Photographic Memory

Photographic Memory is the ability to recall something that a person has seen in the past. But what makes this terrifying is that when a person with great potential has this ability, they can even execute the scene they witnessed perfectly.

*Kei Machida's POV*

//July 17, 2040//Tuesday//

"What the hell are you saying, Kiyoko?"

"I said, I want to save the three of them."

Did this girl not understand what I just said?

That look on her, it's written all over her face. Kiyoko has made her final decision. With determination in her eyes, she is really going to save both sides. But…

How can someone like you do that?

"You told me in the elevator earlier, Kei. Because of what I can do, I can help a lot of people. By acknowledging what my capabilities and my talents are, this is my answer to your question. If I want to stop Hyakuzawa, then I need to beat him in a fight. I don't want to kill Hyakuzawa, and I want to save Asahi, and Raku as well. That's my final decision."

I clenched my fists and got irritated at her answer. I do not know if Kiyoko has thought about it or if she is just plain stupid.

Even a stranger knows that you are no match for someone like Hyakuzawa if they witnessed you two fighting against each other.

"Impossible. I know I said to recognize your abilities, but you are just risking your life for nothing. Can you really defeat Hyakuzawa by yourself?"

"I can." Kiyoko replied with determination in her tone.

"Then prove it."

I'm trying not to be pessimistic, but if you think about it, there is nothing that Kiyoko can do to prove herself. I don't want you to die, Kiyoko. So just stop with this nonsense Without you, we can't leave this place. Just like what I said earlier, the best option is to kill Hyakuzawa.

"Sasaki?" Ichika said.

Kiyoko took a deep breath and walked away. The four of us who were inside the clinic were confused about what she was doing.

Kiyoko opened the door and was about to go out without saying anything.

This fool, I knew it! You can't prove yourself, do you?

"Oi, where do you think you're going? I asked.

When I called Kiyoko's name, she immediately stopped.

"To be honest, I don't think you even know how to fight in the first place. Have you ever gone into a fistfight with someone before? You haven't."

I tried getting up from my bed and sat down while looking at her.

"Machida! Your wounds are still severe!"

I ignored Kanade and focused my attention to Kiyoko.

"So if you can't kill someone, I can do it myself-."

As I was about to end my sentence, Kiyoko rushed towards me quickly, and she was about to strike me using her right fist. The three didn't have the time to react to Kiyoko's sudden swift movement, but I did. I reflexively blocked the upcoming strike with my left arm, but she stopped her fist right at the moment that her fist would get in contact with my arm.

Wait, why are her movements so similar to that?

"Big sister!"

"Oi Sasaki what are you doing?" Megumin asked.

Kiyoko stood up straight, and glanced at us like she was directly looking at our souls.

"Let me stop them…"

All of us noticed the way how Kiyoko spoke. There was a mysterious aura around her after she pulled that act, and the tone of her voice was cold as ice.

But what she almost did to me made me realize that she is more of a monster than I think.

"Okay, fine. You can go."

"Machida!" Ichika reacted violently to what I said.

"It's fine."

How much of a hypocrite I am? I told Kiyoko to acknowledge what she is capable of, but I realize that I might be the one who is underestimating what she can do. When she heard my answer, she started to walk away.


I interrupted her, and she stopped walking. I tried standing up even if my body couldn't handle it. But at least, I must do this for her.

"Machida, what are you doing?!" Kanade asked.

I ignored Kanade's words again and walked towards where Sasaki is while enduring the pain left all over my body.

As soon as Kiyoko noticed my presence from her back she immediately faced me in front. I look at her emerald eyes which are filled with darkness. Kiyoko's mood changed, and I knew right away that she was dead serious about the situation.

This is a life-or-death situation for her to begin with when she has decided to save the three of them.

But in exchange for saving me, this is what I can do for you at least.


I placed my hands on Kiyoko's shoulders and looked at her.

"Please don't die…"

After what I just did, I can see that she is back to normal again.

Her eyes filled with darkness earlier, I have those eyes as well. Those are the eyes of someone who doesn't care about their lives as long as they do what they are supposed to do. But now they are back to normal. Her eyes are shining like a polished emerald once again with tears filled all over them after what I just said.

"Thank you."

With a faint smile on her face, she walked away and went outside to do what she must do.

Kiyoko, even if you know your capabilities as a human being, don't use them to the point of killing yourself. After observing yourself for quite some time, you are better than that. It is not worth it for you to do things that will cost you your life.

Don't be like me.

"Oi Machida, why did you let Sasaki leave?" Ichika asked.

After Kiyoko left, the three girls who are here with me were confused by my decision to let Kiyoko go. Maybe the sudden attack that Kiyoko did, and my act of goodness out of nowhere left them speechless, and they were unable to act on the situation earlier.

"It's because of my intuition-."

Maybe I should stop saying that as an excuse so I can avoid explaining any further with my decisions. I always say the same thing to the government officials since I don't give a fuck about them.

But these people are different. They saved me when I needed help.

Damn it, Shinohara. You're right, maybe I really need the help of these people in this kind of situation that you were talking about.

I looked at Kanade who was stiff and worried about me. Maybe I am really pushing myself too far even though I am still getting treated. I started explaining why I let Kiyoko go.

"Have you noticed something from what Kiyoko did to me earlier when she is about to punch me?"


I knew it. Megumin was an exception since she was not in the Arts Room earlier, but these two didn't notice what Kiyoko did to me earlier-.

"Big sister's attack from earlier looks exactly like how Hyakuzawa throws a punch."

I guess only Ichika didn't notice.

"What do you mean by that, Kanade?" Megumin asked.

"Kanade was right." I replied.

I didn't realize it, and it's my fault for really underestimating Kiyoko in the first place. I wouldn't allow her to go out if that was just a normal attack. But how she executed it earlier, there is one thing that I could think of.

"Photographic Memory, does anyone know about it?"

"I have read it once in the past. Isn't that like someone who can perfectly remember something that they have seen?" Ichika said.

I nodded to Ichika's answer then looked at Megumin, and Kanade. It seems like they also have some knowledge about it.

"So how is Photographic Memory related to Sasaki? Megumin asked.

"What Kiyoko did earlier was exactly like what Hyakuzawa did to Raku that broke his arm."

"But anyone can do that if you watch it once, right? Just like a kid copying a superpower from his favorite superhero." Ichika said with bewilderment.

"But what Big Sister did is different."

I looked at Kanade, and it seems to be that she is the only one who also noticed it.

"Just like what Kanade said, Kiyoko's movements were different from a person copying a move from someone. Not only did Kiyoko copy Hyakuzawa's movements perfectly, but his bloodlust, aura, and the intention to strike. Everything is perfectly executed by Kiyoko."

Everyone was shocked at what I just said. Even I am surprised as well by what Kiyoko did earlier.

"But that doesn't mean that Sasaki can defeat Hyaku-."

"She can."

The three of them looked at me with uneasiness in their eyes after what I just said. You might be thinking, can a person that only has brains beat someone that is a beast with excellent physical prowess when it comes to a fight? Well…

"Just trust me. Kiyoko has a chance of defeating Hyakuzawa-."


I suddenly collapsed to the ground, and I was losing consciousness.

"Machida! Hang in there!"

I couldn't hear the people yelling at me, and my sight began to darken.

I think I have pushed myself too far, and the effects of Kanade's medication that she gave me earlier were all for naught. My wounds started to hurt once again, and there are some parts in me that were bleeding again.

After a few seconds, my vision became dark, and I couldn't hear a thing anymore. I realized that I'm now unconscious because of the injuries that I have received.

I hope I'm not going to die because of this.

But right now, I am assured that Kiyoko might have a winning chance.

Kiyoko is different. Based on her actions from earlier, she might be aware that she has a photographic memory, but if her knowledge is broader than any other geniuses…

Then Hyakuzawa will be going to face a different kind of monster that might be as terrifying as he is.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********