Chapter 12: Emma Swam

Emma was not a common girl. When she was in grade school. She saw her twin sister Bella get bullied. So she learnt Mixed Martial art to save her. So, she was good fighter for age and gender. She also does gymnastics.

She also liked reading novels but not a good student. But sha secret only her twin sister knows. She had the power of telekinesis. She could move objects with her mind. Emma love in Phoenix, Arizona. With are sister, mother Renee and stepfather Phil.

Bella and Emma's mother was impractical, absentminded and liked to shift from one interest to the next, Bella grew up as the more responsible and independent individual. At an early age, she took over most of the household responsibilities. Sometimes, she would feel like she was the adult and Renée was the child.

Emma was a little irresponsible. But protects Bella from other kids at school. And Bella takes care of Emma on other things like study, cooking. Bella and emma are best friends and sisters. The love taking care of each other and their mom.

During free time, Bella preferred to sit home and read, in part because she was extraordinarily clumsy. Her naturally responsible nature carried over into her schoolwork, where Bella was generally a straight-A student. Her plan for the future was to get a degree in education and teach, like her mother. Renee's career was the one thing that Bella truly respected. However, she intended to teach at the high school level.

When Emma and Bella noticed that Renée felt lonely due to the lack of romance in her life, they encouraged their mother to go on more dates. Eventually, Renée fell in love with and married a minor league baseball player named Phil Dwyer. Bella wasn't entirely fond of the idea, but nevertheless offered her blessing.

They married in the same month that Bella and Emma turned 17. While Phil traveled around for his job, Renée stayed home with twins; however, Bella and Emma, noticing their mother's unhappiness with this arrangement, chose to move in with their father in Forks so Renée could go on the road with Phil during baseball season.

On 17th January 2005, Emma and Bella reached forks. Their father picked them up from airport. Emma actually liked rain and thunderstorm. So, Bella was not happy about the change.