New Routine

Chen Jiang turned away and entered the house. Grand Elder Lu sighed lightly and flew away. That was right, he flew away. He was a Spirit King and one of the defining features of Spirit Kings was that they could fly.

Time passed quickly. Hao Jin woke up. He saw that he was sleeping on a very comfortable bed. But wasn't he watching the Disicple Recruitment? What was he doing?

Hao Jin immediately felt hungry. He rubbed his stomach. He got up from his bed and wandered out. He needed food or he might die.

Hao Jin stumbled outside the house and saw a girl practicing martial arts there.

"Pretty Sister, could you tell me where I can get some food?"

The person practicing martial arts was Yin Xiu.

"Who are you? Are you the new disciple?"

Hao Jin was confused.

"I don't know. One Elder said that I have to pass a test to become a disciple but I don't know whether or not I passes. But could you please give me some food? It has been a long time since I ate."

Yin Xiu smiled sweetly.

"Don't worry. You wait right here."

Yin Xiu went into the house and brought back a bowl filled with soup.

"This is yesterday's soup and is still cold but if you want to wait I can make you some fresh soup."

"That it not necessary pretty sister. I will drink this."

Hao Jin immediately downed the entire bowl of soup. That bowl would fill a grown man but the 7 year old boy finished it in a single gulp. This showed his hunger.

"That was very tasty. Thank you pretty sister."

Hao Jin saw someone in a wheel chair come towards them."



Chen Jiang turned towards Hao Jin.

"You have passed my test. Do you want to become a disciple of my Mountain?"

"Yes Master."

Hao Jin stood there like a silly boy. He was unsure of what to do."

"You should kowtow to him three times."

Yin Xiu whispered to him.

"Oh! Sorry."

Hao Jin quickly kowtowed thrice to Chen Jiang. Chen Jiang did not say anything.

"My first task for you is that you must not cultivate until you become 8 years old. You must only strengthen your body."

Hao Jin was dumbstruck.

"I do not understand Master. Wouldn't that give me disadvantage before others who start cultivating before itself. I am from a poor family and couldn't cultivate before I came here as well."

Chen jiang gave a quick reply.

"It is for your good. This will help you build a good foundation. You should trust your master."

"I am sorry master. Tell me what to do."

"Every day you should do 100 squats, 1000 punches... and run 10 Li. After doing this you can come to me and I will prepare a special medicinal bath for you."

Hao Jin trembled slightly. He felt that this training was a bit hard for him. He felt a chill.

Chen Jiang turned to Yin Xiu.

"Yin Xiu, I see that you have broken through to the 4th Level of Spirit Warrior realm recently."

"Yes master, I have broken through 2 days back when you went for the Disciple Recruitment."

"Good. You should stabilize your realm and then work on the sword style I have imparted to you."

"Yes master."

Hao Jin was dumbstruck by this conversation. He only knew that Spirit Warriors were very powerful people. According to his knowledge, they were qualified to become city guards and would have a successful life. But this big sister was already a Spirit Warrior.

Doesn't that mean that his new master was actually very good? Hao Jin resolved to listen to his master. Then he would be able to become a Spirit Warrior and lead a successful life and take care of his parents.

He had already sent a letter to his parents that he had gotten in and was expecting a reply. He was feeling very good.

"Why haven't you started doing the exercises?"

"Sorry master."

Hao Jin quickly started doing the routine that his master had told him to do.

Meanwhile, Chen Jiang was preparing the medicinal bath that he would dip Hao Jin into later. It was all for the good of his disciples. This would clean the pores of the body slowly and painfully but would make cultivating easier.

Since Yin Xiu had the Heavenly Ice Constitution, she did not have this problem, but not everyone was blessed with this constitution.