The first of Emma's day went well. After finishing her last class until lunch. I went towards the cafeteria quickly cuz i was really hungry.
But suddenly bumped into a guy then i was about go down the stairs. Bump was so quick he could not steady himself and was about to fell down the stairs.
If he falls head first into ground. His might be seriously injured or might even die. So, i used my telekinesis to grab him. So, to stop him from hitting the ground.
Because I was panicking i used to much power. It was like you grab a glass with so much strength it breaks into pieces. When i realized this it was already too late.
I thought i had broken his bones or might even killed him. But 1 second later i saw him on the ground harmless. I stopped him from hitting the ground.
My powerful grab should have killed him. But he looked completely fine. He was starting at me shocked. I was also shocked cuz a normal human would have died from my grip but he didn't.
So, there is something wrong with him. Before I was able to speak he was already gone. I did not see him move but he was already gone.
He must have understand that i now no his secret. And he knows mine. I don't think he will talk about it to anybody.
He Isn't a human. So, to keep from his secret from spreading. He might kill me. Or if he is good nothing will happen. Does this day get any worse? I think to myself.
I was still feeling hungry so I'm going to cafeteria. There i knew saw is adopted brother and his friends.
All of them was very good looking.
Because of my own power, i was always curious of others like me. But couldn't find someone like me until now. I needed to talk to this joseph Pendragon.
Luckily my last class was with him. When i entered to classroom i saw him looking at the window. Only sit empty was by his side.