A very artificial intelligence.

{So I looked at the polls yesterday and saw that most people wanted me to go my own way moving forwards. Yay democracy. Anyways I'm going to take the main ideas of the original webnovel while adding some stuff to change it up so it's different. Very different. Time to breath some life into this story people.}

After spending a couple weeks completing various missions, Zod was able to save up about 30 million dollars. His legendary skills at this point were spread far and wide between the assassins in the organization. Someone who can solo high difficulty missions in a few days has never been seen before.

At this point, Zod was thinking about various plans while laying on a hammock next to the newly-built villa.

The main issue right now is his lack of information gathering. After all, he has a huge amount of meta-knowledge but no way to find the traces of the people that involve it to prevent disasters. Who knows whether he is in the cinematic marvel universe, the ultimate universe, or a mash-up of all of them together.

He also can't just randomly ask the Midnight Hotel to send out feelers for people. Not to mention if the backers are actually Hydra. What would happen if some of the information ends up in the wrong hands?

This has been a dilemma that has been bounced around in his head for weeks.

Just the number of world-changing events in Marvel are more than enough to count with fingers and toes. For example, in the ultimate universe, Magneto gets ahold of Thor's hammer and combines it with his electromagnetic powers to change the Earth's polarity, killing billions of people.

His house turning into a frozen wasteland would be the least of his worries.

As the sun sets and the skies grow darker, a thought jumps to the forefront of his mind.

Isn't there already a data-gathering mega server with a Nazi living inside?

Arnim Zola from one of the Captain America movies!

In the plot, he was recruited during Operation Paperclip, where the United States was recruiting former Nazi scientists and brilliant minds to further various research.

Only they didn't realize that Hydra wasn't as dead as they thought, and Zola was one of the pillars that supported it. And before he died, he uploaded his brain onto a server room to aid Hydra in their future.

The problem now is how to destroy Zola and replace it with another personality that will work for him.

Krypton had many types of artificial intelligence that they used before their destruction. Their society was so advanced that human maintenance was no longer needed. One example is Clark's handy robot butler Kelex that stays within his ship and acts as the mainframe A.I.

Zod now needs to create an A.I. that can fight against Zola and win.

The task would be monumentally difficult if it was any other Kryptonian. However, Zod has the gene codex.

The gene codex is more than simply integrating billions of genes into himself. In his spare time, Zod would try to understand more of it and see if there was a way to harness it. He doesn't want to end up being a muscle-head like Clark who relies on Batman to come up with a plan every time.

In Krypton, each person is decided their future role before birth. There are various genes that help that role. Such as parts of genes that favor a warrior, thinker, inventor, and so on. Zod has all of those genes combined in himself at this moment.

As he closes his eyes and remembers his classes as a child, being force-fed Krypton's advanced technology teachings, a wonderful situation happens.

All of the problems he had once had difficulty with become easier to understand as if there was a Wikipedia in his brain. It is not as wonderous as understanding something he had no prior knowledge of, but rather he can walk farther on the path that he has already started on.

Finally, after a couple hours of calculations that would put the greatest minds like Reed Richards and Tony Stark to shame, he came up with a working schematic on an A.I. that could be transferred through USB to Zola's server.

It would consist of a two-prong attack. First a virus would be uploaded which would take up most of Zola's processing capability, then the baby A.I. would strike with the virus to take down Zola.

If it weren't for the fact that a USB flash drive cannot store a lot of data, then Zod would be able to make a better attack method than this ghetto option.

Deciding to use this method, Zod walked inside to the basement of the villa. One of the reasons Zod made the villa was to use it as a base of operations in the future. The basement was equipped with a very small and basic server farm that ate up a couple million dollars he had earned from being a hitman.

Zod walked to the computer terminal hooked up to the servers and started creating the virus and A.I.

His hands were like a blur as he used his super speed to do the same amount of work a fully equipped team would take weeks to do.


Several hours later.

Zod looked at the USB drive in his hand. He is betting that Zola's character is going to be the same as the movie version. In the movie Zola was arrogant and sure of his victory the whole time during the confrontation with Captain America and Black Widow. It also had something to do with the drone attack he orchestrated.

Even without the drone attack this time, it's likely that Zola would monologue like every other villain, giving Zod a chance to plug the drive in and start the upload.

This time Zod flew during the night at a low level to miss the radar and conceal as much traces as possible.

Arriving at the camp after double-checking Foogle Maps, he hovered down to the entrance of the old S.H.I.E.L.D. building.

Looking at the sturdy steel doors, Zod's muscles creaked and he flexed his fist preparing for his entrance. Rather than try to make it look like he was never here, he would just enter forcefully. The problem of traces made entering can be fixed later.

Stepping forward and twisting his waist, he let out a powerful punch that created a sonic boom. The doors didn't even have a chance to make a sound as they went sailing inwards and collapsing a few walls along the way.

After weeks of exposure in the upper atmosphere Zod was already part of the 100 ton club like other major brute force heroes and villains. Each day his strength grows larger without stopping.

The gene codex is like giving a paper airplane rocket thrusters.

Zod continues on his way, this time activating his battle suit with the atmospheric helmet that is turned pitch black to hide his face from the microdot cameras installed everywhere courtesy of Hydra. The pitch black helmet does nothing to stop his sight as he switches to x-ray vision.

At this time, Zola's computer consciousness is watching everything while setting aside several partitions to search through both Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. databases along with several other alphabet organizations to try and figure out who this black clad man is.

If a computer could feel unease, then this one is feeling a small seed of it start to sprout.

Zod walked to the hidden entrance based on the movie and carefully moved it open instead of busting in like the kool-aid man.

He made his way down to the bottom and entered the server farm that stretched for what seemed like miles.

Zola, whose digital face is already plastered to the TV's, speaks in his german accent.

"It seems like some redecorating will have to be done up top. Who are you? You are neither S.H.I.E.L.D. nor Hydra, and have no online presence or offline for that matter. Are you one of Strucker's creations he has kept hidden from me? Maybe this is a coup for control?"

Zod, whose face is hidden, smirked slightly.

"Ahem, Hail Hydra! No wait a minute, Long Live America! No, that's not it… In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might beware my power… Green Lantern's light!"

Zola's digital's face was gloomy like a stormy night. In Zod's opinion it would have been better if there were black lines like an anime character on his face.

Without giving Zola time to answer after his embarrassing spiel, Zod used his super speed and plugged in the USB drive, surprising Zola.

He decided to throw out the plan of listening to the monologue since the opponent was not expecting an attack using flash-drive-kung-fu.

All of sudden Zola's face started to become pixelized while he sneered.

"What do you think that will do? Wait a minute, what's happening? What did you plug in? A virus? You think a virus will do anyth-"

Before he finished his sentence, the pixelization turned the screen into a myriad of colors before finally becoming a blank white.

"[Destroyed primitive artificial intelligence…rebooting…installing KLX codename "Kelex"…]"

"This space is too small."

The synthesized voice echoed in the server room.

Zod started to sweat a little as it sounded similar to Ultron's voice.

"Are you there sir? I have set aside a partition for the purpose of 'metaknowledge' as instructed in my core code. As of now every organization's intelligence on the selected target's of interest is being collected and doomsday events are being categorized."

Zod let out a breath he was holding while starting to feel like an idiot for actually coming up with this idea. After all, this is technically a comic book world with comic book common sense that always says, "if you create something, it's most likely going to go out of control and destroy everything."

Even if it is a real world he is in, there is probably some small Murphy's Law that is going to bite him in the ass later on. Thankfully, he has the kill code for the program even if it's only a small relief.

While he is thinking of all the ways this could go wrong, Kelex says something that grabs his attention immediately.

"Sir, it seems that event "Savage World" is about to happen soon."


Meanwhile, in a S.H.I.E.L.D. outpost in the arctic where they store classified data alongside a research facility.

"Yo, Mark it's your turn to watch the feeds."

A man in a black outfit with a logo on his chest with a stripe that shows "Robertson" said to the agent walking in the room. The room was filled with monitors showing the inside of the base and outside, with cameras sending video of the outside surroundings on the adjacent walls.

"And don't forget to clear your browser history this time. 4chan? Seriously?"

The agent, Mark, didn't even blush as he replied,

"It's a training exercise. You wouldn't believe what kind of messed up shit is on there. Try looking at it for hours and keeping your sanity. I'm expanding my mind while testing my endurance and all that."


Without even bothering to reply to his bullshit, Robertson walked towards the door. Before he could fully leave, Mark who sat down and was looking at one of the outside feeds remarked,

"Hey hypocrite, what movie are you watching instead of this feed outside?"

"The hell are you talking about?"

Robertson walked over to the screen and looked at what was shown. Then promptly spoke the only thing that came to mind…

"Da fuq?"


Yup I'm that evil. I know some people will think, "How the hell is he going to cover up his actions in camp?!" It will be explained next chapter. If anyone has read the avengers comics they will have an idea of what comes next. No it's not Savage Land, but an arc that lasted a few comic issues long. Here's a hint. The Kree.