Courageous Nightmare

A lone human escaped from the fortress, followed by the evil laughter of the orc king. 

None dared to stop Josh. After all, he still had the shaman's appearance and had just come out of the king's place alive. They all wrongly assumed that he was in their leader's good graces. 

As soon as he was out, Josh slowly found a tranquil spot to reflect on the previous events. 

The orc king had cursed him with some weird spell linking them bother together. According to his claims, in 11 hours, he would die except if he were to challenge him. Was it true? Was it a bluff? He had no goddamn clue!

The white glow was gone, but he could feel that the white and sticky magical spell now stuck to his soul. Whatever it did, it wouldn't be so easy to get rid of it. Josh probably had two options ahead of him: 

1. Find a way to dispel the magic. Was this even possible? It probably wasn't easy since the shaman used to obey the orc king.