Coming To The Rescue

'The Rising...'

Sometime In The Past...

The Kingdom Of Camelot

A six year old Davi Hawker could be seen holding what looked like an old and rusty short sword...

In front of him what looked like a large monster could be seen. It looked almost like a lion but had large bat wings, and a spiked tail. It let out a growl and jumped at the boy who's eyes went wide. But just before the beast could reach him a force seemed to slam down into it ripping the creature apart.

Davi stepped back his eyes wide when he saw her...

A girl his age, but wearing what looked like leather armor and holding a silver sword. She had pretty blonde hair tied back into a pony tail and blood red eyes. "Oh..." Her voice was soft as she spoke. "So... You're the one I'm going to kill?"


Fast Forward...

"Oh Davi you're- Oh my God you're bleeding!" Gloria said in a horrified voice when she saw the blood that was dripping down Davi as he entered their house. Their little sister Iris, who had been at the table eating something stared up with wide eyes when she saw Davi.

"It's not me." Davi said shaking his head. He stormed past Gloria, and she noticed that in his arms he was holding the body of what looked like an old man. Cath followed behind barking and making several sounds. "Is Gramps still at his dinner?"

"Davi what's going on?" Gloria asked.

"Honestly I'm not to sure myself." Davi said wincing a little. He rested Mer down on the couch. "I brought Mer here. I need Iris to use her magic to heal." He turned to his little sister who stepped back. "Iris... Listen... Do you think you can heal Mer?" He asked.

"M... Mer..." Gloria said with wide eyes backing up. "T... That old man is Mer? Mer Wyllt?"

Davi stopped suddenly as he slowly turned to look at his sister. "You know who this old guy is?"



"Davi as soon as this man is healed we need to ask him to leave-"

"Gloria do you know about the stones and Heir? Was that why you were against Cath-"

"Davi please! Just as soon as we can we need to let him leave. If he stays he'll put ideas in your head, just like he did to dad. He'll make you want to leave and you'll never come back-"

"You knew all of this!"

"Just listen to me Davi!" Gloria was silent for a moment as she looked down. "We can't let him stay... I... I won't let him talk to you... Please... How much about the stones do you know?" Davi reached into his pocket pulling out the stone he had making Gloria's face pale as she stepped back and stared at him. "Y... You're a Finder aren't you..." She stepped back staring at him in utter horror.


"Get rid of it! Throw it away! Get rid of that stupid stone! It won't bring anything good! It's cursed! All of them are cursed!"


"Get rid of it! Before it takes you, like it took mom and dad!"


Deep into the forest Eind was just now starting to wake up after the blow to his head he had suffered from Davi. He felt a pair of hands on him and when he opened his eyes he saw a few people all dressed in white robes, with green symbols on them. These were Magical Medics, and judging from the green glow coming off of their hands they were currently healing him.

"Oh hello friend! Sit tight! We're with Full-Steel a healing Guild, and we're here to help you! No need to freak out-"

"Get off me!" Eind yelled freaking out when he saw them. He jumped to his feet a wave of powerful wind exploding out of him and sending all the members away from him. He growled glaring at them all. "You guys aren't even front line fighters. Get lost!" He yelled slashing his hands out. "Leave!"

Several of them all ran away from the screaming man who had a gun on his arm.

Once they were gone Eind let out a heavy sigh letting out a small growl. "That wasn't very nice you know..." A calm voice said making Eind jump when he heard it. "You could have easily just let them heal you, but no you had to throw a hissy fit because of how you react around Guilds..."

"C... Captain Kuro Dawn?" Eind turned around finding a bored looking man had his back pressed to a tree and had been watching him with a blank look. Captain Kuro was a young man, younger than Eind, but despite that he still gave off a powerful aura... Like he was someone who not only demanded respect, but just expected it. He had slick red hair, and he was dressed in a very fancy black suit, with a white undershirt, and a black tie. He had flaming red eyes and stared at Eind letting out a sigh.

Kuro slowly walked towards Eind his frown growing. "So you weren't able to cut it... I knew I should have just sent Snipes. Still I didn't expect Full-Steel to be strong enough to beat you down. After all they're just a healing guild... Not any of the fancy ones..."

"I... It wasn't Full-Steel that did this to me." Eind hissed rubbing his head. "Truth is I didn't even find the Heir..."

"Oh? Than who could you have possibly gotten into a fight with that would put you in such a rough shape..."

"It was..." Eind stopped as his mind went to Davi for a moment. He gritted his teeth. "It was Mer. Turns out like us he felt the power of the Heir beginning to awaken. He beat us to the island. But don't worry boss. He suffered some serious damage. Even more than me. I blasted a hole straight through his chest. Only the best healing magic, would even have a shot at saving him. And there's more... He had two Devil Stones with him as well as Lancelot's old pet!"

"Two?" Kuro hummed as he nodded his head. "I see. That old fool is here? We came to look for the location of Orion, the believed to be third Finder... I assume Mer came here for that same reason. If Mer is here than we must take him out but our main target has not changed..."

The original Devil Blade, was a powerful sword forged by King Lancelot to combat Excalibur, the Holy Sword Wielded by King Arthur, however in their final battle King Arthur shattered the sword into ten pieces. Each of these pieces took on the forms of ten purple rocks, dubbed the Devil Stones, which all turn into magical swords known as Demon Blades. Demon Blades are hard on a users body requiring a powerful body, and soul to wield. Those who can use Demon Blades are dubbed as 'Finders' and are typically tasked with collecting all ten swords, and reforming the Devil Sword. There can only ever be Three Finders, as four hundred years ago, Lancelot sent three people out to find the materiel's for his sword. Over the years there have been many Finders. Whenever one dies the world will quickly replace it with someone else it deems worthy as inheriting the stones making them a new Finder and tasking them with finding all ten blades and crafting the one sword...

"Alright then..." Kuro sighed shaking his head. He brought his hand up as it glowed and a ball of black flame appeared in his hand. "It can't be helped..." The flames swarmed Eind and seemed to sink into his flesh making him gasp out and nearly fall over. "I've injected you with 35% of my total power, one of my Dark Eaters flame based powers. That should be more than enough to easily triple your power past its point at the start. Use that power to finish off Mer, and find the Heir. In the mean time I'm going to be looking around. I'll be waiting for you at the docks... By now the Guilds have all left, save for that silly Full-Steel but it shouldn't be an issue..."

"R... Right..." Eind said grinning widely as he stared down at his hands. "This power is amazing... I can crush that brat for sure!"


"Err... Um... Yeah that's what I call Mer..."

"Whatever I don't care." Kuro turned away and began to walk off but stopped. "Oh... And Eind... It should go without saying but you better not fail me. I don't give third chances..."

"Y... Yes sir."


"And than she just began yelling at me and hitting me!" Davi sighed placing his head face down. He was currently in his grandfather's Dinner while Jin began to fix up the broken down wall. "The moment I told big sis about the stones she just started screaming at me to get rid of the rock."

"Did you?" Jin asked hammering a wooden board in place.

"Course I did. I placed it in Mer's jacket next to the other stones." Davi said shrugging. "Sis seemed unnerved by them... She knows something... She knew who Mer was before hand but isn't telling me anything... Typical... She hates talking about dads past... Mer came here several years ago to find an Apprentice right? I bet she met him than... Come to think of it... Dad left-"

"So Dragon Dwellers huh!" Jin said finishing the touches on the new wall and stopping Davi from continuing that plot relevant thought. He stood up wiping his forehead and giving a small smirk.

"You know them?" Davi asked.

"Well our Island is a little ways off from any of the four Kingdoms so it doesn't shock me you don't know... Especially since they'd be wanting to keep something like this under wraps... Wouldn't want any of you on here to worry..."

"Worry about what?" Davi asked frowning.

Jin was silent for a moment. "Well... To put it bluntly there's a chance the world might be doomed."

"What?" Davi set up his eyes wide.

Jin seemed to think it over. "I promised your father I wouldn't tell you but... Well you've already met the bastards I guess... Twenty Three Years ago... A group rose up... Dragon Dwellers... They started in Alnwick the Nation ruled by the Du Luc family... They're a terrorist organization with... Strange abilities. We call them Dark Eaters... I'm unsure how but their leader... A man named Sapporo is able to create power dark orbs which can be placed into people... These orbs allow them to break the rules of magic..."

"That sounds bad..." Davi said biting his lip. "I can see why they're so hard to beat... But why not just have the good guys use them?"

"For one we don't know how they're made... And two all of them break when taken out of the user, or taken off of the user..."

"Huh..." Davi's frown grew. "I guess they're like the Enforcer Stones then... Small rocks only certain people can use... Are... Are the Demon Blades Dark Eaters... Or related to them?"

"Still..." Jin hummed rubbing his chin. "I mean... That story about Devil's, and Demons, and swords, and all that sounds kind of neat. Any kid would jump at the chance to go on an Adventure like that. I mean most kids want to set out and join the Arcane Hunters, and this is literally the best reason to do so. I mean being a Hunter lets you go on Quests, get money, save the world... Become a hero."

"Yeah but I don't care about any of that." Davi sighed. "I mean... I'd much rather stay here with all of you... Plus Going out in the world would mean running into her..."

'So... You're the one I'm going to kill?'

"Don't get me wrong... I like fighting, and quests are cool and all, and I have a desire to get stronger to protect my sisters, and friends, but I can't go and leave this island. And even if I did, no way in hell, I'd go and join a group like the Arcane Hunters, bunch of jerks..." Davi stood up throwing his hands behind his head. "Anyways Gramps. I'm heading out-"

"Davi wait."


Jin stopped for a moment as if he wanted to say anything, perhaps ready to tell Davi about the rest of the world... Perhaps Jin would have told Davi some of this, or maybe even something about his father.

Instead Jin just smiled and shook his head. "Ahh never mind... I'll tell you another time... You should head home. I'll be heading out once I'm done here okay."

"Need any help?"

"Thank you but I'm good. Go on and head home Davi."

Davi slowly walked out of Jin's store. "If you're sure... Don't be long gramps-"

"Where's my paymeant!" A voice announced as an arm slammed Davi into the ground. Davi looked up just in time to see the hair covered foot of Bronze.

"Bronze what the hell!"

"You! I offered to keep your sister safe as long as you paid me in cake-"

"I already bought your cake! Also why the hell are you here still!"

Bronze stared at Davi for a second cocking his head to the side. "Ahh! I know you! I met you at the pond!"

"Oh my Gods..."

Bronze hummed as he looked around. "It's quiet around here. When I arrived on this island five minuets ago there were a lot more people-"

"You showed up here hours ago!"

"Do you smell smoke?" Bronze asked suddenly blinking a few times and catching Davi off guard by the sudden question.

"Smoke?" Davi asked.

Bronze pointed off to a hill where Davi's house rested. Davi turned and his eyes went wide when he saw the flames that were pouring out of the house. "Yeah it's from over- Where are you going?" Bronze asked when Davi suddenly took off full sprint. He was fast, moving faster than even a fully grown cheetah. "Hey you! I need to protect your sister for cake-"

Davi ignored the werehuman running even faster than he had before. 'Shit! Why is it on fire... Did Iris's curse take affect again? Or maybe Gloria's? I thought they got those both under control?' He thought as he ran up the hill.

Up ahead he saw them. Gloria, who stood in front of a terrified looking Iris, as well as old man Mer, and that Einds guy from earlier. Mer held two swords now, the curved great sword, and the claymore Davi had given him. Despite the two weapons though he didn't look to be in good shape barely able to stand. It didn't help that Eind looked like he got an upgrade black flames pouring out of his hands and feet wrapping around his body in spirals as he laughed like some kind of mad man. He didn't even need his gun anymore.

"D... Damn it..." Mer hissed. "This sword is quite the trouble maker..." He glared at the claymore as the arm holding it shook. "I can barley get the blade to listen to me, much less use its magic... How was Davi able to even wield such a powerful Demon Sword, for his first time... That kid is... His soul is amazing... He's far stronger than I had been at his age..."

Eind gave a large smirk as he brought his hand up pointing his palm at Mer. "Ya know Mer. I'm not a monster... Move aside and let me have the girl and you can go."

"I'll never move." Mer announced. "I'm a hero. Someone who will fight to protect the weak no matter what. You'll have to kill me first."

"I was secretly hoping you'd say that-"

"Hey!" Eind stopped suddenly as he slowly turned to look to where Davi was.

"Oh you..."

"Get the hell away from my friends and family you asshole!" Davi yelled.

Eind sneered as he stared at Davi. "You want a round two? No matter. Without your Demon Sword, your useless, though it wouldn't even matter. I'm so much stronger than I had been when we were in the woods!" He laughed raising his hands up and forming a massive black flaming tornado as he began to laugh. Davi, Mer, Gloria, and Iris, all stared at it in shock. "I'm so strong now none of you fools even stand a chance at-"

"I was told to protect the little one!"

"What the hell-"

Bronze slammed through the black flaming tornado from above smashing his fist into the head of Eind's so hard the entire sound barrier exploded and Eind's head snapped back as half of his body was implanted into the ground. The man was knocked out in one strike... As soon as Bronze landed he pointed at Davi. "You owe me cake!"

"What the actual hell are you!"

"That is one tough dog..." Mer said humming.

"I'm not a dog! I'm a werehuman-"

"Are we just ignoring everything that happened?" Davi asked as Iris and Gloria ran over to him. "Are we sure that guy is even alive?"

Mer walked towards Davi as both his swords reverted into stones and he held them both out to Davi. "Davi Hawker... I don't think I can go on this Quest any further... I've long since reached my limit... But you... You still have so far to go... I beg of you... Please for the sake of the world itself. Take over for me as a Finder. Find the ten Enforcer Stones and stop Dragons Dwellers! The Military, and even the Guilds, have gotten involved, but they will only fail. Only a Finder with all ten stones will have the power to vanquish the man who is behind Dragon Dwellers... Things will only get worse in the world until he is beaten. Cath picked you. You drew and used a Sword I can barley use, thanks to your will. You're the next Finder. One of the three... Old age has caught up to me, and the second has greed in their heart."

"What's a Finder?" Bronze asked.

Davi stared at the old man for a moment before looking at Gloria and Iris. "I... I can't. Sorry old man. You'll have to find someone else-"

"But Davi it must be you! You have to be the one! The fate of the world itself is at stake! Destiny picked you. I don't know why but it did!"

"Sorry but... I can't leave the Island..."

"Why not."

"Because Gloria will die if she leaves."