To rest and think about what to do next. I was carrying Yuri on my back and was walking on the main road. Then a car was going toward the town. I waved at the car and the car stopped.
A black haired woman in late 30s was driving the car. "Hey, can you give us a lift to the town?" i ask her. She replied "Ok, hop in." Me and yuri hoped in the back.
"I am Elena by the way. So, what happened?" Elena asked joe. I replied " I am Joseph. We were with friends. Then we had fight and they dropped us in the middle of the road."
" Bad luck or worse friends? Or maybe both." She also said " I am new to Folks Town. Moved here a month ago."
"Thanks for the ride. You can drop us of in a hotel." i said. When i was talking to Elena i felt i felt like i could command her and she will do it.
It should be impossible but i teleported here. So, it could be possible. I decided to try it on Elena. " "Elena, let us stay in your house for a few days." i said strongly to her.
"Yes, no problem." she replied with and a blank look on her face. Then i understood i could do Telepathy. I tested it further by asking " Tell me all about you now."
Elena is now a widow. Who just moved to forks and lives alone because she has no children. By this time i understood that what i have is "The Power of Absolute Obedience".
Half a hour later we were in Elena's house. I took to the guest room and tried to sleep. "Joe wake up" i heard yuri say next morning as he was shaking me.
So, i explained to him what happened after he teleported us. "What happened to you?" i asked him. "Vladimir said i am a half Vampire and half werewolf hybrid" he replied.
"What are we going to do now?" Yuri asked me with a expression that he agree to what ever i do. "Yuri i want to live a normal life for few years" i said to Yuri.
"Yes, i was thinking the same thing" yuri replied. Then we found out that it was now 25th June of 2003. We needed money to create new identity for us.
We decided it. We will rob a bank in Seattle. We got everything ready for robing. We leaving for Seattle i commanded Elena to forget everything about us and live a happy life.