The Cadet’s Confrontation

I opened my eyes and looked around. I looked left, then right, then left again.

"Where am I?" I said to myself. I kept looking around confused. "I don't understand. I thought I was just in the truck to go and join the Security Department for the SCP thing or whatever it's called."

"You're in the SCP foundation's security guard training facility." A random voice said. I looked around trying to find the host of the voice. "Over here kid." I looked around again trying to find it. Then I found it, it was a tall man in a black suit looking at me from the door. "We had to knock you out to make sure this facility stays hidden."

Then I remembered.

"Where the hell is Sakuta?" I desperately asked.

"He's fine... He's in a different room. I actually think he's in the next room over."

I stood up as fast as I could to try and find Sakuta. Then I was stopped.

"Cadet Arata sit down." The man in the suit said.

"Yes sir?" I said.

"Let's start." The man in the suit grabbed a clipboard from the bag he was carrying. "I am Captain Maxson of the SCP foundation's security guard unit! I will be your instructor for the next two months while you're here. I want you to the cafeteria in 20 minutes. We will have a table with our squad number, our squad is squad one." His personality completely changed from when he first walked in. It's like, before he was putting on an act. "Cadet I have said this three times, if I need to say it you're getting no food today! So I'll ask again, where will you be on 20 minutes?" He yelled.

"I will be in the cafeteria at table one in 20 minutes sir!" I replied.


"I feel like I'm not going to like him." I said to myself. "Only 20 minutes? I should get changed and then head out and look for the cafeteria."

I started to walk around the building looking for any signs to point me to the cafeteria. But there wasn't any. I was looking for what felt like an hour. But when I checked my watch, I found out that I've been looking for ten minutes.

"What the hell!" I yelled in anger. "Where the hell is everyone? And better that, where the hell is everyone?"

Once I said that I saw a man in armor come out of one of the rooms in the hallway.

"Hey... Hey you." I called out.

When I called for him he looked at me with a confused face. "You must be those new cadets. Let me guess, you're looking for the cafeteria?" He asked.

I nodded.

"It's down the hall on your right."

"Thank you." I said.

That must have made him happy because when I said thank you he looked at me and smiled.

"Down the hall, on my right." As I said that I saw the cafeteria through one of the doors. "Finally."

I walked through the door to the cafeteria and saw Sakuta sitting at a table with the guy that talked to me when I woke up and two others.

"Hey Arata, over here!" Sakuta yelled.

"Yea yea... You don't need to yell." I said.

"You were almost late." The man said.

"I'm never late." I responded.

"Listen kid, don't get bitchy with me."

"Alright, why did you call us down here?" I asked.

"Quiet down kid." He said to me. "First let me introduce myself. I am Captain Maxson of the SCP Security Guards, I'll be training you for the next year."

"Wait, we'll be training for a year?" One of the other guys asked.

"Yes, but during this training you will be doing many tasks. Our first task is for you to get to know me. I just introduced myself. Know introduce yourselves." He commanded.

"I'm Sakuta, and it's an honor to serve with all of you." Sakuta stated.

"I'm Paul, I'm going to show you all that I'm the best."

This new guy Paul, seems extremely cocky. I guess I'll need to prove him wrong.

"It's my turn then. My name is Arata."

"Would you like to say anything else." The captain asked?

"No" I responded.

"Alright then." The captain said with a tone of suspicion. "I want you all to eat up. I'll give you thirty minutes to eat. After the 30 minutes meet me outside the barracks door."

"Yes sir." We all responded.

During the 30 minutes we Sakuta and Paul talked about their past life while I sat in silence, slowly eating. Everyone once in a while I would get asked "Isn't that right Arata?" or "Did I leave anything out?" but I would always respond with either yes or no.

"It's almost time." I stated.

They both looked at me and started to get up with their food. "I'm going to throw these out, do you guys want me to throw yours out?" Sakuta asked.

"Yea." I responded.

"Nah man, I got mine." Paul responded.

I gave Sakuta my trash and started to walk towards the door. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see two squads eying me. As I kept walking, I could see the squads still eying. But three of the guys were gone. I looked around the room and then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Arata, you okay?" Sakuta asked.

"Yea, just felt like someone was glaring me. But I guess it was just my imagination." I said.

We decided we would all walk to where we were suppose to meet the captain.

Until they showed up...

"Look what we got here boys, some cadets. You guys want to prove yourselves?" They tall man asked.

"Every time I go to a new place this happens. Well it's whatever." I said. "Paul, Sakuta, head to the meeting. If the captain asks why I'm late, tell him I ran into some trouble."

"Alright... Just don't hurt yourself." Sakuta said while running off with Paul.

"Cadet name yourself now." The guy demanded.

"Alright then. I'm Arata, my rank is Security Department Cadet. Now why don't you introduce yourself then."

"I'm Clark, Commander Mobile Task Force Alpha-1, otherwise known as Red Right Hand. I'm not suppose to tell you this but you'll more then likely die real soon so... I have no reason not to tell you."

"I'm Frisk, I'm the Head Of Site Security. I'm technically your boss."

"You don't need to know who I am..."

So, two known high ranks and an unknown? I thought to myself.

"So then why did you stop me?" I asked.

"You seem way to cocky and care free. So I'll teach you a lesson." Clark responded.

"You can try." I said while putting my guard up.

"You cocky son of a.." He said while throwing a punch my way. "I blocked his punch and slid through his legs. I kicked the back of his knee so he would lose balance. Then a pinned him to the floor so he wouldn't get back up.

"Get off of him!" The head of security said. But the mysterious man stopped him.

"Cadet, please get off of him." The man asked. "Commander Frisk, call a medic down here. Also take notes on what just happened."

"Yes sir."

"Cadet you are free to go." The man said.

"Alright then, don't waste my time again." I said.

I rushed to the barracks door as fast as I could. I couldn't stop no matter what.

When I arrived I could see Sakuta and Paul lined up on a wall this the captain looking at me with anger in his eyes.

"Arata, why the hell are you late?" He asked with a hint of anger.

"I was stopped by the head of security, he had the Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 Commander with him or whatever he was. The commander wanted to fight, he swung at me and I pinged him to the ground." Once I said that I could see the captain was in shock.

"You took down the MTF Alpha-1 commander?"

"Yea, is he someone that's important?" I asked.

"Well I can't answer that question at the moment."

I started to become suspicious of the captain... But decided to ignore if for now.

"Let's get moving, we'll be doing laps around the facilities field." The captain said. "Let's move."

"Yes sir." We all yelled.