The Origin Of Joichiro Hyakuzawa: Part 14

*Rui Hyakuzawa's POV*

Big Bro told me everything that he has been through. That he was being bullied by his teammates, that a hot-shot dude named Ken Yamazaki was ruining his life, and that girlfriend of his betrayed him and had sex with that fucker.

He showed the bruised that he had received all over his body, and it was painful to see it. He told me about him having problems with his allowance because everything was getting taken from him. And because of all those things, Big bro said that he was starting to have depression and suicidal thoughts.

It was painful to see him like that, and it hurts to know what he is going through. Despite what was happening to him, I didn't do a single thing. How the fuck can I call myself as his little sister if I couldn't protect my brother?

That's right, my brother was the only one who has been protecting me from the start.

From now on, I will return back the favor, and I will protect him as well.

But with all the things that Big Bro has said to me, with a lot of thinking, and advice that came from me.

Big bro has decided on what to do.

//October 3, 2036//Friday//

It is now 7:00 in the morning, and I am prepared to go to school.

Two weeks have passed since Big Bro told me everything, and this was the decision that he choose for himself.

"Yo, Big Bro! I'm off!"

"Take care!"

My brother has dropped out of Highschool.

It was a big decision to make, but Big Bro just decided that it was the best choice for him.

Big Bro and James Evans who scouted him for the NBA G League talked about this. James was surprised himself because of this sudden decision by my brother.

When James asked why would my brother drop out of school even though he was having a good life there, Big Bro explained everything like what he just told me. When James learned everything from Big Bro's bruises to how he was treated by the people he trusts, James was frustrated about it.

James understood right away and told us that if that's the case then my brother might go overseas much earlier than expected.

James said that he will bring my brother overseas next year in January. He said that they can't go there right away because Big Bro needs to prepare before going overseas. And one more personal reason why James said that they will be going in January rather than an earlier date is that he wants me, and my brother to have some time with each other.

I was cringing at that point when James told me that reason, but he had a point. I will be living by myself for a while when Big Bro will go overseas. It's not like my brother can come back here to Japan frequently because of how tough being in that G League is so I kind of understand, and I will make most of my time with Big Bro while he is still here.

When James asked who the person was responsible for how Big Bro was treated, we told him immediately who it was, but his reaction is not what I am expecting.

When we told him that a guy named Ken Yamazaki was the one who did this, James' body became stiff. I think I kind of get why James got nervous since this Yamazaki guy's family is a big shot here in Japan and was respected by the country.

But that doesn't mean that this Yamazaki guy has the fucking right to treat my brother like that.

When we were finished talking with James, he talked to me privately and said something about the Yamazaki family.

"I know that Joichiro has a better future ahead of him, and I think your brother dropping out of Highschool was the best decision."

I was confused why James have told me that, and not to my brother. But when he continued talking, he was not telling me this not only for the sake of my brother.

"Whatever happens, Rui. Don't ever lay a hand on the Yamazaki Family because I too don't have the power to stop them. It's best for all of us to not interfere with them even when what they are doing is something that a human being shouldn't even do."

I know that. Most people know that you don't fuck with those people with power.


I promised myself that I will return the favor, and protect my brother if something happens to him.

Besides, what this Yamazaki is doing to my brother is fucking disgusting.

Yeah, even though Big Bro has dropped out, he was still the talk of the whole school, and it was kind of affecting me.

"Oh look, it's Rui Hyakuzawa…"

"The little sister of a disgusting rapist."

You heard that right, my brother was now known here as the rapist who dropped out of school.

Two days after Big Bro dropped out of school, that Yamazaki started spreading rumors about him.

If I remember correctly about what Big Bro just said to me, Asami, her girlfriend before, and Yamazaki showed him a video of them having sex while Asami was confessing her true feelings to my brother.

Yeah, that fucking video was disgusting, but what the students here saw was something different.

I just happened to hear this, but right after Big Bro dropped out of school, Yamazaki told his class about the reason why my brother left. Of course, you guessed it right that what he said is not true, but it is kind of upsetting what he told them.

Yamazaki showed a video to his classmates of Asami getting violated while she was having sex with someone, and that fucking bastard said that it was my brother who did that.

That video spread around the class quickly in the school, and when I witnessed it myself, I knew that it was not my brother who was not the video. But I don't know how the fuck Yamazaki did it, but the voice that was violating Asami was definitely from my brother. Not only did the students see this, but the teachers as well.

When the teachers and the students asked for Asami's side of her story, she told them everything. And of course, what can you expect from a bitch? She looks like a pathetic slut who cried every time someone asks her about it.

She told everyone that my big brother was always forcing her to have sex even if she doesn't want to. Luckily, for Asami based on her fucking story, Yamazaki saved her, and the two of them became lovers when Yamazaki fought against my brother.

I want to spread the original video of Asami confessing to my brother how she really feels, but it was too late to do that. A few days after Big Bro told me everything he have been through, the video that Asami sent got deleted, and I don't have any way to retrieve it and use it as evidence against this injustice against my brother.

Because my brother became the hot topic in the school, Big Bro's former teammates also told them about this fake video on what my brother thought about the students in the school when Yamazaki showed the video to them.

And because of those things, everyone here in the school took their side without even hearing what my brother has to say.

What can you fucking expect? Asami is an honor student, and Yamazaki is a fucking Yamazaki, a rich-ass piece of shit who has a powerful reputation because of his family.

What chance will people listen to my brother's story when those two people who have a good future ahead of them are involved? Of course, we don't stand a chance.

Honestly, people are fucking disgusting.

And because of those rumors that spread around, even my reputation was affected in this school just because Joichiro Hyakuzawa is my brother.

"Hey look…"

Everywhere I go it's just the same things they are saying to me over, and over again.

The sister of a rapist, a fucking slut, dirty blood inside of me. Some are even spreading false rumors that I am having sex with my brother because of his libido.

Teachers were also calling me back, and forth inside the faculty because of the rumors that were spreading, and of course, there was only one thing that I was saying all the time.

"Go ask my Big bro what really happened."

I have thought of telling them everything that Big Bro has told me about. But even if I did, would they believe that story from someone like me? They will just think that I am protecting my brother

Yeah, it's because they were turning a blind eye to my brother. They were just fucking terrified to know the truth. And how could they go against the two students who are at the top of this school? Even adults don't have a sense of pride that they need to protect as teachers for their students.

What's the point of telling them our story if they are fixated on one side already?

Well as for how people treat me here, it's not like I give a fuck.

People are just whispering, and spreading rumors about me. And that's it, they were not bullying me or anything for the past two weeks. Asami, Yamazaki, and Big bro's friends are also looking at me when I see them, but they were not really giving a damn about me.

The one thing I noticed why no one is trying to bully me is because of my reputation here in school.

Before the rumors about Big Bro started to happen, everyone here know that I quickly became the number one in Arnis here in the school. People were amused, and at the same time afraid to pick a fight against me. So I guess that's the one reason why no one was giving me the treatment like what my brother has dealt from his former teammates and Yamazaki.

The bad thing about this is that I was isolated from the whole school because of my relationship with my brother.

Every time I approach someone if I need their help, they were always avoiding me. It was kind of a problem especially when I really need someone's help.

But Fortunately…


******** TO BE CONTINUED ********