Big D Orc Swaggering In Town

A young man slowly came out of the Tower, looking all as calm as humanly possible but completely covered in rock dust. 

A young MTA soldier quickly saw the man he recognized as Josh and eagerly waved at him. He was just about to speak when he suddenly froze, his mouth gaping open. 

His entire body began to tremble while his eyes were bulging. For a second, he wondered if he was dreaming. What the fuck was this?! 

Behind Josh, there was a large, muscular, and completely green humanoid creature. The soldier then quickly figured out what it was... "Is that an orc?! Sir, careful!" He shouted loudly. 

Instantly all eyes turned his way, both soldiers and a few courageous Climbers. First, there was shock, then pure disbelief, and finally fright. It was a goddamn gradient of emotions. 

"A monster!?"

"Quick! Call the MTA!"

"Dumbass, they're already here!" 

"Establish a defense perimeter. Hurry!"