When i first saw him. I did not have time to take a good look at him. Now that i saw him from up close. I was his dark hair, not too long, not too short.
He was fair skinned but not too fair. He was slim and he had long legs. He must atleast 6 feet i thought to myself. He was enough good looking to appear in top movies.
When i sat next to me. He looked at me and smiled like we meet for the first time. He said " Hello, i am Joseph L. Pendragon."
Emma replied " I know. You are pretty famous at the school. Everyone seems to know you."
" I am sure, i am not that famous. Tell about yourself."
" I am Emma swan. Me and my twin sister moved here from Arizona to live with our father. And spend rest of our High School here. What about you? "
Then we started to talk about ourselves. We both decided to avoid to event at the stair case. And before i knew it class was over. When i was talking to him i felt attracted to him. I felt about boys that way before.
" Well, i will see you tomorrow Emma. It was a pleasure to meet you." Joe said politely after the class. Then Emma went to where their truck was parked. I was Bella there like she was about to cry.
Later that night, Bella told me what that douchebag Edward did to my sister. I need to have a heart to heart conversation with this Edward. For he made my sweet harmless cry.
But i didn't tell Bella about the stair case event. I want to talk to Joseph about this first. I might put my sister at risk by telling him about this.
I felt a strange connection with him. That i only felt with Bella before. I also seem to like him a bit. He was polite, good looking, confident and most of all he was supernatural. He was same as me.
I wanted to know about him more. Today was a really exciting day. I fell asleep quickly. Cuz i was tired.