'It's time it's time we attack' Leo kept up the chorus.

"Enough dude" at last barked Ash.

"Yes, but..." His voice vanished as Hazel entered the room.

"We need to move now, the sooner we go, three better"

The guys nodded. They had already prepared everything and were dressed for war.

Ash supported a black shirt and black jeans with a long white coat, with white boots, he had a small guy hidden inside his coat, and a knife in his back pocket Hazel had plain white shirt and jeans with a holster attached at her waist, black boots and open hair cascading down jer shoulders, the other could see nothing, but she had 2 small knives hidden inside her boots, and one behing her neck, her hair sheilded it from being seen.

Day was wearing a black shirt and black jeans, black boots, he had a gun strapped at his waist.

Leo was dressed the same as Day.

"Where's dad?" Hazel asked.

"Here" her dad entered, he looked at the 4 of them and muttered "So young, to be fighting so many"

He looked around at them "Hey!" Hazel said the third time as he gazed at them hazily.

He focused on her and smiled "Oh i zoned out for a bit" He noticed how she didn't call him dad

"Okay we are ready to go out, just remember stick together, don't get disperrsed, that's how people die in movies" She started bluntly.

The guys nodded.

Ash led them outside to where 5 heavy duty bikes were waiting, one was dark blue another was green, the 3rd one was brown, the fourth was black and the 5th was black with golden streaks.

"One for each of us" Ash said as he mounted the black one, Hazel mounted the black and golden. Day minutes dark blue, Leo the green, and her dad the brown one

"You look like a man when you are sitting on the bike" Day stated to Hazel as they strapped their helmets, the helmets like the bikes matched the color to that particular bike.

Hazel smirked "Follow me and Ash, their men explained the location to us, and I am not a men, I am a warrior" She kicked her bike start and it roared to life.

"See you there in 25 minutes" and they tore off, Hazel in the lead, Ash beside her, day, Leo and her dad behind them.

As soon as they spotted the building, Hazel stopped her bike, the others followed her lead, and puting them beside a tree.

"We'll go on foot from here, the bikes noise is too much they might hear us" She stated and the guys nodded, they started making it on foot.

Now is a good time to tell about their surrounding.

It was a total forest with a huge dirt road cut through it.

They decided to walk through the forest rather than on the road.

After 15 minutes of walking, they reached the building, it wasn't a building, it looked like a rich guys mansion, the front yard was huge and had 3 awesome cars standing on the road

"I would love to live here" Hazel sighed.

Ash looked at her "But you never liked huge homes like these"

Hazel rolled her eyes "I am talking about the forest, not the mansion, having a hut here would be so peaceful"

Ash smiled and muttered 'yes' as the guys gazed at her delighted expression as her eyes roamed the forest, she rarepy smiled these days, and seeing her happy... Was quite rare, her expression always remained troubled these days.


She snapped out of it, back to her oldself and snapped "Now, we studied the map and apparently there is a vent at the back of this mansion,and it reaches into the security room, so, me and Ash will enter the security room while you guys wait for my signal, after that just enter through the back door, we will unlock that for you in luckoly 15 minutes then we go on our expedition... or something"

Day looked at her horrified "No way, I am coming with you, I am not worried about Ash, he can mange on his own but you..."

"Are you saying i cannot manage on my own?" Hazel demanded glaring at him "No..I" he stammered.

"I can manage on my own, thanks you don't need to worry" Hazel stated.

"You can go" Her dad stated

Day glared at him and he said "I trust her, somehow she is better than all of us put together"

Hazel looked at her dad for a moment before nodding.

She gestured to Ash and said to the guys "Meet you at the back door" she took Ash's hand and they ran behind the manor, out of sight.

They reached the vent but it was 7 feet in the air, and for some reason, it was open.

"I'll haul you up" Ash said and got down on one knee, with his hand on it and gestured for her to step, with ease she got inside and gaze her hand to Ash who got inside too, the vent was big enough for them to walk hunched.

"Why is this vent so big?" Hazel whispered.

"I think it is also an emergency exit or something"

They got quiet again and after crawling for half a minute came to another vent and they peeked inside.

It looked like a lab.

Hazel frowned "There wasn't a lab in the map"

"I think we should ignore this Amber keep going on to the security room"

Hazel nodded and they moved forward.

After another crawl of 2 minutes, they found the security rooms.

2 men were sitting there monitoring the screens.

Without warning Ash quietly dropped on one of them and inserted a dart in his neck, before the other could scream he hit him across the face he literally turned in a whole circle before falling flat on his face.

He looked at Hazel as she jumped down and winked "got it under control"

Hazel rolled her eyes "you could have warned me jeez"

Ash shook his head and said "gentleman should fight" to which Hazel scoffed "Whatever"

Without another word they took their positions, Hazel at the door to see if anyone came and Ash sat down to deaxtivate the security.

After 5 minutes he got up and signaled to Hazel.

"The guards will be gone, at exactly 5 minutes from now the current shift will go and will be replaced with the next shift so during that, which is 3 minutes we can open the doors and nagivate the house easily, right now the main doors are open they must have entered the premises, but we will have exactly 3 minutes to go to the back door and open it" He whispered to her and she nodded.

They took out their guns and held them at their side, standing opposite to the door, Ash looked at his watch and after a few moments...

"Now" and they opened the door and stepped outside.

Theey walked quickly down the hall, it was a long hall with portraits opposite, they had memorized the maps, the back door was 3 corridors away from the security room, the 4th door on the left.

They walked for a moment and didn't meet anyone, the house seemed lifeless.

It seemed eerie, and oddly silent, the walls were black and only the floor was white, the Owner apparently had a dark personality or simply no taste.

Unconsciously she moved closer to him and clutched his hand, he smiled and said "I feel it too, this house seems cold"

Hazel nodded.

He smiled and took off his coat " Here"

She smiled and wore it.

They got quiet again and kept walking, they met no one.

"Here" Ash pointed to a door and opened it, and was faced with Leo, Day and her dad standing with guns pointed at their faces.

They sighed as one and lowered their guns.

All three of them eyes the jacket Hazel was wearing and looked at Ash

"So what happened? " Day asked casually.

Hazel swatted his hand "Shut up, let's go, we are splitting up, you three explore this ground, me and Ash are going down, basement"


They had seen the map, and the only place that the map didn't say was the basement.

The guy who had switched sides told them that no one was allowed there except the leader and a few of his closest men.

Hazel and Ash picked their way through the house to the basement door and found out it was unlocked.

"I don't think it matters if they keep the for unlocked, he told us that the leader here is feared and nobody has ever seen his face, he is a dark guy" Ash stated.

Hazel nodded wordlessly and gestured for him to go first.

He smiled and moved inside with Hazel on his tail.

The stairs were dark, it seemed rather like a normal basement as they entered.

It was dark.

They rummaged here and door for a while, and then Ash removed a huge cloth from the wall.

Paintings, loads of them.

Ash scoffed and went to look for more things, but something caught Hazel's eye.

Her dad was in one of the paintings, she moved closer and her blood seemed to run cold.

Her dad was with... The leader of this place, she had never seen him... But the mask... The dark aura... The eyes... Her dad had an arm slung over his shoulder and they seemed at ease, as though they were friends. She moved in into the next painting and saw him with... Her mom...

And there was something in her arms, a baby... And behind them the decorations read "WELCOME LITTLE HAZEL".

The baby was her.

She was confused what was happening? How did this guy had pictures of her?.

"Hazel? You okay?" Ash came and Hazel quickly steered him away from the pictures.

"Let's go upstairs, nothing here apparently"

Ash nodded and Hazel led him upstairs.

"Where are the others?" Hazel whispered, her heart beating frantically as she recalled the pictures, they had to get out of here.

"Why do you seem so tense?" Ash asked, putting his hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Nothing, com' on" and she darted forward.

He frowned "She was not acting normal" he thought.

He ran after her and stopped as he heard people coming down a corridor.

He quickly in another corridor, his ears straining to hear their footsteps, the people passed him and he spotted a guy... With a mask and 3 more guys.

*Here goes nothing* Ash though and started following them, he frowned as they went in to the basement.

There is nothing there than why the frequent visits? He thought and followed them, but cahnged his mind, I need to find Hazel first.

He doubled back and bumped into someone, he raised his fist and was gonna smack the person before he heard the gasp. * That sounds like a girl* followed by * oh shit*


"It's me dude! Don't hit me!" She whisper-screamed back at him.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" He reared back and smiled sheepishly at her.

She rolled her eyes and whispered "The others are outside, let's get outta here" Ash nodded and looked over his shoulder into the depts of the basement before letting himself being led away from there.

They ran together outside and was joined with her dad, Leo and Day.

They kept running at full speed until they reached their bikes, Hazel and Ash still clutched each other hands.

They were laughing for no reason as they mounted their bikes, and after a brief "shut up" from Hazel, they were off.
