Chapter 13: The New school and Truck

18th January, 2005

Today was the our first day at school. In morning bella made pancakes. After breakfast Dad's friend charlie and Jacob came with a old truck.

"You guys remember uncle billy and Jacob, right. He used to take you guys to fishing." Charlie said to us. Bella looked like she didn't remember a thing. "Yes, i remember uncle billy, coolest guy in town." Emma said. Everyone laughed.

Emma asked billy and Jacob how they were. Also said " Uncle Billy Bella is used to talk a lot about you and specially Jacob." Bella is socially awkward but Emma is easy going and confident person.

Charlie points towards old truck and said it was our homecoming present. Then Bella said " Really! thx dad. It's perfect." Cuz the mom gave us to buy car was saved. Jacob said " you want to check it out?" Bella said yes. We never had a car of our own.

Inside the truck, it was nice and dry. Either Billy or Charlie had obviously cleaned it up, but the tan upholstered seats still smelled faintly of tobacco, gasoline, and peppermint. The engine started quickly, to my relief, but loudly,

roaring to life and then idling at top volume. Well, a truck this old was bound to have a flaw. The antique radio worked, a plus that Bella hadn't expected.

After jacob and billy left. We took the truck and towards school. I knew jacob liked bella.

Finding the school wasn't difficult, though I'd never been there before. The school was, like most other things, just off the highway. It was not obvious that it was a school; only the sign, which declared it to be the Forks High School.

When Bella was parking the truck. Everyone was staring at her weirdly. Cuz our car was the most ugly looking in here. A black guy said " Nice Ride". I replied Can't buy it with just money needs courage pretty boy.

The guy blushed.

Then we went to the front office to get our class schedule and school map. We transferred School in the middle of junior semester.

When the bell rang, a nasal buzzing sound, a gangly boy with skin problems and hair black as an oil slick leaned across the aisle to talk to me.

"You guys are Swan twin, aren't you?" He looked like the overly h elpful, chess club type. "Bella and Emma" I corrected. I am Eric he introduced.

"What's your next class?" Eric asked.

"Government, with Jefferson, in building six." Bella replied.

"Mine English is Olivia, in building four" Emma said.

"I'm headed toward building four, I could show you the way. . . ." Definitely over helpful

"So, this is a lot different than Phoenix, huh?" he asked. "Very." "It doesn't rain much there, does it?" "Three or four times a year." "Wow, what must that b "Sunny," I told him. e like?" he wondered. "You don't look very tan." "Maybe that's why they kicked out of Arizona" emma joked. "Our mother is part albino."

After dropping off Bella, Eric took me to English class. "Well, good luck," he said as I touched the handle. "Maybe we'll have some other classes together." He sounded hopeful .