2nd July we decided to rob the bank. It was pretty easy actually. I commanded the bank manager to keep us all the information about the bank. Where the money was kept then commanded him to forget about it.
Then Yuri stole 2.6 million dollar at night very easily. We became millionaires in a single night. But the next part but was not easy. We needed find someone who can create fake identity.
Luckily, i was a computer nerd before. So, we went to dark web. On the 5th try we became successful. We would send our new info and money over the dark web. And they would send over our new identity cards like Driver's licence, social security card and passport over fedex.
We spent over 500 thousands on identity alone. But it was all worth it. Cuz the identity was 100% real. It was already 15 july by then.
So, yuri and i decided to officially move to forks to live there. Cuz we wanted to live in quite town not a city. And also cuz fate has brought us to Forks.
On 20th July we moved to a beautiful hill house in Forks. We decided to attend Forks high school in September as freshman.
From 23rd july to rest of August we decided to experiment our new powers. And have better understanding of ourselves.
Yuri and i look completely like normal humans. We can like on normal food but not satisfied. We can drink blood to replace normal food. Blood makes us stronger then normal food.
As a vampire we have no sunlight problem. Yuri is stronger than me in strength but i am faster and harder to injured then yuri.
At fight we are draw but if yuri uses teleportation he wins. And my Telepathic powers has infinite uses. But most useful is Mind Control & Manipulation.
I can make people do things i want, i can make them forget things. Most awesome is by stoping their mind i can stop their physical movement and they don't even remember it.
We also brought two cars and one bike for me. A ford mustang bumblebee for me and a purple Chevrolet Corvette Z06 for Yuri. Also a black 2003 honda cbr600rr cuz we can afford it.
After laundering the stolen money we had 1.8 left. We spent 1.1 million on house and 200 thousands on cars and bike. 100 thousands Cash for emergency and left rest of money in stock market.
Our, fake identity is we are step brothers. Yuri was adopted by parents. But our parents died in a car crash and left us a fortune in stocks cuz our father wealthy investor.