One Month Later

Hao Jin was running around the mountain. He did not run up and down the mountain because he did not have the energy to run up the slope.

He barely finished his run and was completely exhausted. He did not stop there and dragged himself up the mountain into the new dormitory.

There were two new buildings that were constructed on the 36th mountain. They were side by side and 1 Li away from Chen Jiang's house. As for Chen Jiang's house, it was demolished and a simple pavilion was built in its stead.

All this was due to the addition of the two new disciples. One dormitory was for the male disciples and the other was for the female disciples.

Hao Jin got to the male dormitory and entered the bathroom. There was a huge tub that was already heated and had a distinct green color. Hao Jin prayed to his ancestors.

"Ancestors. Please protect me and ensure that I live."

Hao Jin jumped into the tub after praying.

"AAAH! It hurts!"

Nobody could hear Hao Jin's screams in the entire mountain because there was no body other than him in the dorm. Maybe when another male disciple was taken in by Chen Jiang, Hao Jin would have some company. Of course, he would probably turn 8 years-old by then.

Chen Jiang was overseeing Yin Xiu's training. He was making sure that her break through was stable. Yin Xiu was already trying to break through to the 5th Level of the Spirit Warrior realm. With this cultivation speed, she might be able to go to the Spirit Great Warrior realm in less than a year.

Of course, after reaching the Great Warrior realm, her cultivation speed would greatly decrease. But Great Warriors were very strong. Geniuses would normally take 2-3 years to go to the Great Warrior by themselves without any fortuitous encounters.

Chen Jiang was just observing while Yin Xiu's breakthrough finished very smoothly. Chen Jiang frowned for a moment but that frown disappeared quickly.

He was thinking about how his disciple lacked combat skills. Theoretically, she would be stronger than an average 7th Level Spirit Warrior but her combat skills would barely stop a 3rd Level Spirit Warrior.

So he was planning on sending his disciple on a small mission. This mission was one established by the sects. They would give sect points in return for the completion if these missions and these sect points could be exchanged for various materials, pills and even weapons.

Till now Chen Jiang had supplied everything that Yin Xiu needed and thus she had no reason to go for a mission. But now Chen Jiang decided to send her on one.

Two days later he called Yin Xiu.

"Yin Xiu. You should now take a mission to defeat some beasts from the sect. You can take them in the Missions Hall which is near the 2nd Mountain. Take a mission that is near the sect, like one in the nearby Guang Mountain Ranges."

"Why master? My cultivation is going fine."

"What use is cultivating if you do not know how to apply it?"

"Ok master. I will try my best to complete the missions."

"Wait. You should not try to against opponents that you cannot defeat. I am banning you from going against humans for now. You cannot try to challenge magical beasts that are above the 5th Level of the Spirit Realm either. If you encounter them, run away. Take this token with you."

Chen Jiang gave Yin Xiu a token that was similar to the token he used to give her every month to collect her monthly allotted resources.

"Okay master."

Chen Jiang nodded and Yin Xiu went down the mountain to the Missions hall.

Chen Jiang shifted focus to his other disciple. He looked at him and smiled. His disciples progress was going according to his plan. He called out to Hao Jin.

"Yes master."

"Punch me."

"I'm sorry?"

"Punch me as hard as you can."

"Right now?"

"Do not hesitate when I give you a command."

Hao Jin punched into Chen Jiang's face as hard as he could. Chen Jiang's hand caught Hao Jin's punch and did not even budge.

"Good. You can continue with your training. You are doing good."

"Thank you master!"

Hao Jin smiled and went back to what he was doing. Chen Jiang looked straight ahead. He smiled lightly before going back to his normal expressionless face.