Setting Out

'The Rising...'

Sometime In The Past...

A six year old Davi Hawker could be seen holding what looked like an old and rusty short sword...

In front of him what looked like a large monster could be seen. It looked almost like a lion but had large bat wings, and a spiked tail. It let out a growl and jumped at the boy who's eyes went wide. But just before the beast could reach him a force seemed to slam down into it ripping the creature apart.

Davi stepped back his eyes wide when he saw her...

A girl his age, but wearing what looked like leather armor and holding a silver sword. She had pretty blonde hair tied back into a pony tail and blood red eyes. "Oh..." Her voice was soft as she spoke. "So... You're the one I'm going to kill?"

"W... What?" Davi asked.

The girl cocked her head to the side placing a hand on his head and making him flinch back. "You're so small-"

"I'm not small!" Davi said waving his arms out. "And who the hell are you anyways!"

The strange blonde haired girl cocked her head to the side. "Ava."

"O... Oh... Well I'm D-"

"Davi Hawker. Yes I know all about you. You live with your mother, here in the Kingdom of Camelot... It is because of your mother that I am here. You are one of her spawns aren't you. A mindless beast that seeks utter destruction."

"I... I'm not mindless. And... And I'm not just my mothers child. I'm also the adopted son of Orion Law. I'm my fathers son." Davi announced. "I'm not a monster. I'm a person-" Blood flowed down his cheek suddenly as Ava sliced out with her sword faster than Davi could react his eyes going wide as her sword nicked his cheek.

"I don't care." Ava drew her sword suddenly pointing it at Davi. "I'm here to end you. Or you'll end me. That's why we were made. So fight me..."


Fast Forward...

Davi set up suddenly breathing heavily. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dark of the room as he looked around. He was in a massive white room filled with beds. It was dark, and each bed had a person who appeared to be sleeping. In a chair next to him her head in his lap was his sister Gloria. Davi also noticed Mer, and Bronze who were both injured. His grandfather to was in the room, but he was covered in wires, and tubes, keeping him on life support...

Next to Gloria was a set of fresh clothes as well as the helmet that had belonged to Jin Law, and his ruby red guitar which was now fixed and shining somehow as if by Magic?

"W... What happened-" Davi let out a small groan grabbing his head as everything came back to him. "I... Iris... Gramps..." He whispered bowing his head. "That bastard took Iris..." Davi slowly stood up careful not to wake his sister up. He found he was in a pair of simple grey hospital pants, and a hospital gown. His body still hurt a little but most of his burns were gone as well as the stab wounds. He was lucky to heal so fast. Davi ran his hand through his sisters hair as his mind slowly drifted back to his grandfather... "Gramps..."

Davi quickly got changed into his new clothing and slipped the helmet that was once Jin's... He didn't wear it though. Instead he had it clasped around his waist hanging off of his belt. He buckled the guitar to his back and leaned down kissing his sister on the forehead.

"I have to go away for a little while Gloria... I'm so sorry... I'm going to find Iris, break your curse, and find a way to fix Gramps back up to... And... And... More importantly I'm going to find dad and drag his ass back to us. We'll be one big family again... Unlike dad, I swear on my life... I will come back... No matter what..."

Gloria turned not waking up as her chest continued to rise and fall.

Davi then walked over to his grandfather who was also unconscious many tubes and wires sticking out of him as potions were being pumped into him just to keep him alive. "Gramps.... I don't fully get why you hid everything from me but... I don't blame you... P... Please know that I don't blame you." Davi was silent for a moment as he placed a hand on his grampas arm. "I'll... I'll find a way to heal you. And... And when I come back I'm gonna beat you and show you just how much stronger I got gramps! And... I'll even beat dad to. And I'll save Gloria. And I'll find Iris. And... And I'll bring dad back. And... And I'll... I'll... I'll do something. I... I won't just waste my life away on this island. I promise. I'll do something. Something you'll be so proud of your jaw will hit the floor. S... So you can't die okay. No matter. You have to live. So... Please just... Live..."


Davi nearly jumped when he heard the voice. He turned seeing Mer was standing up. The man was not in a good shape considering the amount of fights he had gotten into at this point.

"Davi are you..."

"Yeah..." Davi nodded his head. "I'm going to find the ten Enforcer stones, or Devil stones, or whatever the hell they're called Mer... I'll save my little sister and more importantly kick Dragon Dwellers ass. I'll use my wish to break Gloria's curse so she can explore the world and also find a way to save Gramps. So just sit back old man... I'm gonna follow your quest for you."

Mer bowed his head for a moment and when he looked up small tears began to fall out of his eyes. "Oh Davi... Don't you dare make the same mistake I did... I abandoned all my friends, leaving the Guild when I became an Arcane Hunter. I thought having them with me would only get them hurt... I closed my heart off and refused to let anyone travel with me... Maybe I would have been strong enough to have all ten stones if I wasn't so stubborn. Whatever you do Davi... Just make sure you're not alone."

"That's all the advice you can give me?" Davi asked flatly making Mer nearly fall back.

"Show some respects to your elders kid!" Mer sighed and let out a small chuckle as he walked over to his bed. "Fine you want some advice... Learn how to use those swords... You're strong Davi. A young body honed to your level... However even with all that power you aren't anywhere near your true potential. You simply swing that sword around using the power of your body, and the magic of the blade... You must learn to wield the sword and cut with it. You must become a Swordsman. Just like me."

"Learn how to use a sword huh..." Davi reached up rubbing the guitar. "Honestly I never gave it that much thought... The only person who fought with a sword was Ava... And she's weird..." Davi turned to his door walking forward but was stopped when he felt something fall over his head. He grabbed it looking down to see it was Mer's red leather jacket.

Mer unfolded his sunglasses slipping them on as he gave a small smile to Davi. "It's cold outside. You'll catch a cold like that."

Davi gave the faintest of smiles slipping the jacket on. "Hey... Keep her safe will you..." Davie asked slowly pulling the door open. "At least until I'm back."

"I swear on it..."

Davi left the hospital as he zipped the jacket on. He stepped out into the city taking in the burned and run down village. So many burnt homes, and lives that were ruined... And all for a bunch of stinking rocks, and his sister.

"I swear Grampa... I'll get Iris back no matter what-"

"What are you doing?"

Davi let out a terrified yell jumping up when he heard the voice. He looked up just in time to see the figure who was on the roof of the hospital. They stepped off falling to the ground below landing in front of Davi. It was that weird woman who had been watching the beach earlier. She was still dressed in her full outfit though now he could actually see her face through her hood. Like Kuro she had red hair and bright red eyes.

"Hey... You're that girl!"


"Your brother stole my sister!"

"Sorry." Davi glared at the woman reaching up and grabbing his guitar. The young woman cocked her head at him for a moment than reached out placing a hand on his chest. "Vow Flame Heal." A flame exploded out of her hand but didn't burn Davi. Rather it washed over him and healed all his wounds.

"W... Whoa."

"You're welcome." The woman said stepping past Davi.

"But why?"

"I... Guess I feel bad. My brother did steal your sister, and almost kill someone you care about, after all... Kuro's mind is in such a dark place right now."

"Can you heal my gramps?" Davi asked.

"No. I'm not that good at healing magic. Only rare magical items can save him now... He's on life support..."

Davi frowned for a moment as he folded his arms. "I don't really get how this magic stuff works honestly. My grandfather only taught me how to enhance my body with mana."

"Hmm. In lame man terms there are two forms all Mages Have. The first is what you've been doing. Enhancing our bodies natural speed, strength, and defense with Mana. The second though. Thats spell casting. It has rules though. A person must say the spells level, the spells type, and their Intent. All Mages have a magical nature they can use. I'm a fire type for example. So I said my spells level, that being Vow. Then my magic type. That being fire magic. Followed by my intent which was to heal you. As such the spell was Vow Flame Heal. All spells must be verbally said outloud. The exception to this being Graces, Dark Eaters, or Magical Items such as your Demon Blades or that Guitar that can turn into Demon Blades. There are five levels of spells and many, many magic types from fire, water, wind, time, space, demon, dragon, fairy, steel, sword... Pretty much any... The five levels of a spell in order are Row, Vil, Ril, Vow, and Full... The higher the level of a spell the more mana it cost but the stronger it is. Most people can't even cast a Vow level spell and I only know of three beings who can cast a Full Level spell."

"I see..." Davi nodded his head for a moment. "Sounds easy I guess..." He shook his head for a moment. "Wait. If you really are the older sister of Kuro then tell me. Why did he take Iris!"

"Quiet honestly... I don't know... But I'd imagine it had to do with Orion."

"D... Dad?"

"If I were to put it in a way you could understand it would be... That your dad never came back to this island to keep Iris safe..." She announced shocking Davi who's eyes went wide. "Orion set out to help find the pieces of the Ten devil Stones, or as Mer calls them the Enforcer Stones. However he was likely unable to find any of them. It was likely that he figured something out. Something with that girl of his... Iris you called her? Dragon Dwellers are constantly watching him so he knew it would be bad to show up ever as it would mean they'd come to the island. Than again he slipped up..."

"W... What do you mean he slipped up?"

"His precious son was turning Sixteen. He couldn't help himself and came back to the island only to watch from a distance. He quickly left of course but that was all the time it took for Dragon Dwellers to get suspicious and look into this place... How do you think that sword got into the stone? Your father planted it there... And how do you think Eaters just happened to show up? He had a good feeling you'd survive the fall..."

"T... That doesn't make any... Sense..." Davi fell to his knees his eyes wide. He felt himself breathing heavily as he processed everything thought of his father soaring through his mind as he grabbed his chest.

The woman let out a hum. "It's not reincarnation."

"W... What?" Davi asked looking up.

"It's not reincarnation." The woman said again letting out a sigh as she folded her arms. "That old fool Mer. He told you a bit about the Enforcer Stones right. How only a Finder can wield them and there were three Finders way back four hundred years ago. For the longest time I thought it was Reincarnation. I thought the Finders were reborn into new forms when they died. But they don't. That isn't how the stones work. And your Father discovered it."

"H... He did?"

"Thats right. Sorry to say kid but you honestly aren't that special. Your dad is the reason you can use that sword. You weren't born a Finder. You see. Orion discovered each sword in connected to each other. Think of the Stones more like living creatures rather than rocks. Each stone is physically linked to one another. They're the ones who pick Finders. But it isn't a Destiny thing like Mer suggested nor is it a random thing. There can only be three Finders. That much is true. The stones are all connected and will imprint on up to three people allowing those three to use them in battle as the sword forms. They actually imprint with the first person the stone comes in contact with when it is in its sword form should the slot of a Finder be open. What this means is that should anyone have drawn that sword before you they would have become the Third Finder as the slot was still open. It also means that should you die while one of your stones is in sword form and someone happens to pick it up the blade will bond with them making them the new Third Finder. Once one stone bonds all stones bond due to that link."

"S... So my dad put the sword there for me... In other words you're saying it wasn't through talent or skill but my dad that I'm a Finder now..."

"Thats right. And thats why I'm telling you here and now." The woman said turning away. "Give up."

"W... What?"

"You're to weak to do anything." She mused. "My little brother isn't even that strong of a Captain. Trust me. You might be the strongest here on this island but in the real world there are people stronger than Kuro, who are younger than even your little sister."


"Yes. And now that you know it isn't actually your destiny you can give up and rest easy. There is no need for you to try and save the world."

Davi stopped for a moment before letting out a sigh and then a smile. "You know. I'm actually kind of happy."


Davi walked past her throwing his arms behind his head. "Saving the world I mean... That goal was so high. I was truthfully scared I'd fail. But if what you said is true then there isn't a need to worry about it."

"I see. So you'll stay here on the island where it's safe-"

"Not a chance." Davi announced stopping the woman. He gave a light smirk for a moment as he stopped. "Sorry but. I might not be the guy who's going to save the world but... I'm still Davi Hawker. Son of Orion Law, Grandson of Jin Law, brother to Gloria and Iris Law. I told Gloria. No. I promised Gloria. I'm going to get Iris back. No matter what."

"Y... You wish to save your sibling."

"Of course I do. For the same reason you want to save your own little brother right."

"Hmm..." She stared at his back. Then... "Avalon. I don't know the exact base of Dragon Dwellers but they are in Avalon. As are a few of the stones... That thing on your back. That Guitar. I have no idea where Orion got it but it is known as the Forge. Use it well. The Forge is able to absorb the Stone and convert into any of the swords forms. On top of that the Forge grows in power along with the user and the Stones inserted into it. In short when using Long Calibur while its in the Forge, it will be a lot stronger since Blast Calibur is in the Guitar as well. The stronger your body gets, and the more stones you place into the Guitar, the stronger the Forge gets, which in turn makes the swords it becomes a lot stronger as well."

"Seriously? Thats kind of neat. So just keep on training and collecting more rocks and I'll catch up to him huh." Davi nodded his head and gave a smirk as he began to walk. "Thanks lady. I owe you one."

The woman watched him go for a moment before giving a soft smile. "I just hope you don't join them, once you see their true goal... Oh life how can you be so cruel..."

Davi finally stopped running and stopped when he reached the beach. A small frown crossed onto his face. At the edge of the waters carrying what looked like a small wooden boat with her teeth was Jakey, or Cath... Whatever she was called. She let out a string of barks and meows when she saw Davi.

"You're already trying to leave huh..." Davi asked. "You want to find the other eight stones..." Davi reached out petting the head of the beast before giving a large smile showing off his fanged teeth. "Well alright than... Let's go."

Cath let out several barks of her own. "Go!" She announced.

"I guess... It's time I set out." Davi looked back at his home town a strange feeling crossing over him. "Grampa Jin... Sister Gloria, sister Iris... And... Orion No... Dad... I'll come back. No matter what. I promise you all I will return. And when I do... Let's all of us go explore the world together!"