Ronan the "Amuser"

{I understand people are worried about the MC becoming too OP but remember there are still beings that can take him out. For example Professor X could shut down his mind if he were so inclined.. I'm sorry for the long wait, the boss at work has made me full-time now that college is over and I'm working two jobs, over 60 hours a week. It's hard to make chapters, but I'll keep chugging along.}

Zod flew towards Alaska at his fastest speed possible while trying to gather more information on this situation from Kelex.

"How long has it been since the anomaly started?"

"A couple of hours." Kelex replied.

"Then we still have time. I'm probably the only one who can get there in time and actually be of use. The Ancient Bald One probably doesn't care about this even though it's a planet-level event. All she has to do is stow away Doctor Strange in one of the sanctums while the whole world goes to shit."

He was frustrated as he got closer because this event was only supposed to happen after the Avengers were formed in the comics; definitely not now.

As night turned into day, Zod finally reached the area.

In the middle of a frozen tundra there was a jungle that spanned for miles in a perfect circle with a tower in the middle spreading yellow rays from the tip. Off the side of the tower a couple miles away was what looked like a research facility that was overtaken by trees and vines, as if it had been abandoned for centuries.

"Looks like the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel were the first ones to get zapped."

Zod stopped in the air a few miles away from the forest and tried to tune into the sounds coming from the tower with his hearing. This ability if used properly could be extremely dangerous. If he wanted, he could go to Russia and sit a couple miles away from the Kremlin in a café and learn Russia's top state secrets.

Anyways, his upgraded senses allowing him to hear the chatter inside.

"-much longer before the tower is ready to activate? It has already been several hours!"

A robotic voice answered the question,

"[Calm down Ronan, it is almost ready. The Supreme Intelligence's order will be fulfilled. The evolution rays are charging. Once they are done, they will spread through the whole world regressing the humans' genes to their ancestors neanderthal state. Meanwhile the land will become fertile everywhere once again allowing our Kree Empire to use this planet as an outpost in the war against the Skrull.]"

The Kree, Ronan, grunted dissatisfied,

"If it doesn't work, there is always another Sentry that can take your place. After all, you are #459."

One of the reasons Ronan was able to live this long in a twisted, military driven society such as the Kree, was his ability to shift blame. This guy was always failing against the Avengers but came back to fight them several times. While he isn't the strongest, he has a certain level of cunning.

Zod, who was listening in, didn't feel a surge of heroism like all the heroes from comic books. Rather, if they succeed, his home base for the time being will be useless. Also, he won't be able to eat good food either. To a foodie like Zod this is a disaster.

The Kree basically had their own twisted version of Krypton's World Engine.

After listening to Ronan and Sentry bicker some more, Zod decided to crash the party.

A sonic boom blasted in the sky as he made a straight line towards the tower in order to stop the end of the world.

Ronan and Sentry had just enough time to look at the holographic display showing Zod's figure before he blasted a hole through the metal and plowed into Sentry who folded like a piece of paper. Zod continued to fly through several walls before entering the main chamber where a beam of yellow light was rising from a hole in the floor to the ceiling where a glass sphere was hanging.

"[This should not be possible. Our scans of Earth show no natives capable of your abilities other than the Inhumans.]"

Sentry denied in a monotone voice.

"I'm new around here."

Zod tilted his neck, popping the joints and getting into a more relaxed position, ready to react to anything.

"[Nevertheless, a being from a backwater planet can't stop the Kree.]"

"We'll see, bucket-head."

Sentry didn't reply using his voice, rather he raised his arms as the gears and pistons in his arms made whirring noises while sparks started to form around his arms.

The static noises bounced off of the walls in the rooms in increasing intensity, before a ray of pure energy erupted from his arms and crossed the room faster than a blink of an eye.

In Zod's slowed down perception, he could see the beam headed towards him, and instead of using his own heat rays or tanking the beam with his body, he dodged it by floating around it and speeding towards the sentry robot, grabbing both of its arms to stop it from punching him while his momentum dragged the robot across the metal floor sending shrapnel everywhere and creating a 10 meter long trench in the reinforced floor.

"[You rely on brute strength, however I was built to counter that. Your actions are meaningle-]"

Sentry was interrupted by a ray of heat that would melt solid steel to slag within a second. However, Zod noticed that, even though given time his heat rays could penetrate the shell of the robot, it's currently only turning it a bright red from the heat.


He heard the trigger pull but couldn't completely dodge the blast of light that came towards him because of his position that held the Sentry robot at bay. Instead, he hunched his body forward and ducked his head so the ray would hit his shoulders instead.


Zod coughed blood as a sense of vertigo hit him and his vision blurred before his body started repairing the damage taken from the strange gun in Ronan's hand, who had hidden himself behind one of the holes in the numerous walls that were collapsed from Zod's charge.

"Impossible! The evo-rays are supposed to regress the targets DNA! Your genes should be recombining into the state your ancestors were, f*cking bastard!"

Ronan looked at his gun like it betrayed him and started to run towards his ship to escape and come up with a new plan now that he is completely outclassed.

Rather than try another method like the Kree's famous gravity weapons he thought it was best to try using the ship's missiles and lasers.

Zod knew it was only the fact that he had the gene codex that saved him, although he definitely couldn't tank a lot more of those evo-rays.

Sentry took this chance that Zod was disoriented and tucked his legs as the servos in his legs whined and exploded with enough force that sent Zod crashing vertically through the several floors of the base and finally out into the air where he finally steadied himself.

Zod took deep breaths to center himself as he felt the slight pain on his chest from the kick. From his viewpoint he could see the ray of light that the base was emitting and the perimeter of the jungle expanding at a visible rate.

Off the left of the base, a blue silhouette was climbing the mechanical gangplank of a Kree ship while the ship was beginning to rise into the air.

He looked back and forth between the base and the ship before deciding to plunge back into the base, temporarily ignoring Ronan.

The Sentry robot was the greatest threat at the moment. Even if Ronan uses his ship to destroy the base, Sentry and Zod will still be unharmed. Rather than going after Ronan and risking the chance of the Sentry robot disappearing only to cause disaster later it would be wiser to end the threat immediately.

After all, Ronan himself is not much of a threat, it's the Kree empire that is the threat instead. Ronan gets sent packing all the time by the other heroes. He only gets enough screentime as a Kree enforcer. Even when he had an infinity stone he was defeated.

It's a minor problem that Zod's existence will be known by the Kree from now on.

Zod zoomed down and grabbed Sentry by the waist. Sentry was only able to stop Zod from wrapping his arms around both his waist and his arms.

Then Zod lifted off into the air causing a sonic boom and adding another hole in the ceiling. Sentry used all sorts of attacks while they were ascending. Fists to face, fists to ears, fists to kidneys, etc.

By the time they exited the troposphere where airplanes flew and entered the stratosphere Zod had coughed up blood on the Sentry's metallic blue face.

The Sentry's artificial intelligence was processing several avenues of attack at once while it understood the purpose of Zod's suicidal plan.

He plans to dive back towards the Earth and impact it at the highest velocity possible for him. The reason why it is suicidal is because Zod would have to keep holding on to the Sentry robot to stop it from flying away if he let go before the impact.

Zod knows his limits and while it seems suicidal, he believes that he can survive, if barely. His natural regeneration should have him up in no time.

The Sentry robot doesn't even attempt to negotiate since it knows that the wind will drown out his voice at the speed they are going.

Both man and machine drop to the ground while their bodies turn hot due to the friction with the air.

As the base turns from a tiny dot to a visible building, Zod's determination grows and he dives right for the machine that emits the beam and is the vital part of the operation.

The Sentry has been trying to unclamp Zod's arms unsuccessfully and finally his processors come to the conclusion that no matter what force he exerts and which direction, he will be unable to free himself.

Their two bodies impact the top of the tower and crash through the floors made of advanced materials from a interstellar civilization as if they are tissue paper and finally hit the floor.

The impact is like an atomic bomb going off, a crater forming for hundreds of meters while dust and debris go flying in all directions.

There isn't a single piece of the base left intact when the smoke and dust settle, only a human figure surrounded by blue metal pieces.

Zod lay there silently as his body repairs his limbs that are twisted in directions that aren't healthy.

Looking up using his super-vision, he can see the Kree spaceship fleeing Earth's atmosphere.

He took a deep breath…and instantly regretted it as several ribs made their protest known.

After being regenerated enough to walk around, he fired his heat rays at the spot he impacted to get rid of any biological substances he left behind and melt the Sentry robots scattered remains.

Once that was done, he looked at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in the distance that had people who were changing back into their natural form instead of the caveman appearance.

Two of the men were wearing agent uniforms wielding tree branches, facing off against each other while a cute woman who looked like a scientist was tied to the tree next to them.

Both of them had an awkward expression on their face as they tried to explain the situation, one of them shifting the blame by saying he got the rope idea from the other guy who couldn't stop leaving one of the tabs on his computer open with information from a website called 4chan.

Zod noticed the cameras that were still active on the perimeter and ignored them as they wouldn't be able to see his face from this far. He already knew that his appearance would alert them, as long as his identity couldn't be found it was fine.

He took a final glance at the arctic scenery before shooting into the air with a sonic boom.


Meanwhile, a certain baldy with an eye-patch was looking at the live feed of the base…
