us were about to exchange punches, I didn't notice her sudden change of movements because of how quick she is, and the only thing I knew is that I got kicked in the neck.

One of my crucial vitals got hit badly that I almost lost consciousness. I wasn't able to be back on guard after that kick, and I didn't react on time to what came next. She then followed her attack with another kick on my stomach that made me fly into a pile of mannequins because of how relaxed my body was back then.


My eyesight got blurry, and my ears were ringing because of the damage that I took from her. I realized that this bitch was aiming for my neck from the start. That gave her the advantage to send me flying when I was about to lose consciousness from her first strike.

I noticed the two people I was beating up earlier exchanging words, and Raku stood up while walking slowly towards Asahi.

He then budged Asahi who was on the floor and talked to him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but as soon as they were finished talking, Asahi stood up as well, and the two of them started walking towards the exit.


As I stood up and rushed towards the two of these bastards who were trying to escape from me, this bitch was on the way, and she swung her right leg again towards my neck.



I didn't expect that she would land a kick on me, and that is why I got hit. This fucking bitch just got lucky. I stopped running and switched my target towards her. I was expecting the kick from my neck and blocked it with my right hand.


Here it comes! I knew it! The direction of her kick is aimed right at my neck! As soon as I grab that foot of yours, you will be fucking dead! I will break all of your bones starting from your legs so you can't walk again, then I will-.


But before I could even react, I received another fatal damage again that made me take a few steps back.


I noticed that I was on the verge of losing consciousness again. I realized that the damage that I took came from my head. This bitch… This bitch extended her reach, and aimed for my head!"


I tried getting up after the damage that I had just taken. How can this bitch land two strikes on me? When I looked at her, there were no changes in her body so she hasn't been working out.

I have also beaten her in the past, and she was even scared of me. So how? How can she land two clean kicks at me?


She took a deep breath, cracked her neck, and started talking.

"I just realized that talking to you will not do anything at all."


She started cracking her knuckles and fixed her posture by shrugging both of her shoulders with the support of her hands.

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you can beat me in a fight? You of all people? DON'T FUCK WITH ME!"

She ignored me and continued what she was saying.


She looked at me with those emerald eyes of hers. It gave me goosebumps as I looked at her. How? How can her vibes change so much in just a short amount of time? How can the look in her eyes be so intimidating?

"I will fucking beat some sense out of you…"

When she said that to me, I couldn't contain my anger anymore. My veins felt like they were about to pop inside my skull. I'm going to kill this motherfucker.


I took a deep breath and vented all of my anger to the scream that I was about to make. I will make sure that this girl is going to get killed by my hands.


******** TO BE CONTINUED ********