Chapter 18: Coincidence

Joe after meeting Emma was really confused. Because he didn't know about humans had telekinesis powers. And after talking with Emma he really liked her.

She was very Fair skinned, not to short for girls 5.10 feet. Her voice was really sweet. I wanted to observe her a little more. So, i went to her house.

There i saw Edward in Bella's room. It was 2.0 clock in midnight. Noticing me Ed got out of her room. And we went to the forest to talk. I said to Edward.

Edward and i became very good friends by this 2 years. So, i shared with him. What happened at school today. He told me about bella being his singer. He also said he felt attracted to her. He wanted to spend more time with her. So, joe told Ed what he thought about this situation.

"Edward, i know what kind of person you are. You hate yourself, you think of yourself as a monster. You would rather die then kill a human. But you know what happened when Emmett came across his two singer. He lost control and killed both of them. You do this you will kill yourself, i know that. Edward, you are someone with one of the best heart in the world. If you spend more time with you will fall in love with her. But you will not turn her into vampire cuz you think of them as monster. You don't want her to live like this. Then why are you purposely hurting yourself. You really are too good, man. I personally say if you like her give her the chance to make her own decision. But if you make her love you, then run away. I say leave Fork for a few year then we will join you. I am your friend Edward. I want nothing but happiness for you. The decision is all yours to make."

" You don't need to answer now. Think about it then make your own decision. I personally want you to be happy. Even if you want to drink bella's blood. I am going to help you with it. But i don't want you to do things that will hurt you." Joe also said.

For the next 6 days Edward didn't go to school. Then the next day he decideded he already spent too much time alone. He needed a mate. Everyone was very supportive his decision.

Edward decided to enjoy his life a little more. Then he said thx yo me for giving him the chance to think clearly about the situation. I was also very happy for him.