In these 5 months Edy and yuri became a official couple. Edy, Emmett and Jasper also because good friends. They liked fighting each other.
Edy, Ed , Alice and i became good friends. Rose was more friendly to me than yuri maybe she didn't like werewolf part of him. Once a werewolf tried to kill her. But yuri is a nice guy. So, he doesn't mind it.
The Cullen's started to treat us like family. I also treat them like family. But Seeing everyone with someone who they can love with all their heart. Made Ed and i jealous. So, Edward and i became even closer friends.
Among us the best skilled fighter was Jasper. Edward was fastest on foot. Yuri was faster with teleportation. Emmett was strongest on strength. Edy had the best senses. Alice had the best instincts. Rose was so beautiful that she dazed me once in a fight. And i was strongest fighter cuz my dragon blood made me hard to injure. I was also strong and fast. I could also use mental attacks in fight.
After school we all would hangout with each other. We also went deer hunting together. It was one of best period of my life.
Yuri and edy would stick together like gum. They also spend night together cuz i here sound from his room in night.
But the most fun thing to do with them is to play baseball. I personally like thunderstorm and rain. And temperature does not bother me because of my physic.
The first time i played baseball i fell in love with it. I am also learning piano from Edward. He plays the piano the best i have seen.
Sometimes we hangout at our house. Sometimes at Cullen's house. Everyday was interesting with them. But i felt like something was missing from my life. It was something very important.