Orc King Defeated?!

Floor 24 was a huge fucking mess! It was now buried under rubble. 

The scene of the catastrophe was completely still, with every living creature annihilated, or so it seemed. Suddenly a small pebble rolled on the side as a nightmarish red creature crawled out from underneath. 

It had broken limbs that were slowly regenerating, and it looked so damn unnatural! Then a disfigured head was seen, one that slowly returned to its original appearance. 

Josh was entirely covered in blood, so much goddamn blood that he was painted red! As he extricated himself from the rubble, he couldn't help but sigh in relief. This had been a damn close one! 

Still limping, he slowly advanced, gradually making sense of his surroundings. Nearby came weak, pained roars.

— Roa… — 

He instantly understood what this was. The panther was somewhere under the rocks and breathing its last. This powerful apex predator had perished from the castle coming down unto it.