The Group Meets

'The Rising...'

"What are you doing here Knight of Black..." A voice hummed.

In Iris City at the very top of one of the Buildings a tall person in pitch black armor could be seen. They were covered head to toe in the armor and a large metal shield rested on one arm, as well as a pitch black sword, that rested in their sheath.

The Knight seemed to let out a hum. "Is that the one Knight of Bones?" They asked slowly their voice coming out as a rippled distortion making it impossible to tell anything about them, from race, age, or gender.

Behind the black knight the air tore away as the Knight of Bones appeared, wearing his familiar bone like armor. His hand slowly rested on the hilt of his sword. "I came to see what it is you are doing. You know that we are not to interact with Fate or Destiny. The course of the world must remain on its stream. One change could have big effects. We four Knights, must simply await the day for when our Lord, and Apostle of the Great Beast returns."

"Is that the one Knight of Bones?" The Black Knight asked once more ignoring the mans words. Their eyes stared down to the main road where three people could be seen. Davi Hawker, one of the three Finders, Tori Kaen, a man with immortality who has been set ablaze with never ending flames, and lastly the one that both Knights stared at. Oliver... Their eyes never left the brown haired boy. "Is he the one that we've been waiting for..."

All around the brown haired boy, unseen by so many other people, hundreds of butterflies flew...

"Indeed he is..." The Knight of Bones hummed. "He is our Fifth Lord."

"I see..." The Knight of Black nodded their head before slowly raising their palm up. "In that case I want to test something."

"You shouldn't-"

"If he really is our Lord then there is nothing to worry about." The Black Knight hummed. "Full Oddity Summon." They said softly as their palm glowed and a black portal began to open up in the center of their palm. "I just want to see a small bit of it..." They said holding their palm down as something began to form out of the portal. "I just want to see a bit of what they can do."


"See! I knew you were a fake. Master Grimval isn't a lightning mage he's a- Oh you're gonna kill me aren't you. That's a lot of magic... You uh... You're not seriously going to unleash that all on me right?" Oliver asked letting out a nervous chuckle as he stepped back.

"Time Magic is rare you know... I didn't think anyone in this damn place was worth a damn but after seeing you... I'll have that magic one way or another! Vil Thunder Ball!" He yelled throwing a ball of lighting towards Oliver as hard as he could. The ball scattered forward splitting into a massive ball of lightning.

'I don't have time to block it!' Oliver realized as it soared towards him. 'Am I gonna... Die-'

"This is the greatest plan!" A massive sonic boom went off followed by two bodies that flew forward right as the lighting was about to hit Oliver.

The lighting hit the two bodies, causing Davi, and Tori, to drop out of the sky and crash into the ground lighting covering them both...

"Oww..." They both groaned.

"What the hell!" Oliver and the Fake Grimval said in shock.

'Davi!' Cath the cat announced letting out a bark and jumping off of Oliver's head to land on Davi.

"C... Cath?" Davi asked with wide eyes.

"Oh God what the f##k is that thing?" Tori asked with wide eyes. "I think I'm gonna be sick!"

"No seriously what the hell!" Oliver asked.

"Who the hell are they?" The not Grimval hissed out as he stared at the two teens who were shaking on the ground.

"Cath knows one of them? More importantly though... That was perfect timing." Oliver said with wide eyes. "A second later and I would have been a goner for sure! Those suckers saved my life!"

"These suckers have names." Davi said as stars went around his head. "Oww..." He groaned as he rolled over. Small flickers of blue lightning still covered his body as he shook. "That hurt... Like a lot. Like a lot, a lot... Ouch..."

"I felt worse but... This still sucks..." Tori sighed his body already healing as smoke rose off of him either from his own flames or the lightning it was impossible to tell.

Far away Irene was still wondering how she lost to these two.

"Those damn brats actually blocked my lighting blitz wave! It was more than enough to kill a normal Hunter in a single blast... No. Not just kill an Arcane Hunter... It would reduce any normal person down to ash in seconds! They shouldn't even be breathing! They must have lucked out somehow!" The Not Grimval hissed out raising his hand. "I'll just recast it and blast that damn time brat straight into-"

"Row Time Flow." Oliver grabbed his new golden sword raising it above his head and once more slashing it out and sending out a wave of grey time energy. It sliced into a building as it became grey and aged breaking apart and falling. "Row Arking Time Wave!" Oliver announced as loud as he could yelling it up to the heavens. The entire building aged as it snapped off and fell towards the fake Grimval causing his eyes to go wide as it dropped towards him.

Grimval stared up at the large rock as it dropped towards him at a fast speed. "Oh... Oh sh-"

It broke away and slammed into the faker, knocking him out in one blow before he could even react. He rested under the large rock not moving at all. He was completely out of the fight.

"I... I actually did it! I actually managed to beat someone! And I only needed to use two spells! Wow! I can't believe it! I knew my dad was wrong when he said I was an utter failure and would never achieve anything good in life, and might as well off myself!" Oliver said in shock as his eyes went wide and filled with excitement. "Guys did anyone see how cool I was-" His smile dropped as he looked around and realized everyone had already left once the fighting began. "Oh..." He said giving a sad smile and a small hiss. "I guess nobody cared... Darn. I bet I looked so cool too..." His cat, who was still on Davi's chest, let out a small yawn as it stayed on it's new spot, as if nothing happened. "Oh well." Oliver spun his golden sword around sheathing the blade as he let out a sigh. "Maybe next time? I'm just glad this Demon Blade was so strong!"

"Demon Blade?" Cath let out a meow jumping off of Davi and back over to Oliver landing in the boys arms. Oliver jumped when he heard the voice and looked down to see Davi was getting back up. Davi was resting on his knees breathing heavily as the steam rolled off of him. He looked up finding Oliver's hand was held out towards him. "I... I'm sorry but did you say something about a Demon Blade?"

"Demon Blade. It's my cool new magical sword a shop owner gave me in terms of most of my money. Oh and I'm Oliver by the way. I think that would have killed me if it would have actually hit me so thanks for that I guess?"

Davi slowly took the hand and pulled himself up as he scratched the back of his head. "Believe me... It wasn't on purpose... That really freaking hurt..." He said making a bit of a face. "Geez. His lighting sucked... Still... It's not the first time I've had a bolt of lightning dropped on me so silver lining I guess?"

"How is that a silver lining? And what do you mean that isn't the first time!" Oliver asked in a concerned voice moving away from the strange boy.

"Oh and I'm Davi. He's Tori. Dynamic duo going through the Kingdom we're kind of a big deal. Why do you have my cat?"

"Real question... How does Cath know you... And why does she seem to like you?"

"Don't know, don't care." Davi frowned. Cath the strange puff ball black cat had its stubby little arms wrapped around Oliver's head clinging to the side of his face and holding onto him tightly. Its tail was wrapped around the boys throat and it seemed to be purring. "I can tell you this. That cat is mine. Or rather its my sisters. Cath and I set out on a quest together. Our boat sunk though and I got separated from her. Ran into that dumbass behind me." He said pointing a thumb at Tori.

"O... Oh well... I'm sorry but I can't let you have Cath." Oliver said shaking his head. "She belonged to my Master."

"...Your master..."

"Thats right." Oliver nodded his head. "My Master gave me to her before she vanished."

"...I see... And your master is..."

"Orion Law."

"...God... Damn it..."

"You say something?"

"Nothing. So you said your name was Oliver?"

"U... Uh yes. Oliver Lot." Oliver nodded.

"I see..."

'Find Oliver!'

Those words had come out of Cath's mouth when they had been on that bridge. Those words sounding much like his Father.

Davi let out a chuckle for a moment. "In that case Oliver. Why don't you hold onto that cat for me."


Tori had finally stood back up. "Hey... His name is Oliver... Davi didn't you say that name once-"

Davi rammed his elbow into Tori's head snapping Tori's neck back as the immortal man collapsed back onto the ground flames exploding from his face.

"Ahh! Why did you do that?" Oliver asked jumping.

"He pissed me off."

"W... What so you just jammed your elbow in his face and flames came out of him???"


Tori set up letting out a sigh as he snapped his head back into place. "We have a very abusive relationship."

Oliver eyed them both up nervousness flooding through him as his mind raced. 'So this boy somehow knows Cath... On top of that they both tanked getting hit with lightning magic which would have rendered a normal human down to ash in seconds... And that other one... I mean that elbow jab would have knocked me out but he seems just fine and flames came out of him even though he didn't say a spell? Does he have a Divine Blessing... And whats with that boys Guitar... I feel so much mana coming from it... Just who are these two?' He thought shaking his head a small amount of fear gripping his heart for a moment. "Well... Still. Thank you?" Oliver looked the strange boy, and girl up and down for a moment. "Are you two new here?"

"Yeah... We are new to this city." Tori said slowly standing up thanks to the help of Davi. "We're just stopping by, we actually have business a few towns over but... Well we sort of got kicked off the train and are stuck here till the new train shows up..."

"Okay..." Oliver said slowly backing away from the two strangers. "Well... Thanks again for saving me but this is starting to get a little weird so if you don't mind I think I'm just gonna... Leave okay? me and Cath have a big adventure to go on."

"Adventure?" Davi and Tori both asked.

"Oh... Yeah haha... It's a long... Long story." Oliver seemed to shrink down for a moment as thoughts went through his mind. "This girl though..." He held Cath up. "Well she's going to help me reach my goals. No matter what happens... Cath and I will... We will reach that sword..."

"Cool cat," Tori said, poking it slightly. "It's all black and stuff? What does it have magic or something? Can it talk or do anything magical?" He joked. "You told me about it right Davi. Said this thing belonged to Lancelot."

"It barks a lot, and requires a lot of food and attention?" Oliver shrugged. Cath let out a dog like bark and began to lick Tori's cheeks making him let out a laugh and pet the beast. "Right... Well sorry to just end this conversation but..." Oliver turned away from the two weirdos and began to walk away slowly. "I need to go..." He said causally. They were starting to weird him out. Oliver walked a few feet away but stopped when he heard footsteps behind him. His eye twitched and he let out a sigh and slowly turned around seeing them both following after him. "W... Why are you two following me?"

"Oh uhh? We don't have anywhere to go. We just got here." Davi said awkwardly as he tapped his fingers together and looked away. "So uh... You know... Feed us."


"We saved your life by accident. That deserves a reward. I'm not running a charity. I wanna be rewarded!" Tori announced. "We don't do things for free!" He said loudly pointing at Oliver who backed up even more.

"That's right! My Sister and Gramps... They always taught me... Better to have someone owe you one, then for you to owe someone." Davi announced. "Pay up! We accept payment in food by the way so you can buy us lunch in order to pay us back." Oliver shivered slightly when he saw Davi's many rows of shark like teeth that looked like they could bite through anything.

"I... I..." Oliver let out a sigh. He reached into his bag for a moment feeling it was full of coins. "Alright. How about this. You guys did save me earlier so how about I buy us lunch?"

"Yay food!"

"And then after you'll both leave me alone right?" Oliver asked staring at the two weirdos.


"Gods I hope that's a yes..." Oliver sighed as Cath let out a bird like kawing sound. "Thankfully there's a-"

Tori's nose twitched for a moment and he let out a growl his hand going to the zipper on his black suit. "Davi..."

"Is there one here?" Davi asked reaching for his guitar instantly.

"Yeah. It's coming. Any second now."

"Uh... What are you guys talking about?" Oliver asked frowning. "You're acting like something is about to-"

The ground shook and several civilians that had been walking on the side walk stopped. They all turned and many of the magical cars on the road slowly pulled to a stop. Then suddenly the ground exploded as loud screams rang out. Pulling itself out of the ground was a large brown creature. It looked almost like a giant brown worm but had the head of a shark large razor sharp fanged teeth in its maws. It let out a loud roar a bust of lightning exploding out of it.

This was the beast the Black Knight let out.

"T... That's a... A Dirt Shark!. A Viscount level Oddity Beast!" Oliver said in shock stumbling back. "Why is one of those in a city! These are monsters the Arcane Hunters have to handle-"

There was a fast burst of speed for a moment as something seemed to slam into the head of the beast a large dent smashing into the top of its head. The beast began to crash down and Oliver swore he saw a burst of flame for a moment as the monsters head was blasted off. The body of the creature dropped down landing into the ground now unmoving.

"W... What just..." Oliver said slowly his eyes wide.

"Now that that's over with." Davi said rubbing his hands together. "Let's eat?"

Oliver turned to look at Davi, and Tori, his eyes going wide. Davi's leg was covered in purple blood, the same kind that was oozing out of the monsters head, and smoke was coming off of Tori's hands. The two turned away from him and began walking down the street both talking about their next meal.

Oliver stared at them with large wide eyes.

"...Who... Who the hell are these two?"


"You've seen enough." The Bone Knight hummed.

"No. I haven't-"

"You've. Seen. Enough."

The Black Knight was silent for a moment. "Very well." Their eyes glanced down past Oliver and for a moment landed on the black haired boy with shark teeth. "That boy... Isn't he-"

"Indeed he is." The Bone Knight shrugged the question off as a portal opened up for them once more. "Now. Let us be off."

"Ah... So thats why you don't want me to cause them any harm." The Black Knight mused stepping past him. "Yes... I suppose its only Natural for you to want to keep him safe..."