The Meeting

All of us started walking towards a big metal door, it looked like it opened from the sides like a security door or something like that.

"This is Captain Maxson, I need the gate to the courtyard opened." The captain said into a radio.

"Affirmative." A voice replied.

The gate started to open, all you could here is the screeching of the door grinding against the ground.

Once the door was fully opened, we all started walking through. When we were all through it looked like we were at a security checkpoint. There was a window with armed guards on the other side, two metal doors, and a monitor on the wall. All of a sudden the monitor started displaying text on it.

Bring key cards to the box attached to the window.

"Hey captain, what does this mean?" Paul asked.

"You'll see." The captain replied.

The captain walked towards the box with a card in his hand and placed it in the box. The end of the box closed and I could see the guards grab the card and scan it through some card scanner.

All of a sudden, the monitor display changed. Access Granted.

"Why are you going outside captain Maxson?" The guards asked.

"Cardio training with new cadets."

"Can I get the cadets names?"

"Cadet Sakuta Ito, Cadet Paul Aki, and Cadet Arata Kazu."

"Alright, let me check the database for these cadets the you can be on your way." I could see the guard typing in each of our names. But when he got to the last name, a sudden look of confusion appeared on his face. "Captain Maxson, Cadet Arata Kazu is being hunted at the moment."

"Wait... I'm being hunted?" I asked.

"That's what it seems like." The guard replied.

"Sakuta, Paul, go back to the barracks and do not leave them no matter what." The captain commanded.

"Guard, where is Arata needed to be?"

"It says if found, bring to the facility manager's office." The guard replied. "It must be pretty serious."

"Arata we're going to go. You two head to the bunks and do what I said."

"Yes sir!" Paul and Sakuta responded.

On the way down to the Facility Manager's office, I could see that everyone around wasn't happy with what I've done. I could hear comments like "It's the kid that nearly killed one of the MTF commanders." or "That kid could possibly be one of those SCP things." I was still trying to figure out why they would think that, all I did is try to defend myself.

"Cadet, no matter what, don't speak unless I inform you to." The captain commanded.

"Yes sir." I stuttered.

We walked into another checkpoint, but this one was more secure then the other one. Instead of two guards through the window there were a squad of 10, 5 guards in the checkpoint area, turrets on the roof, and a even bigger monitor with a bunch of rules on it.

"I need your keycards, weapons, and any comm type device."

"Yes sir." The captain responded while putting his gun, keycard, radio, and phone in the box.

"What's your reason for coming here?"

"I have cadet Arata Kazu with me."

The guard through the window nodded his head and I looked behind me to see three other guards approaching me.

"Stay still now!" The demanded.

"Get away!" I yelled.

As I was backing up, the guards grabbed their guns and aimed them at me.

"Stop now or we will tase you!"

"Get away!" I yelled again. "Captain what the hells going on?"

"I'm not sure, but just cooperate with them and we'll be fine."

As he said that one of the guards tried to grab me. I backed up as fast as I could.

As I started to get against the wall, one of the guards came from the side and tried to tase me. As soon as he did that I punched him in the stomach, and then the fight started.

"What the hell was that strength?" The guard said.

"Last warning... Stand down now or we will shoot you." One of the guards said as he was pulling their gun out.

"Shit." I muttered to myself as I was jumping above the guard. I tried kicking him but he blocked it with his arm. I could see the guard in pain by the look on his face. But he tried to hide it. Once I landed I could see the guard coming towards me and trying to punch me. I blocked his punch and countered it with a jab to the side. He fell to the floor and I started walking towards him but I felt a hand on each of my shoulders.

I turned around and it was the captain and the mysterious guy from earlier. "Arata calm down." The captain said.

"Kid, something's different about you." The mysterious guy said. Cadet Arata and Captain Maxson, both of you follow me.

"Yes sir." The captain said while saluting.

We walked down a long hallway with two guards that were heavily armed on both sides of us. "If you don't mind me asking, why are these guards so heavily armed?" I asked.

"Arata you'll find out soon." The captain responded.

At the end of the hallway there was a singular door. Above the door there was a sign that said facility Manager. We walked in and there were two people already there.

The guy I pinned to the ground was there. But there was also I guy in a Black suit.

"You must be cadet Arata?" The guy in the suit asked.

"Yes I am." I responded.

"Cadet salute the facility manager now!" The MTF commander yelled.

"Yes sir." I said and saluted the commander and the manager. "Wait facility manager?"

"Why yes, I run this facility."

"But then, who's he?" I asked while pointing at the mysterious guy.

"Let's just say I'm someone that's more important then the manager of this facility." He responded. "But instead of pointing instead and calling me he, just call me Mr. Rex.

"Alright then." I responded as I sat down at the table. The table was red with a black piece of cloth going through it. "What are we doing here?"

"Well we saw what happened outside the cafeteria and we have a theory." As he was talking he reached into his bag and grabbed a pack of papers. "We have reason to believe you are an anomaly."

Once he said that my face went blank and started getting chills going through my body. "An anomaly? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well…" There was a long pause. It seemed like Mr. Rex wasn't ready for that question. "Think about it like this. Our mission at the facility is to contain anomalies and protect them. But sometimes some anomalies are humans and were born with the anomaly. But the reason why we believe this theory is mainly due to your acrobatic ability and your strength. The way you took out one of our best soldiers was amazing. Then you had the checkpoint incident where you kept bouncing off the walls."

"Sir you're getting off track." The facility manager said.

"What we're going to do is let you continue your training here in the facility. But if we see any development in the power you have we will contain you and put you through many tests."

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." I stuttered.

"Return to your normal day with your supervisor. And Maxson, don't be to tough on them."

"You know me to well sir." The captain responded.