The Restaurant

'The Rising...'

Some Random Alleyway...

"So..." A low voice muttered. A young man rested on a small stone chair, sitting in a very casual manner. He had long flaming orange hair and bright flame orange eyes. "You failed..." He muttered quietly, though his tone didn't sound to disappointed. He seemed mostly bored of the situation.

This man was named Kaen. A very well known person in the criminal community. Which naturally means He wasn't that good if you were so well known.

From the darkness the 'Not Grimval' walked forward. Lightning covered Not Grimval's body as his skin began to change. He got a lot frailer and his armor changed to robes. He now had messy blonde hair and bright electric blue eyes and a small blonde beard. His red armor became a pair of long black robes.

"Yeah... Sorry Master Ken." He said sadly. He bowed his head and gritted his teeth. "That damn asshole... He was some kind of super nerd or something. He was able to see through my Lighting Magic Disguise, Perfect Illusion! With only one glance he somehow saw every tiny flaw and pointed it out. I was 99.99% identical. And those other two idiots saved him... Damn them. I would have won for sure? I have no idea how they are even alive still. They should have been reduced to dust in seconds. If not for those two idiots or that nerd my Grace would have worked for sure..."

A Grace...

A Gift from the five Gods as some people claim. A Grace was something a child was born with. Upon their birth they would be gifted this strange ability. It is something that defies the logic of how magic works allowing the user to form fits of magic that many can only dream of. A Grace can do anything or be anything.

On average only about 10% of all Mana users will have a Grace.

"What a shame." The man who was named Ken said letting out a sigh. "Oh well. It is of no loss to us. No one in this Pathetic town had any good magic anyways. Dragon Dwellers would have no use for these lowly fools. We'll just move on to the next one and try again."

"Well... The thing is Sir... There might be someone in this town..."

"What?" He turned to look back at the man as he slowly shrunk down.

"The reason I lost... The nerd who saw through my disguise and beat me. He had Time Magic..."

"What... What!" His eyes lit up as he slowly processed it. "Time Magic... One of the really rare kinds of magic that have been lost to history... Those users should have been extinct. This changes everything. Grab your stuff Pako!"

"My Lord?" The man asked confused.

"We have a wizard to capture. I'm sure Dragon Dwellers will be very, very happy to buy off a powerful Wizard like that!" Ken announced as flames began to build up around him. "It's time to get to work! This... Should be interesting."

Meanwhile A Random Restaurant...

"W... Wow..." Oliver muttered making a bit of a face. "You two really are hungry aren't you..." He questioned slowly scooting his chair away from the two boys who were eating.

Everyone in the restaurant stared at the table Oliver rested at. More specifically, they stared at the mountain of food that was on the table that currently had two teens ripping into it like a pack of hungry, hungry wolves who haven't eaten in months...

Well actually that was false.

Tori was tearing into it.

Davi was...

Doing something else?

"I have a very large appetite." Tori gasped sending the food down his throat like some kind of freaky snake. "I have to eat a lot to maintain my healing. Otherwise the flames would devour my body and render me down to ash."

"S... Seriously." Oliver asked raising an eyebrow.

"For the most part yeah. Long story short I have a Grace that allows me to heal without casting a spell. Its also some of the greatest healing magic able to bring me back from the dead. But it requires a lot of mana to run. Normally that wouldn't be bad but I'm always on fire thanks to an asshole casting a spell on me..."


"Sucks. Yeah."

Davi wasn't really paying to much attention and was slowly making a sandwich out of various piles of food. He painstakingly took one piece at a time and lined it up perfectly. Which wasn't exactly bad, but he was putting weird things that should never go on the sandwich ranging from normal things like chicken, baloney, pickles, but then he also put weirder stuff on it that should never be mixed like ketchup, mustard, peanut butter, hot sauce, and even ice. The thing looked pretty gross but he seemed satisfied with the meal smiling as he slowly dug in using a knife to slowly cut it into even slices.

It was quite odd due to the fact he had shark like teeth. Oliver figured he'd be the brutal one to devour and maw down food.

Oliver's eye twitched as he watched both of them eat. "One gurgle's food down as fast as he can, and the other one thinks he's a chief eating a 5-star meal, made out of leftovers..." He muttered. "How did I get stuck with these two weirdos..." He pet Cath in order to calm his nerves. He couldn't stop jumping whenever he saw Davi's teeth. It was like looking into the jaws of a starving beast.

"So?" Davi asked a small frown crossing onto his face. He wiped his mouth for a moment. "Time Magic huh."

"O... Oh yeah." Oliver nodded his head for a moment before looking down at the table. He played with his thumbs for a moment twirling them across each other. "Its my Magic Type... I don't know how much you guys really know but all people with Mana can gain a Magic Type. This Type is how we use our magic such as fire magic, water magic, or in my case Time Magic... Some people are born with a Type, like my sister who was born with Gravity Type Magic from day one, me though. I wasn't so lucky. I had to learn mine. The good thing about not having a type from the moment you're born is that you can learn any type you want. The down side is it takes a long time to learn and you'll spend months, or even years on it. Took me eight years to learn Time Magic. Some Wizards can learn more than one type, but thats rare. Usually a person has to be born with a Grace that gives them access to using another type of magic."

"Really." Davi hummed. "So you must be really strong huh? Time Magic sounds useful."

"I... I mean yeah it would be... If I could use it..." Oliver muttered.

"What do you mean?" Tori asked raising an eyebrow.

"Time Magic can do a lot. I can't though. I can't affect living things, only non living matter, and even then not as good as I'd like. I can just age non living matter up to a point where it would break apart to dust. I can't use it to fix or rewind things. My magic also can't affect people. I can speed up my bodies own time though. When I do that though I can't see color and everyone seems to be moving in slow motion. That sounds useful but everything else is moving at normal speed while I'm moving at fast speeds so if I slip up I could run into a wall at super fast speeds and crush myself. Also my stomach hurts each time I use my powers and it makes me sick really easily. Maybe if I was better but as I am..."

Davi nodded his head for a moment as he though the power over. "Thats still pretty cool, wish I had something like that. Yeah I don't have a mana type. Never bothered to learn one."

"Me either." Tori stated finally finishing his food off. "I never had a reason to. But enough about that. What's with that weird cat. Cath?"

"You want to know about my cat?" Oliver asked slowly looked down at the cat in his arms. He gulped a little as he ran his hand over the cats black fur. "Well... She's been with me most of my life." He sighed. "My Master gave her to me."

"Master..." Davi frowned for a moment. "I had Cath for a short amount of time. She was with me on my island. But it didn't last very long. Me and her set out on a boat and it ended up flipping over. The cat was lost to seas and I couldn't find her... This was around a few months ago. Glad to see she's okay."

"Oh... Now that I think about it my Master before he left took Cath with him. He left about a few months ago with Cath. Then randomly last month she appeared in the hotel I was staying in."

Tori slowly wiped his mouth. "So I guess your master took Cath, and gave him to Davi then Davi went and lost them."

"D... Don't say it like that, I did my best..." Davi sulked sinking down slowly in his chair.

"Still." Oliver frowned for a moment as he ran his fingers through Cath's fur. "The chances of this all playing out. I mean I had Cath when I lived in Alnwick, and then you had her when you were living on a random island, and yet somehow we both arrive at not only the same Kingdom, but the same City, on the same day, and arrive at the same block, and just so happen to crash into each other..." For a moment his eyes seemed to fill with excitement. "Maybe this was all fate!"

"I don't believe in fate." Davi said flatly. "This has someone planning it all out, written all over it."

Oliver frowned for a moment. "W... Well... What's your guys goal? Why are you traveling around?"

Davi leaned forward on the table in a casual manner. "Mines a long story. Short and simple answer... I'm looking four these rocks, and my little sister. She's gone missing. My older sister also really likes reading about the world so I've started making maps and drawing of what I see for her."

"And I'm out for revenge and to either put out these damn flames or die whatever comes first, guess we'll see." Tori shrugged.

"O... Oh..."

"I met Tori on a boat and helped him out so he agreed to travel with me while looking for both our goals." Davi nodded. "But enough about that. What about you?"

"What?" Oliver asked.

"You had us telling you about our goals. So what's yours?" Davi asked giving a shark tooth smile.

"O... Oh that." Oliver said slowly. He looked down at the cat in his arms for a moment. "W... Well. You two said you aren't from around here right... Well here in Avalon there are ten... Ten Guilds... The population of Avalon is about 70% normal people and about 30% people like me. People with Arcane Energy. There's plenty of magical items here in Avalon but only a few of us can actually channel magic through our body. For many magic is just a simple tool that makes life a little bit easier. But for people like Nobles, or the lucky commoners born with enough magic there's more... The ten Guilds. Joining a Guild makes you an Arcane Hunter, a warrior for the Kingdom. They go on Quests, fight monsters, save the day, and explore the many, many dungeons! They make lots of Gold but it's hard to get in... They don't just let anyone in... Every year in Oleander they host a day where people can come out and take the Arcane Hunter entrance exam. Those who pass will get in! B... But it's hard... Each Guild is only allowed to select four Recruits and there's ten in total. Usually they get a few hundred people who will try out but only 40 will get in..."

"Neat," Davi said resting his head on the table.

"You could have a better reaction than neat!"

"Out of curiosity... Which Guild do you want to join?" Tori asked equally as bored as Davi.

"W... Well there's a lot of Guilds." Oliver said tapping his fingers together for a moment. "A... And I'd love to get onto any guild really so I'm not to picky but... Shining Sentinels, Umbra Mortis, Mourning Stars... Those are the three top Guilds all tied and are leading the Kingdom since Avalon's King is in a comma so I'd really love to be in one of them... T... That one guy was dressed up as Grimval, the leader of Shining Sentinels, the real Grimval is so cool and I really hope I get on his Squad but getting on any of those three is hard."

"So... Those are like the best of the best huh?" Davi asked leaning back in his chair casually.

"Yeah. For the most part."

"Any Guild you don't want to be in?" Tori asked cocking his head to the side.

Oliver went silent for a moment as a heavy frown appeared on his face. "As a matter of fact there is."

"Whoa. Way to get all serious." Davi said surprised. "You sound really mad."

"There's a Guild... They're the bad apples of the Guilds. No one knows why the King let them stick around. Those guys are all bad. That Guild is filled with scum and is ranked the lowest. Rumor is the Master of that Guild is a demon. People with dark magic are in it... Even criminals. It's also the only Guild that lets non humans in."

"I see." Davi nodded. "Whats it called."

"I hate the name too... It's called Phoenix Flight."

"So I take it, you want to be an Arcane Hunter?" Tori asked.

"Y... Yeah. I want to be the next person to draw the sword of selections."

"Sword of selections?"

"Seriously?" Davi asked frowning. "You haven't heard of that sword Tori? My sister would never shut up about it. Excalibur. The Holy sword that Arthur used to battle Lancelot with four hundred years ago."

Oliver smirked nodding his head. "In Camelot there is a powerful Godlike blade known as Excalibur. The strongest magical weapon in all of existence. Those who draw the blade are allowed to join the title of Pendragon. Only Arcane Hunters can even attempt to draw it. It's always been my dream to join a Guild and draw that blade to show the world that Guild is strong! But I'm just so weak..."

"I'm sure you're not as weak as you think?" Davi hummed. "You might not ever reach the point of drawing a blade as strong as Excalibur but..." Davi gave a small smirk showing his shark fangs as he reached up for his Guitar. "As long as you keep marching forward you can say you at least tried."

"Maybe..." Oliver let out a sigh slumping down. "Who knows though. I might not ever be good at magic... Whatever the case." Oliver stood up placing several golden coins down on the table. "I'll be heading out now."

"Sounds good to us!" Davi and Tori, walked with Oliver towards the exit of the building. They waved him off as they all went towards different ways. Davi, and Tori watched Oliver walk down the path for a few seconds.

"Hey, Davi..." Tori said slowly... "Why didn't you tell him that we ae also gonna try and-"

"I didn't feel like it," Davi said turning away. "I didn't think I should have bugged him with it."