
'The Rising...'

"I'll be with you in a second..." Jin yelled from out back. 'I wonder who could that be... It's late and I was about to close shop...' He began to walk around the corner moving to his post. "Can I help you with anything-"

Standing in the center of the room looking around with a small smile on his face was Kuro Dawn.

Kuro looked up meeting Jin's gaze head on as he gave a small smile. "You know... Back in the day you were one of the Knights of the Round Table... A Powerful Arcane Hunter who retired at the age of seventy. What did they call you... The Red Beast? Because when they sent you to a battlefield you'd come back covered in the gore of the enemy army that foolish tried to attack Camelot right... You were a true warrior who eventually quit and moved to a little island out in the middle of nowhere, and had a son named Orion... And well Orion... He's something else entirely isn't he..."

Jin stared at the man for a second as his hand slowly reached for something that rested under the table. "Can I help you with anything?" He said slowly grabbing the handle of a sword.

Kuro gave a small grin and leaned forward small puffs of black flame coming off of his body. "I wonder who's stronger... You who was a knight so great he slayed Dragons... Or me... A man who devoured a Dragon."

"I assume you do not speak of the winged creatures..."

"Of course not. Those have long since died out. Their bodies broken down and only their souls cling to the world. I refer to the things that damn man created. Those metal skeletons. It was only a matter of time before our lords could learn how to harness it." He chuckled. He held up both hands showing seven fingers two on the left and five on the right. "Seven. Thats how many Marked there are right now. My Master being one of them."


"Davi you must reconsider!" Mer begged.

"I can't..."

"Davi the fate of the world itself is at stake! The leader of Dragons Dweller's is a powerful man fueled by the energy of the Dark Eaters. Only the dark magic, of the Devil Blade, all ten Demon Swords put back together, even has a hope of stopping him! The Guilds, and the Military of Avalon, aren't weak, but that power is... And Dragon Dwellers aren't even the worst... I've seen it Davi. There are six more Dark Guilds other than Dragon Dwellers. Each more powerful that the last... Please Davi! Every day they get stronger. If you don't find the ten stones and stop him you won't have a world where you can protect your sisters-"

"I can't leave this island. Gloria can't leave."

"What do you mean by she can't leave?" Bronze, the dog man asked cocking his dog head to the side.

Gloria let out a small sigh as she stepped forward. She slowly took off her jacket and turned her back to both of the men. She raised her shirt up and both men stared in shock when they saw several large black lines, forming words, and symbols all across her back. They seemed to be moving flashing from one set to the next over and over again...

"My father Orion... My father had a curse placed on him. One that passed to Iris, and Me... Iris's doesn't affect her in the same way mine does. Should I ever step foot off of this island I die. I'm stuck. I was born from the Witch Lilith. My father says a Knight of Bones saved me as a baby before I could die, but the malice that killed my mother didn't leave branding me with the curse I hold now. The humans who created it were said to study those marked by Demons to create it."

"So that's why..." Mer muttered. "That's why he..." Mer shook his head for a second his eyes lighting up. "Davi my boy listen! Whoever can collect all ten stones, and use the Heir to create the Devil Blade gets a wish remember-"

"I refuse to let Davi leave this island and make the same mistake our idiot father made!" Gloria yelled. "I'm tired of people I care about getting hurt to try and help me... I've accepted I'm struck, so don't you dare try and put ideas in Davi's head."

"Wait..." Davi frowned for a second as he folded his arms. "So if I collect all ten stones I can have my wish granted? Anything I want?"

"Davi don't-" Gloria began but was stopped when Mer nodded his head.

"That's right Davi. You care about your older and younger sister right? If you can find all ten stones a wish will be granted upon the completion of the Devil Sword. On top of that Cath has chosen you. They'll help you seek out the stones. It's all up to you. You must find all ten stones, stop Dragons Dweller from brining back the Black Beast."

Davi stared at Mer for a moment. "The Apprentice that betrayed you... It was my father wasn't it. My dad is the second Finder."


"Wait what?" Davi asked nearly falling back. "Seriously? I thought that made perfect sense! My father left several years ago, right before Iris was born, you said you came back here several years ago, and your Apprentice betrayed you? Jakey, or Cath, or whatever the hell her name is, knows my father and knew about the sword? You're saying my dad isn't the Third Finder?"

"No he's not." Mer shook his head. "Your father has a strong will, but he's no Finder. The other Finder is a woman. And she was about fifteen when she was my apprentice. She'd be in her twenties now. Though I, as well as Dragon Dwellers, both thought Orion was the Third Finder. We both came here since he used to live here. We were hoping to find a clue as to where he went so we could find him."

"Damn I really thought I was onto something..."

"Your father was trying to find the Enforcer Stones. Your father while unable to wield the stones still wished to help collect them and find a way to stop Dragons Dwellers. I don't know what happened to him though and haven't heard from him in years."

"Dad seeked the stones... So... I find them and get a wish. I could wish for my sister to be able to leave this island?"

"Davi no." Gloria stood in front of her brother shaking her head. "I refuse to let you go off this island. Father hasn't found the ten stones... What makes you think you can? Plus you don't even know if what this man is saying is true. You could die..."

Davi stared at the ground for a second before he nodded his head. "I'm sorry Mer... But Gloria doesn't want me to leave. I... I can't go."

Mer stared at Davi for a second before letting out a sigh. He placed the two stones he had been holding into his pocket. "You've disappointed me Davi."

"Master Mer!" Bronze said giving a small bow and letting out a few barks. "If what you said was true than please allow me to carry out this task-"

"Sorry but no." Mer shook his head placing his hand on his side as he winced. "Only a handful of people have souls strong enough to actually wield Enforcer Stones. That's why only we Finders can look for the stones. Thankfully this rule applies to Dragon Dwellers as well. What started out as nothing more than a simple gang, has nearly caused the entire world to fall apart... To think this damn gang has only been around for twenty three years..."

Bronze hummed as he nodded his head. "In that case allow me to join you on your journey. I beg of you. I can help-"

"No thanks..." Mer limped forward clutching at his bleeding side as he limped away. "I've had friends before but none of them lasted very long. If I can't pass down this quest to someone else, than I must accept it and do it myself."

"Go to him." Cath looked up at Davi when he spoke. His foot came out as he nudged the cat. "He needs you more than me."

They all watched the old man limp away in silence as Cath slowly followed. "Is he gonna be okay?" Iris began a large frown coming onto her face as she watched him leave.

"You!" Bronze pointed down at Iris making the small girl jump. "I must protect you at all costs!"

"Never change Bronze... Never change..." Davi sighed. He turned to look back at their house which was completely destroyed. "Sorry I wasn't here earlier when the attack first happened..."

"It isn't your fault..." Gloria sighed. She stared at her older brother for a moment before reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Thanks for staying... I don't care about myself or my curse, but the thought of you doing what dad did... I can't stand it..."

"If you want me to stay I'll stay." Davi announced. "And now that I know Dragon Dwellers exist I'll just have to work, and train a trillion times harder, so if they ever come back to this Island I can beat them, even if they have a Devil Stone with them! Gramps and I will train harder, and harder until I become more than enough. I'll be even better than gramps when he was in his prime! But until then... I think I should fix up the house."

The group turned to look at the wrecked house.

"I'll help to." Bronze announced. "In return for cake! Of course you also have to pay me back for earlier to." He reached out picking up Eind by the foot. "What should I do with him?"

"You could give him back to me?" A sly voice announced echoing out from all around them.

"I smell someone!" Bronze hissed looking around. "But I don't see-" An arrow stabbed into the mans shoulder making him growl in pain and drop Eind.

"They're on our house!" Iris said pointing forward towards the house which was mostly run down.

"I... I don't see anyone?' Davi asked staring at the roof of the house. Seconds later an arrow suddenly appeared out of thin air firing towards them. "Invisibility magic?" Davi asked catching the arrow out of thin air. "Wait but if that's their magic how did Iris-"

A hand slammed into the back of Davi's head sending him crashing into Gloria. They both looked up seeing a new person was standing where Davi had been. It looked like a young man. He had long red hair, and was dressed in the same kind of black suit, Kuro and Eind were wearing. In his hands he held a long silver bow, and for some reason both his eyes were closed. A large scar covered both his eyes... Was he blind?

Before any of them could react the man grabbed the boot of Eind picking him up. He let go of his bow which vanished into thin air as he reached out with his other arm looping it around the waist of Iris and picking her up.

"Normally I'm not one for kidnapping little girls. Truth is I just came to get our teammate but I won't let this chance pass us up."

"Get your hands off my sister!" Davi yelled jumping towards the man and throwing out a punch so hard he broke the sound barrier. Flames exploded off of his hand as he slammed it forward. "Fire Blitz Punch!" He screamed his horn glowing. His fist stopped short though as the man held the body of Iris up like some kind of human shield making Davi stop.

"So just as I thought. You won't harm your little sister." He turned his body and slammed his leg into Davi's side kicking Davi and sending the boy slamming through his house. "I've sacrificed my sight itself to get to where I am today. You'll never lay a hand on me..." Bronze jumped at the man but his image flickered for a second as he vanished from sight.

"No!" Davi screamed jumping out of his house. "Iris!"

"Don't worry!" Bronze said. "I got her scent. I know where they are. We can go get her. I know- Oh no..."

"What is it?"

"I... I smell ash..."

"Davi..." Davi followed where Gloria was pointing and his eyes went wide when he saw the many burning houses down the cliff side. Wasteland village was on fire.

"Gloria stay here!" Davi yelled. "I'll get Iris, and Jin, and bring them back here."

"But Davi-"

"Please just stay put!" Davi yelled.

"I'm coming to." Bronze barked. He dropped down to all fours. "It'll be faster this way. Hop on."

"R... Right..." Davi hopped onto the back of the beast grabbing the fur in both his hands. "We'll be back! I promise."


"I... I'll never tell you what I know..." Jin said spitting out.

Kuro reached up wiping the spit off of his face. His hand was currently around the older mans face, and he was keeping him pinned to the wall. "I just want to know where Orion is... He was last seen on this island... We knew sooner or later he'd crack..."

"E... Even if I knew where Orion was I'd never tell you. And you can bet damn sure I'll never let you get to my grandkids... I've watched them grow up, since he came to this island... All three of them."

"So he has three brats huh?" Kuro placed his open palm up to Jin's chest. "Thank you." A ball of black flame exploded out of his chest blasting a large hole through Jin who's eyes went wide. "I have no further questions of you. You're free to go."

He dropped the old man to the ground and turned around walking out of the shop. He stopped suddenly a sly smile crossing onto his face. "So you're here Snipes?"

"Yes sir..." Suddenly the blind man from earlier appeared holding a knocked out Eind, and a terrified looking Iris. I'm sorry for disobeying you but I didn't feel as if Eind could handle this... Clearly I was right... I also found what we were looking for."

"Did you now?" Kuro leaned forward looking at Iris who let out a whimper. He gave a soft smile and reached up petting her head softly. "No need to be afraid little one. We aren't going to harm you."

"Y... You aren't?" Iris asked in a whimper.

"Of course not." Kuro gave a small smile as he patted her head. "You're our leader after all. Devil Heir."


"They all seem to be down by the beach!" Bronze barked. "It'll take a while to get there!"

"It wouldn't have taken so long if you'd have stopped forgetting where we were going! Seriously the body of a dog, and the memory of a gold fish-"

"I'm not a dog I'm an Arcane Hunter!" Bronze barked out.

"You aren't helping your case-" Davis stopped suddenly as he frowned. Bronze saw it to apparently slowing down and coming to a sliding halt.

They stood on a large hill that if followed would lead to the main road. From where they were they could see the entire beach down bellow as well as what looked like thousands of Dragon Dwellers soldiers, a massive metal boat armed with canons, and a few Full-Steel guild members who were getting their asses kicked from the many, many soldiers. The drop down to the beach was massive and would kill any person that attempted it, meaning they'd have to take the road the rest of the way.


That's not what made them both stopped.

They already figured they'd have to face off against several Dragons Dweller members. No what made them both stop was the figure standing at the ledge over looking the beach. They were dressed in a pair of large dark grey robes, and had a hood on. Their back was to Davi, and Bronze stopping them from seeing the person. They wore a brown satchel which had what looked like several scrolls sticking out of it. In their hands they were holding a pair of large metal binoculars and stared down at the beach.

"Can I help you?" The person asked not turning around. They had a young feminine voice.

"Uh what are you doing? Are you with Dragon Dwellers?" Davi asked narrowing his eyes.




"Yes for really, or yes you-"

"I'm not in Dragons Dweller."

"Oh..." Davi and Bronze both frowned as they stared at her. "What are you doing then?" Davi asked.

"Watching my brother..."

"Your brother?"


Davi's eye twitched as he stared at the woman. She seemed like the type who didn't like to talk alot. "So... Who's your brother?"

"Kuro Dawn... I suspect you'll be fighting him."

"Your brother is in Dragon Dwellers!"

"Yes." The woman didn't say anything else making Davi frown.

"So are you here to stop us-"

"No. Go ahead and stop my brother if you can."

"Y... You want us to stop your brother."


"W... Why?"

"It shouldn't be hard for you to get to Kuro... You see only the Captains, Vice Captains, and Reserve Members have Dark Eaters... The ranking is Captain, Vice Captain, Reserve, Vice Reserve, and then the rest are simple grunts... That Eind guy you fought was a mere Vice Reserve a weak member that even a simple Arcane Hunter could beat... Reserve onwards are where it gets hard as those guys have Dark Eaters... Captain Kuro Dawn, Vice Captain Snipes Guny, and Reserve Member Caesar Full, are all here and all your enemy. The rest of them are normal humans. They don't even have magic and just wield guns and swords... However Dragon Dwellers are made up of so many normal humans it doesn't matter... An Arcane Hunter might be super humanly fast and strong, but throw a million normal humans at them, and they'll slip up and get shot or stabbed..."

"Okay but I meant why do you want me to stop your brother not how easy it would be..."

She was silent for a moment as if thinking, or if not caring to answer to fast. "I do not agree with him being in this group. I however will not stop him. I can't stop him actually. So instead I watch over him from afar. If you wish to stop him than be my guest. I have no reason to associate myself with either you or him though. I am just a watcher... Even if he doesn't want me to be with him, I will remain from afar and watch over him."

Davi frowned as he turned away. He got back onto the back of Bronze who began to slowly walk. "You must really care about your brother huh?"


Davi's frown grew but slowly he gave a large smile showing his rows of fanged and jagged teeth. "Alright then... I'll stop him!"

"Those teeth..."

"What about them?" Davi asked poking them and lightly pricking his finger.

"So... That woman is your mom huh..."


"A member of the Hawker family is quite rare now adays indeed." The woman bemused to herself. "Okay then... Go stop my brother child of the Beast Queen..."