Kuro Dawn

'The Rising...'

"So not even the great Mer can stop my power." Kuro said staring down at Mer. They currently stood on the beach of Wasteland island. A large boat was on the docks behind them with several men all dressed in Dragon Dwellers robes and armor. Snipes also could be seen at the top of the boat holding Iris.

All around them on the beach several Guild members from the healing guild Full-Steel could be seen all knocked out...

Mer was the last knight clutching onto his two swords as if his very life depended on it.

It kind of did...

"Not even you can defeat father time it seems." Kuro said letting out a sigh. "It's a shame... Really it is... When you were younger you were said to be so strong. You even had six out of the ten stones till your student betrayed you."

"I do regret letting her betray me..." Mer said bowing his head. "But I accept that she was a powerful Finder who did whatever she could to defend her friends and family. She will never be caught by you guys nor will she ever give up the ten stones."

"It matters not to us on rather we have the stones." Kuro sighed shrugging. "We have some of what we've came for. We don't know where Orion is, but we found something even better... I can see why Orion never came back here. He didn't want us to discover her."


Kuro gave a small smirk. "Whoever has the Heir on their side is in control of the fate of all ten stones! That's why I could care less how many you have. In the end we win no matter-" Blood poured out of Kuro's cheek as the rock that was thrown at him at super speeds slashed it open.

Silence fell upon the beach as everyone turned seeing two people walking towards the boat. The first was a large and scary looking dog man. The second was somehow even more terrifying a wave of aura washing over him and a fire in his black eyes.

Kuro reached up grabbing his bloody cheek. "Did you hit me?"

"Yeah... What about it." Davi asked.

Silence seemed to pass between them all...

"Save!" Bronze jumped into the air landing on the boat and began to battle several of the members on the boat. Dragons Dwellers were a massive terrorist group, but while their numbers maybe massive, several thousand of their rank were just normal humans at the end of the day. Only the higher ups had magic weapons, or Dark Eaters.

Davi and Kuro ignored the dog fight as Davi walked forward. "I need to borrow these Old man." Davi said reaching out and grabbing both swords.

"Davi no! Using two stones at once takes-"

Davi ripped them both out of the ground slashing the curved sword out and sending out a wave of explosions that Kuro dodged, jumping over it. Davi then stabbed out with the claymore causing it to grow longer but black flames blasted out of Kuro's hands causing him to avoid the strike as he landed back on the ground. The two clashed as Davi slammed out with his weapons and sending out powerful attacks.

"Hmm. Two swords huh." Kuro smirked. "One sword sends out blasts of magic in rippling effects, the other one is able to grow in length. Quiet the combo."

Mer stared at Davi with wide eyes. "Already able to use several of the stones at once... And he already knows how to use the blasting blade? It's like he's one with the items... They bond with him teaching him how to wield them... Or is it something else... The only person to ever move and fight like this was... Orion..."

"Those flames?" Davi frowned. "You're casting spells without a wand, or incantation?"

"Oh that?" Kuro gave a casual shrug. "It's the power of a Dark Eater. The bond inside of us allowing us to use its magic through our body. I have no need for saying spells, or a staff. Our Lord made them... They bond to us for our use only. He based them off of the ten devil stones, those damn swords you're using. My stones power allows me to control black flames, and since its a Dark Eater it could break one of your stones... Then again your Sword being a Devil Stone could break mine. If you can hit it." He placed his hand over his heart his grin growing. "I removed my heart you know. I feel nothing but the burning desire to destroy. So if you want to break my stone and free me from this curse you'll have to stab out my heart." He laughed.



"Sorry... I just cut myself on all that edge."

"You think you're funny?" Kuro asked frowning.

"No... I think I'm hilarious."

"Well you're not."

"Screw you."

"Well Screw you too."

"Screw you times one hundred."

"Screw you times two hundred."

Mer set on the sidelines a blank look on his face as he stared at Davi, and Kuro, as they kept this going for a while both upping the numbers up. "W... What the hell are they doing."

"Screw you one million." Davi announced.

Kuro's frown grew. Then. Slowly he gave a smile. "Screw you times infinity."

"That's f##king cheating! Infinity isn't a number."

"I'm evil get off my back."

"Yeah well."


"You're also dead double sword frontal assault attack!" Davi charged Kuro unleashing a barrage of strikes at lightning speed with both swords gritting his teeth. Kuro moved so fast he was some kind of blur dodging all the strikes as he gave a smirk to Davi. He reached up slamming his hand as hard as he could into Davi's gut throwing the boy back. Davi broke his fall twisting it into a roll as he got back to his feet and slammed his claymore down making it fire out and get longer.

Kuro dodged the strike and slammed his arm out smashing a large black fire ball into Davi making him scream out in pain as the flames washed over him. More and more fire covered Davi's body as he dropped down into a roll but it didn't seem to be working. Kuro laughed in amusement watching Davi slowly burn. "A great tactic. By acting so pathetic I almost don't want to keep fighting you. Almost."

"Oh piss off!" Davi screamed trying to put out the damned flames of Kuro's cursed Dark Eater. It didn't seem to be working.

"You know if dropping and rolling doesn't work there's always the other option." Kuro said his smirk growing.


"Dying." Kuro blasted Davi with another ball of flames throwing him further back. "You're really lucky. My flames can get a lot hotter you know... One spell forces a target to burn till they're rendered less than ash. Those flames can't be put out, but thankfully for you I'm not using those flames. After all it'd end the fight to early."

"Water!" Cath barked.

Davi listened to the Oddity Beast diving head first into the ocean and thankfully this seemed to put out the strange black flames. "W... What the hell kind of magic is that..." Davi hissed slowly pulling himself out. He only went as far as his feet could touch, since he still couldn't swim. Davi crawled out of the water most of his shirt burnt and several large red marks across his flesh. 'Man... This guy is so strong... Is this the real power of Dragon Dwellers... Can I... Can I beat this guy-"


Davi's ears twitched and he turned seeing his sister Gloria running towards him holding something that was wrapped in a brown cloth in her arms.

"Did she call you Davi?" Kuro asked frowning. "Wait... Davi... You're the son of..."

"Sneak attack!"

"What!" Kuro felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind as Jin, still having a massive hole in his chest wrapped his arms around Kuro as tight as he could. Davi and Gloria stared at their grampa in shock as he began to squeeze down and Kuro gasped out his ribs likely cracking. "Davi! Gloria! Run!"

"But gramps he's got Iris!" Davi yelled.

"What-" Blood splattered out of Jin's mouth suddenly as a black flame blade formed on Kuro's elbows.

"Get your filthy hands off of me old fool." Kuro hissed bringing his arm up and splitting Jin's side open. He turned his body grabbing Jin by the arm and twisting him around throwing him to the floor.

"Grampa!" Davi screamed rushing forward.

"Oh don't worry." Kuro turned as a massive ball of black flame formed. "You're about to see him again." The ball fired forward at a high speed and slammed towards Davi's who's eyes went wide.

"N... No!" Jin yelled jumping forward and wrapping his arms around Davi right as the blast hit them both. The hellish flames washed over Jin's back as him and Davi hit the ground. Jin gritted his teeth holding himself up above Davi with his arms and legs as the flames began to spread.

"G... Gramps..."

"D... Davi..." Jin felt more blood roll down the side of his face as the black flames covered him up more and more. His metal helmet slowly fell off his head as he looked his grandson in the eyes. "My son... Your father... Orion... He didn't leave all of you by choice... Davi... He... He had to leave because he... He knew that Dragon Dwellers would come after him. So he had to run away. Because... He knew they'd take Iris if they saw her... He left to keep you all safe... And... And to find the Third Finder so he could get his wish granted and break the curse on Gloria. Your father loves all of you. Even you Davi.

If my son really did give you that sword and sent that beast to you... Something must have happened... Orion needs you Davi..."

"Gramps?" Davi whispered.

Jin managed to give a small smile for a second. 'Orion...' He thought for a second. 'Your son's really grown up.' His eyes rolled back as he fell forward onto the sand not moving. If not for the shallow breathing Davi would have thought him dead...


With his wounds... It didn't look good.

Davi laid back in the sand a stunned look on his face as he stared up at the big blue sky.

"H... Ha. Hahaha!" Kuro nearly tripped as he grabbed at his side and began to laugh. "The old fool really went and burned himself up did he? Hahaha... So you're Davi Hawker huh? Son of Orion? I didn't see this coming. Haha! Your dad talked about you a few times when we were torturing him. Talked about your mother. That damn woman... I figured you weren't real though. Then Orion went and escaped on us before we could get 'it' out of him. Now though... I mean come on. One of his Daughters is cursed, his second Daughter is the 'thing' we've been looking for, and you his adoptive son is the child of that vile woman. This is just rich. What even is this family, hahaha!"

"Y... You..." Davi slowly stumbled to his feet not holding the swords and instead gripping the metal helmet that was his grandfathers. A silverish aura began to slowly form around Davi's body getting thicker and thicker and for a second it almost looked like a skeleton, made out of that white energy. It crackled around him wildly as he glared at Kuro, the black in his eyes being replaced by a silver light for a second before fading away. "You!"

"Me." Kuro grinned snapping his hand out as a black flame whip appeared in it. "What about it?"

Gloria wiped the tears out of her eyes for a second. "D...Davi.... Catch!" Gloria threw the object at Davi who caught it.

He reached out and unfolded the cloth finding an old rusty and run down ruby red guitar... "Dads guitar?"

"Wait! The Seven Forges was on this island as well as the Heir?" Kuro said with wide eyes. "So that was your game Orion... It might have worked if you hadn't gotten careless..."

"Davi! The stones." Mer yelled when he saw the Guitar. "Place them in there! That thing is one of the Forges, weapons designed to combat the Black Beast four hundred years ago! The elves made them out of one of the five dragons! I don't know why you guys have it, but it'll come in handy! Just like you, the Forge powers the stones up! The more stones it has the stronger it'll be! That Forge was made for the stones! Use it!"

"Don't do that brat!" Kuro hissed firing towards Davi. "I can't let you go and power up! Not with that thing!"

Davi grabbed both swords which reverted to purple orbs and placed them both in two of the holes, the first, and second orb, going in the first and second slot. As Kuro reached him, the guitar suddenly lit up and a massive burst of sound seemed to explode out of it despite not having any strings as a red light covered it. When it ended Davi now held the Guitar which was fully fixed and shinning. "Uh what now?"

"Focus on it!" Mer yelled. "It can take the form of any of the stones it has!"

"R... Right." Davi closed his eyes as the weapon lit up and began to morph turning into his claymore. "Whoa..."

Kuro scowled but his face soon turned to a grin. "I see. So you really are Orion's son aren't you." He turned his body kicking out but it was easily blocked by Davi's blade.

"Why does everyone know my dad but me..."

Kuro jumped away landing on the ground a few feet away. His grin growing larger. "I'll let you in on a little secret kid." He raised his hand up and on the boat, Snipes grabbed what looked like a black straight sword throwing it towards the man. In the center of the sword a red gem could be seen. A Dark Eater. "We Captains have two Dark Eaters, that our lord Sapporo passed down to us. Normally a person can only use one, and even than it'll kill them unless they have a strong will. But Captains... We're different. I've placed this one in my sword... I've named it Jigoku Seibā."

"I don't care what kind of sword you have." Davi yelled.

"Oh you should..." Dark flames poured out of his blade as he drew it. "You really should..."

Davi, and Kuro, both charged each other, both slashing out with their blades. Somehow Davi seemed to have gotten stronger, now that he was wielding the forge. Every stone placed in it would up his power as long as he wielded it. This allowed him to keep up with Kuro as they engaged in a dance of blades.


Davi didn't know how to use a sword. It didn't matter if he wielded the superior weapon.

Blood splattered out as Kuro rammed the blade into Davi's gut making him gasp out. "You're done." He announced ripping it out and raising his hand up. "Hell Blaze."

A massive beam of black flames exploded out of his hand in a massive beam. It kicked up a massive cloud of dust making the man smirk. However his smirk faded when the dust settled and he found Davi still standing holding his great sword up as if it was some kind of shield having used it to block the strike.

"Davi you need to quit now!" Mer yelled.

"What why?" Davi asked. He stumbled slightly not really in a good shape.

"You've taken on to much damage." Kuro smirked slashing out faster than Davi could move and ripped the teens entire shoulder open with a slice of his blade. "You've slowed down."

"What-" Davi felt his body begin to grow weak as he wobbled. His vison got blurry, and his shoulder suddenly felt like it was on fire. At the same time the blood in his veins felt ice cold and he broke out into a heavy sweat. He couldn't stop shaking but still gripped the handle of claymore as he wobbled towards Kuro. He brought his weapon up and slashed out weakly at the man but it was easily deflected as Kuro slammed his hand across Davi's face. His leg came out and he smashed it into Davi's gut causing Davi to spit up a glob of blood.

"You know... Normally this would be the part where I'd kill you." Kuro said looking down on Davi. "But... Well it isn't to often I meet a Finder. And to make it even better you're the child of Orion as well. A Finder who has the forge, and can use two Devil Stones even at such a young age. Even the old man over there, took years before he could even use two and yet here you are. Honestly it'd be a shame to kill you so soon. Besides... Your sister is watching... It's bad enough we killed her precious grandfather, but I feel like it would be impossible to get her to join if I killed you in front of her... And... I mean... I'm certain you'll join our side."

"I'll never join your side." Davi hissed. "And neither will Iris!"

Kuro gave a small smile before reaching out and placing his hand on Davi's head. He spun his blade around sheathing it, than he slammed his fist into Davi's gut knocking him down.

"Davi!" Gloria screamed running over.

"My boy are you okay?" Mer hissed limping over as well Cath right behind him.

Kuro turned away and began to walk towards the boat. He waved his hand firing out a black fire ball which slammed into Bronze who was still beating up the members trying to get to Snipes throwing the dog man off and into the waters below. "Alright let's leave-"

"Where do you think you're going."

Kuro stopped and let out a sigh. He slowly turned around seeing Davi had somehow gotten back to his feet struggling to hold his sword up. Davi placed the helmet that had belong to his grandfather onto his head his black eyes glowing a faint silver as that strange aura came back. "Snipes... Take him down. Don't kill him though. I'm certain he can join our cause later..."

"Yes sir." Snipes reached up pinching Iris on the back of her neck causing her eyes to roll into the back of her head. He reached up pulling out his bow which seemed to appear in his hands as he pulled on the string, and arrow suddenly appearing. The arrow fired and slammed forward breaking into four more arrows which stabbed into Davi's legs, and arms making him scream out. The force was so strong Davi was lifted off of the ground and slammed into the sand a few feet away. "He won't be moving around for at least a week."

"Good work..." Kuro said as the boat began to slowly set sail.

Davi set up spitting up some blood as he stared at the boat. "N... No... Iris..." His vision began to fade as he fell forward hitting the sand once more.