She got quiet after hearing what her dad said.
'You haven't forgiven me have you?' Her dad said.
Hazel smiled. She didn't say anything, but her silence said enough and she whispered 'Our history was long dad, full of pain, hatred, guilt. Do you think they will go in a second? This is life, everything takes time, maybe I will forgive you in this short journey called Life, but I can't just forgive you, I can't, our story was short, Because most of my childhood was without you, You think I can forgive you? When you were gone when I needed you most? I had nightmares, I used to wake up crying, or screaming, I had nightmares of mom being killed and me not being able to do anything, watching helplessly while she was murdered... Were you there when I woke up? Hoping to have someone close to me? You took everything... My childhood is marred with scars, pain and guilt, I always thought I was the one who murdered her, even though I saw him kill mom, But somehow I made myself believe that I was the murderer. You don't know how many times I have tried to kill myself, I thought I deserved this, But now after so many years, I realized that I was always the victim, and yes, I still don't forgive you completely, Its the harsh truth, sorry Dad' She ended, without waiting for an answer she got up but her dad took her hand
Andrew Marshall raised his head and he looked like a man who had lived 100 years of pain and he whispered 'I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry...' over a hundred times. 'I am not asking your forgiveness, You will grant me that when you are ready, just-just let me go with you, I was indeed not there for you in your pain when you were younger, but I want to be here now, Please Hazel, just this one'
She looked into his eyes, and nodded wordlessly, and Andrew Marshall looked statisfied.
She left him, and he kept his eyes on her retreating back 'I will make it up to you' He whispered.