I’m Not a Bad Guy!

In the room turned into a movie theater, twenty-ish Climbers aggressively charged toward a lone man amidst the gas. 

— Wooosshhhh! —

"C'mon, give me a break!" Josh complained as they all charged at him, equipping all their gear! 

Without waiting, he used his secret weapon: the smelly set! As the invisible smelly domain formed….nothing at all happened. These fuckers were all holding their breath to resist the gas. 

He wouldn't waste time with them as he used the Zoom ability to dash away, heading in a straight line for the exit. But suddenly, he felt a magical projectile bypass him, one so perversely cold! The ear it had passed near was already frostbitten! 

But then it landed, right at his destination, exploding all over. Oh god! It blossomed into an enormous ice flower laden with ice pricks that looked insanely sharp— and he was heading straight for them!