The Origin Of Joichiro Hyakuzawa: Part 16

*Rui Hyakuzawa's POV*

//October 10, 2036//Friday//

"See you on Monday, Rui-Rui!"

"Take care!"

After my Arnis match after class, Nao-chan, and I parted ways to go home. Earlier, Nao-chan watched my Arnis match and invited me to hang out at the arcade after the game was finished. But, I refused her offer since I was too tired to go somewhere else, and of course, Nao-chan understood it right away then she gave me an onigiri from the cafeteria as a congratulatory gift for winning my match earlier.

"I wonder how Big Bro is doing?"

I want to go straight back home to rest and eat the food that Big Bro had prepared. But first of all…

"I'm thirsty."

I went to the convenience store to buy an energy drink to get back the energy that I used earlier from my match, but when I was about to enter inside, I heard something at the corner of the store.



A loud dude yelled at the side of the convenience store, and I could hear something that was thrown over at the garbage bin. It looks like that dude is beating up someone.

"Sigh… Go fight somewhere else."

People these days just want to fight anywhere they want without thinking of the consequences of their actions. Seriously, people these days just want to talk with their fists.

Well, It's not like I have any business with them anyway, so let's not bother them, and let the cops or something handle it later.

"Thank you for coming!"

After I bought the energy drink that my body is craving, I left the convenience store and took a sip out of the drink that I bought.

"So goood!"

The cold sweet drink that was going through my throat. Aaaaah, what a refreshing feeling it is! I feel energized once again.



Wow, nice way of ruining the mood.

Once again, I heard the sound of someone yelling, and the sound of someone crashing on a garbage bin

Damn, there are still going on with it? Is no one going to report those people? Well, it's not like it's been going on for a hours now, but geez.

"Well, time to go home."

As soon as I started walking away, I heard a familiar voice from where the ruckus is coming from.

"Please… Stop…"

And at that moment, my blood boils throughout my body and went straight towards where all of the chaos is happening.

That voice, that guy who was calling for help, I know that guy. He is someone I knew very well, and that is why I immediately walked there without hesitation.

I thought it was none of my business at all, but I was wrong. I should have checked on what is happening earlier instead of not giving a fuck.

"BIG BRO!!!"

I went to the corner where all of the commotions is coming from, and my eyes widened as soon as I saw what was happening.

"R-Rui… What are you doing here?"

My brother had bruises all over his face, and there was blood coming from his mouth. His clothes were dirty, and he was lying down beside the garbage bin.

Then that means those sounds that I was hearing earlier…

I don't know why my brother is here because he should be at home right now. But whatever happened to him today is all because of the fault of these people.


The four guys who were beating my big brother were none other than Big Bro's former teammates.

"Hahahaha! What are you going to do to us, little sister?"

One of the guys was stepping on my brother's face, and the others were laughing as they were belittling my brother.


"Or what?"

And of course, this fucker has to speak with that repulsive mouth of his,

Yamazaki stood in front of me with a nasty smile on his face. He was as tall as my big brother and compared to my height, I feel helpless in front of him.

But the fuck should I care about this guy?

"Fuck off."

I walked right past this Yamazaki guy and went to where my brother is.

"Hey, you bitch."

Yamazaki pulled my shirt from behind with force, and held my collar.

"The fuck do you think you are going? Have some respect for someone like me."

His face was too close to mine while he was holding the collar of my shirt. This piece of shit was looking at me with that lifeless intimidating face of his. Looking at it for the first time, I knew right away that this fucker is all talk and no bite at all.



I spitted on this fuckers face, and his reaction was priceless. I smirked at him and said.

"You don't deserve shit."


"Rui!" My Big Bro yelled.

Yamazaki slapped me in the face, and I took three steps back when he loosen his grip on my collar.


This Yamazaki went hysterical after he wiped off the spit that I gave him right on his face. But I didn't care at all and brushed my cheek from where I got slapped.

"Do you think you should be doing that at all to Ken, Rui Hyakuzawa?"

Lastly, there is one more disgusting person who was here.

"The fuck are you talking about, Asami?"

It was none other than the bitch who destroyed my brother's heart. Asami Ueda.

I was keeping my temper in control every time I see this bitch. I remembered Big Bro talking about this girl a lot when he told me about their relationship. My brother loved her genuinely, and he was happy that he got to go out with a beautiful girl like her.

But her beauty is the opposite of her fucking attitude.

"Know your place, Rui. Do you think a person with a terrible reputation in school should stand up against someone like us?"

"I don't care, so fuck off, and shut that slutty mouth of yours."

There should be no reason for these people to talk about my reputation at school.

"R-Rui? What are they talking about?"

Damn it…

"What do they mean about your reputation?" Big Bro asked.

My brother doesn't know about it, and I don't have any plans to tell him in the first place. It's none of his business, and it will only cause him trouble.

"Oh, don't you know, Joichiro? Your cute little sister is the hot topic of the school after you dropped out." Yamazaki said while he was walking to where Asami is behind Joichiro and the others.

"We told everything about what you did, Joichiro."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"SHUT UP!!!"

My brother doesn't need to know. I don't care about some shitty reputation. It's better for Big Bro to know nothing at all.

"Why are you acting like a spoiled brat, Rui Hyakuzawa? Don't you want to let your brother know what you've been through?"

"Just tell it to me…"

I stood frozen after my brother said that. I turned pale, and I started getting nervous.

"Okay, I'll tell everything to you, Joichiro."

Yamazaki told Big Bro everything that happened after he dropped out. The rumors about him being a rapist, and when he was exposed that he thinks little of his friends and the students in the school. Because of those things, even my reputation was affected, and people started looking at me differently in a bad way.

Everything. My brother learned all of those things from the bastard who was behind all of that.

And I don't know what to say at that point.

"B-Big Bro… I-It doesn't matter-."

"What the hell?"

But I thought those things will make Big bro, anxious, and worried about me. But instead…



"BIG BRO!!!"


One of the guys who was surrounding my brother punched him in the face. The brand new phone that I gave to my brother a few days ago also fell in his pocket and left a crack on the screen.

"Nonsense? What are you talking about, Joichiro?"



The guy who yelled at him stepped on Big Bro's phone and continued to crush it with his foot.

It made me angry as I see the gift I gave to my brother getting crushed like that, and I exploded.


I had enough of their bullshit and yelled at them. I was breathing heavily, and this fucking situation was giving me a headache.

"My brother didn't do all of those fucking things! Why the fuck would you believe Yamazaki with all his bullshit?!"

"R-Rui… Enough…" My brother said weakly.

And with a dumbfounded look on this fucker's face, he gazed at me like an innocent piece of shit who was acting like he doesn't know what I am talking about.

"But your brother Joichiro DID those things, am I right, guys?"

"Yeah! Even Ken showed a video as proof!"


I can't take this anymore, and it feels like I'm going to pass out at any moment because of the stress in this situation.

"A Yamazaki never lies, Rui." Asami said with a smile on her face.

Seriously… People are stupid… THESE PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK!!!

I couldn't say anything. Whatever I say, no matter how I convince these idiots, no one will believe in us. It's because of that Yamazaki. It's because they have more power than us. Because of that…


We are being treated like shit…

"Just let go of my brother… He has nothing to do with you guys anymore…"

Calm down, Rui… Don't let anger get the best of you…

"Nothing to do with us? Yeah, but we have a fucking problem with him. Fuck off"



I was witnessing four guys who used to be my brother's friends beating him up while he was coughing up blood because of the blows Big Bro was receiving from them.

My whole body started trembling.


Yamazaki, and Asami, were also watching as my brother was getting beaten up by them. Why..? Why are there people like this? What did we even do in the first place?


I yelled once again, and one of the guys who were beating up Big Bro stood up in front of me.

"Or what?"

His face looks relaxed and sleepy, but he was terrifying to look at. He is as tall as my brother, and it feels like I am shrinking because of his height.

But that didn't matter at all especially when I hear my brother's voice while he was getting beaten up.

I had enough…

"Fuck off…"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********