This Orc King Is Having Fun!

A human and an imposing orc king were staring at one another in the castle room. 

The latter held promise stone dust and was even scattering it on the floor while grinning. 

Why did this feel like part of a funeral ceremony? Would this guy soon do the same with Josh's ashes? How could this orc look so intimidating while sitting down? 

Looking at his face, it was clear that he had everything under control. The monster calmly spoke, but it sounded like a deep growl: 

"I'm surprised you managed to disguise yourself so well, human. I always thought the shaman to be a pretty conniving one, but you certainly have him beat by far. How did you get rid of him?" 

"I'm still alive, just barely. You see the thing is—"

"It's fine if you don't want to answer. Rak'SHA, show me how well you can fight." The orc king instructed.