The Origin Of Joichiro Hyakuzawa: Part 5

*Joichiro Hyakuzawa's POV*

//April 14, 2036//Monday//

A great, and exciting school year has started once again.

I am now in my last year in Highschool, and when I graduate, I will be going overseas just as planned.

As for my little sister, Rui, she is now a first-year high school student. She has successfully applied for a scholarship in the school I was going to, and just as expected, kendo players who are going to my school had their eyes on her when they learned that a monster like Rui became a student here.

"Aaahh… I'm nervous." Asami said while fidgeting her fingers.

Me, and my girlfriend, Asami are walking together to school right now.

I can proudly say that our relationship got stronger and better. We have been on a lot of dates on summer vacation, and I got to know Asami better than before.

Asami also introduced me to her parents when we walked together on her way home. Asami's parents were really nice, and they approved of our relationship. We were delighted when our relationship is fine with her parents especially Asami when they talked about it.

But one thing that didn't change is her timidness around everyone, and I find that cute.

"Hopefully we are still in the same class…" Asami said while she was looking down.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry! Even if we are not classmates, I will visit your room when I have some free time."

"Aaaaahhh… That's embarrassing!"

Asami's face went red, and started shaking her head after I said that. I smiled and patted her head immediately to calm down her nerves.


I looked at my phone and smirked at the message that was sent to me.

I guess someone is also nervous on her first day of school.

Earlier at the house, while I am preparing myself…

"You're still not done yet?"


It's been an hour since Rui started fixing herself for school, and it's taking quite a while.

"What's with you? You look good already. Stop overthinking things."



Rui threw her shoes at me out of frustration. I dodged it instinctively, and her shoe crashed on the cabinet producing a loud slam.

"I need to make a good impression on my first day of school. That's why I am fixing myself, and look good. Just go by yourself, and I'll catch up later. I still have time before class starts."

I gave a long sigh while staring at my little sister in the bathroom who was looking at the mirror fixing her hair back, and forth with different hairstyles.

"Just be yourself. You don't need to put a lot of effort on your first day-."


Seriously I don't understand girls at all.

Well, that's how my day started. A usual chaotic morning with my little sister.

"I'll be going in a minute! Geez! I'm so nervous!"

That's what Rui sent to me a while ago, and I just ignored it. Continuing this conversation will stall Rui longer, and I don't want her to be late on her first day of class just because she is overthinking what to wear.

Finally, we arrived at our school.

A lot of students were entering left, and right the entrance. Asami and I found some familiar faces, and there are some new students as well who we do not know at all.

But one thing is for sure. This school year will be exciting.


And of course, just like last year, I was visited by these four again.

Daisuke rushed straight to where I am, and the others as well.

"Good morning, Joichiro-senpai!"


"Hey, how have you been?! Hahahaha!"

The usual greeting that has full of admiration from Souta, the one-word greeting from Genkei, the jolly Itsuki who is always in a good mood, and of course Daisuke who was full of vitality.

Damn, I miss these guys!


Immediately when they realize that I wasn't alone. They switched their attention to the person beside me, and all of them were shocked.


A loud greeting, and a polite bow like someone meeting their boss. That's the kind of greeting they did to Asami.

Their voices attracted too much attention that students started looking at us.

"G-Good Morning!!!"

Without a choice, Asami also bowed her head down swiftly while greeting these four.

"W-Well then, Joichiro!!! Have fun with your girlfriend! We will meet again later! MUAHAHAHA!!!"

Like stupid idiots who posed like a villain from an anime. The four of them quickly left and entered the school.

When Asami and I were on a date on summer vacation, we suddenly met Daisuke who was busy looking for some clothes at a shop that we were at.

Of course, you know already what happened next when Daisuke saw us.

Daisuke kept on asking me on our group chat what that was about, and I told the four of them that Asami and I had been dating ever since our second year ended.

The students who saw that scene earlier caused by the four ignored us, and continued walking or doing whatever their business is. Asami and I gave a sigh of relief after those four left.

"You really have great friends, Joichiro."

"Yep! I do!" I cheerfully replied.

"Have you already told them that you are going overseas to join the NBA G League next year, Joichiro?"

During summer break, I told Asami that I was invited to join the NBA G League, and she was really happy about it. She was a supportive girlfriend to be exact.

I told her to keep it a secret from everybody since I don't want to cause too much attention, and she agreed. But Asami has a point, the four of them were like my best friends, and someone close to me. Those four are not just my teammates but my friends who have each other's back as well.

"I'll tell it to them when the time comes."

Asami nodded at my answer and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I'll support your decision, Joichiro."

I was really planning on telling them, but not now. I don't see any reason to tell them out of the blue. Only Rui and Asami know that I was recruited by someone to join the NBA G League since those two are people who are special to me.

"Woah, who is that girl?"

"She is so pretty!"

"She looks cool!"

A lot of students were whispering about someone on the far side of the school. She was attracting the attention of most students outside the school as she walked straight towards the entrance gate.

She was wearing our school uniform, and her hair was tied into a ponytail. Her face was natural, and she wasn't even wearing makeup at all. But what stood out the most is the shinai she was carrying that was resting on her shoulder.

A fiery bright scarlet red hair, and a tomboyish pose while walking with an embarrassed yet trying so hard to hide that kind of face. Yep, I know who this person was.


It was Rui.

The person that was attracting too much attention from the students was my sister herself who had just come here in front of me.

"What's up, Big Bro?"


The students around us kept on whispering who might be thinking about what my relationship with Rui is, but I think they already knew that we are siblings since our hair color is almost the same, and obviously since Rui called me his big brother just now.

Rui didn't mind the crowd but instead looked at the person who was beside me.

"Who is that?" Rui asked.

Asami walked in front of Rui and bowed her head while introducing herself.

"I believe that you are Rui?"

"How do you know my name?" Rui asked with a suspicious look on her face.

"Your brother has been talking about you sometimes."

"My brother?"

"Nice to meet you, Rui! I'm Asami Ueda, your brother's girlfriend."

Rui's eyes widened upon hearing Asami calling herself my girlfriend, and Rui immediately glared at me.

"Huh, You have a girlfriend? Since when?"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********