Over-Nonchalant Josh

At the Fallen event, the Gemini group was barely making it out of the main room that they encountered a man nonchalantly eating chips.

All that Josh did upon noticing them was to wave gently. It was as if he was meeting some acquaintances on a sunny day off. He was so serene that the Climbers couldn't help but eye him warily, one even shouting. 

"Careful, he's with them!" 

"Poor guy ran out of brain cells." Josh sighed with compassion. 

"W-what?! How dare you—"

"Worry not. I have a trick for you. If you shut up, you won't sound as dumb." Josh advised. 

"Who the fuck do you think—"

"Enough!" That's when the old lady interrupted before turning toward Josh. "You, what's the name of the boat that perished to an iceberg?"

"Titani—" Josh replied by reflex. 

"Good. See, he's a Fallen. Let's go!"