The Origin Of Joichiro Hyakuzawa: Part 17

*Rui Hyakuzawa's POV*

//October 10, 2036//Friday//


As soon as I glared and cursed him, he swung his right fist towards my face.

I crouched immediately, took my shinai out of its case, and jumped.

"What the hell?"

I didn't give this fucker some time to react, and as soon as I jumped up to reach his head, I spun mid-air, and swiftly swung my shinai like a baseball bat at his neck to where his vital point.


With much force coming from my shinai, the guy was left unconscious, and fell to the ground.

"W-What the hell?"

"He defeated Genkei with one blow?"

The three of them were surprised because of what I did, and stopped beating up my brother.

I walked slowly towards them, and they backed off immediately.

"What are you guys doing? There are three of you, and that's just one girl. Get him!"

Because of Yamazaki's orders, the three bastards approached me slowly.

These fuckers are ganging up on me? How cute. I raised my Shinai in front of my opponents, and glared at them.

"Bring it on."

The three of them rushed towards me together, and began flying their fists right at me.


"How fucking pathetic…"

The three of them passed out as well after I gave each of them a single hard strike.

"What the hell?"

Yamazaki, and Asami were shocked that I defeated four athletic students that are twice my height, and I saw Yamazaki getting intimidated as well.

"Now it's your fucking turn."

I approached where Yamazaki is, and he backed away with Asami.


He was scared of me. This fucker with a large ego is showing his disgusting pathetic side.

My anger was getting worse every time I see his idiotic face. The man who ruined my brother because of some shitty immature reason.


"R-Rui… Stop…"

"Don't worry, Big Bro… I'll beat this fucker up…"

I rushed towards Yamazaki, and was about to strike him while he was covering his face.


Even with all of the injuries that Big Bro has received, he yelled at made my ears ring.

I looked at him, and he was furious with me.



When my brother pleaded for mercy, I remembered what James told me a few days ago.

"Whatever happens, Rui. Don't ever lay a hand on the Yamazaki Family."

"Damn it…"


I dropped my Shinai on the floor, and looked at Yamazaki once again who was relieved of what just happened.

"Hoho… What's with your fucking face?"

He grinned at me when I dropped my shinai. This fucker is the worst of the worst.

"Alright fine then. I'll stop picking on your brother so stop staring at me with those fucking eyes of yours."

"You should have stopped earlier, and left my brother alone."

"Maybe you are right. After I saw your brother all pathetic right there, I have successfully ruined his life."

I was gritting my teeth, and clenched my fists to the point where my palm started to bleed when my fingernails were puncturing them while I was hearing his laughter after what he just said.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Suddenly, the store clerk who I just met earlier when I bought my energy drink came.

"I just heard someone scream, and what is this?"

"Well then, we're leaving…"

Yamazaki, and Asami started walking away, and are about to leave the place.

"Are you going to leave your friends here, Yamazaki?" I asked.

"I don't need people who can't meet my expectations."

This fucker… He doesn't even think of these four as his friends…

"Hey! Stop right there! I'm calling the cops." The store clerk said.

When the store clerk was trying to stop them, Yamazaki stopped walking, and glared at him.

"In the name of the Yamazaki family, I suggest you mind your own business. It'll ruin your life if you try to report this."

And because of his family name once again, another injustice was brought to us. The store clerk suddenly got terrified when he heard the Yamazaki family, and allowed Yamazaki, and Asami to leave the place.



My brother suddenly collapsed on the ground and lost consciousness.


The store clerk immediately went inside the convenience store to call an ambulance for help right after he saw my brother who was covered in blood all beaten up.

I was left alone with my brother, and I started embracing him while tears fell on my face.


******** TO BE CONTINUED ********